Sagittarius Monthly Horoscope – August 2018
{Monthly Horoscopes 2018}
A horoscope guide to the month ahead for Sagittarius and Sagittarius Ascendant.
August 2018 Horoscope: Predictions for Sagittarius
We’ve divided our monthly horoscopes into 3 groups (or decanates) per sign for more accuracy. Remember that if you know your Ascendant, read forecasts for both your Sun sign and your Ascendant sign. If you know your birth time, but don’t know your Ascendant, be sure to see How to Obtain Your Astrology Chart here or use Cafe Astrology’s Ascendant Calculator.
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Overview for this Month: Sagittarius (All)
August 2018 Sagittarius Monthly Horoscope Summary: Getting your daily affairs in order may figure strongly in the first few days of the month, dear Sagittarius, but your larger focus is on the "big picture" for much of August. In fact, you have a strong desire for experiences that transcend the ordinary, and a case of wanderlust can take hold! Chances to satisfy this itch, whether they're physical or mental, are good, but there can be some related delays to work around with Mercury retrograde until the 19th and Mars to the 27th. Changes, backtracking, and obstacles tend to redirect you on a more appropriate path, however -- it's mostly a matter of staying flexible.
The Solar eclipse on the 11th fills you with take-charge energy. It can motivate you to share a project with others, embark on a course of study, or take part in a horizon-expanding adventure. Fortunately, this energy sticks around for months ahead, so if you can't manage it just yet, you have plenty of time to set things up. In truth, brand new beginnings are not advisable in August in a general sense. Fortunately, a Jupiter-Neptune aspect coming together now helps you slow your roll and enjoy the process as you do!
The month can bring a fair amount of indecision and a state of limbo at times. From the 19th forward, plans seem clearer, you are living with a stronger sense of direction, and enthusiasm is on an upward swing. However, while you may have an idea of what you should do now, it may not be until after the 27th that you know where you truly want to go! Venus helps boost and preserve your professional reputation until the 6th and then enhances your social life from the 6th forward. This Venus transit brings more comfortable energy for socializing and connecting, and it follows you into next month (until September 9th). Sharing some of your talents or expertise with others can yield excellent results. Your tastes are for the new, different, and progressive. Friendships and social life are more appealing, pleasant, and beneficial during this period. You are drawn to like-minded people, and you better understand the benefits of relaxing and taking some time off from responsibilities. There can be a nice boost in business income for some of you, as well.
Even with Mercury retrograde, self-expression comes quite easily with friends now. You might meet someone special through friends, learning, or networking, and a past friend or associate may be part of the picture around the 7-8. You can have new insights into recent decisions that serve to change your perspective in significant ways, particularly related to learning and exploratory pursuits.
From the 12th, Mars spends its last two weeks of retrograde motion in your sector of money and resources, and there can be a need to focus on sorting out your finances. Money and security matters require some revising and reorganizing. This period (from the 12-27) involves coming to a greater understanding of how the way you manage your resources impacts your confidence. Be on the lookout for old projects that may have relevance to you now. You are more inclined to see opportunities you've overlooked in the past. Not following plans can result in pleasurable detours.
Mercury turns direct on the 19th, and you may get a few answers you were waiting for. This happens around the time of a Jupiter-Neptune influence that encourages a go-with-the-flow attitude, however! This aspect has been with you since December in varying degrees and is strong now in its final perfection. Through it, you may find greater joy in being of service to others, and your perceptions heighten. You are building your confidence in yourself as you help and support others. It can be a period for developing your psychic abilities and understanding your family connections more intuitively. You may be able to gain property or support from family, or you could secure a loan or mortgage that helps you to improve your home life. This sets the perfect mood for the Full Moon on the 26th, which prompts you to get in touch with your true feelings about a matter. It's a time for paying special attention to family or home life, as well as your needs for comfort, rest, and familiarity.
The Sun moves to the top of your solar chart on the 23rd, and two days later finds excellent planetary support in that position. This puts you in an excellent place to make improvements and updates to your life rather than sweeping changes, mainly with finances, business, work, health, and studies. Alternative approaches to work or wellness come through for you now. Your income can improve or stabilize while you are allowed more freedoms in your job or daily life, for example. Increased faithfulness and self-discipline are with you as you develop your routines and habits, contributing to better health and satisfaction from your work.
Mars turns direct on the 27th and can point to a turnaround in financial and business-related areas. Later, this can help you resolve problems related to studies or paperwork. Your desires become plainer and clearer to you going forward. While you likely benefited from some slowing down, this is good news for forward-looking, direct, and spontaneous living.
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Sagittarius (Born November 23 to December 2) AND Sagittarius Ascendant 0 to 10 degrees Sagittarius:August 2018 Sagittarius Horoscope: Love, Career, & General Trends
Overview. Until August 22nd: The Sun continues to shine its light on your solar ninth house now. This is a cycle in which you seek to expand your experiences and awareness, whether through philosophical thinking, higher education, travel, or simply activities that take you away from your everyday routines. You may feel a little restless if you don't find ways to explore. It's an excellent period for looking at your life from a different perspective--a broader one--whether you initiate this process or you make contact with others who stimulate you to think about your circumstances differently. Your energy is strong, open, and friendly right now, you come across well to others, and you are a little bolder and adventurous than usual. From August 23rd forward: The Sun illuminates your career and reputation sector. More than any other time of the year, your focus is drawn to your "place" or standing in the outer world, and your reputation. This is the time when you are more interested in, and focused on, accomplishing something important. Your competency is something that you are especially sensitive to during this cycle. You want to shine! Your vision is practical right now, and you want to see tangible results for your efforts. More contact with authority figures is likely during this period. Recognition is likely to come your way whether you ask for it or not, and the responsibility that comes right along with it! Do what you feel is right, keeping in mind that you are at your most visible during this period in the year. Eclipse A Solar Eclipse Occurs on August 11th: Because new information that could change our perspective can reveal itself after an eclipse, it's better to avoid major decision-making the week before and after this event. It's a time to observe and wait and see. The Solar Eclipse marks a new beginning for you. Letting go of the past is necessary to move forward. This eclipse occurs in your solar ninth house, suggesting that a new approach to how you expand your horizons, be they physical or mental (or both). New or updated travel plans, education goals, or adventures may be forming in the coming months, and a sense of renewal and reinvigoration regarding your ability to expand your personal world is a strong potential. This is a phase when you can be especially busy initiating new projects or activities that expand your mind, feed your spirit for adventure, and stretch your imagination. You may feel renewed by a new perspective on your life, something philosophical or spiritual that you read or learn, or an experience that takes you away from the mundane routines in your life. Venus this Month: Love, Romance, Social Life, Comfort Until the 6th: Venus continues to transit your solar tenth house. Relationships with authority figures, superiors, and with the public are in focus during this cycle. It's a strong period for diplomatic relations, although a negative expression of this position could be bending over backwards to please rather than positive, friendly relations. It's a time when being a team player reaps the most rewards, and you may be mixing business with pleasure now. This may be a time when you are especially enjoying your career or position and making the most of it. From August 6th forward: Venus graces your solar eleventh house now. Forming harmonious, warm social friendships, possibly related to group activities within a club, can figure now. You may meet someone through such group activities; consequently, your interests will be shared. Whether or not you do, the bottom line is that sharing interests with someone is what makes you happy during this cycle. Venus here enlivens your friendships and group associations with charm and grace. You are more peace-loving than usual and slightly detached on a personal level. If a romance were to begin during this time frame, it would be characterized by a strong feeling of camaraderie, but it could also be rather impersonal and perhaps lacking in depth and intimacy. Mercury this Month: Communications, Learning, Connections, Transportation All month: Mercury continues to transit your solar ninth house. During this cycle, you are especially fond of exchanging ideas with others, particularly your personal philosophies. You are inclined to take a broader look at things now, rather than concentrate on the details. You are communicating with more persuasiveness, enthusiasm, and optimism at this time. Mercury is retrograde from July 25/26 to August 19th: All Mercury retrograde cycles particularly affect you in terms of communications with bosses or in your career in general, as well as communications with a close partner, because Mercury rules these areas of your life. An argument over joint finances can also get you into hot water. Hold back. Because Virgo and Gemini are on the angles of your chart, you may be especially sensitive to all of the common Mercury Retrograde issues. Occurring in your solar ninth house this time, extra care should be exercised regarding travel or education plans. Delays or complications are very possible in these areas. Go over applications carefully before submitting them and make sure you understand instructions clearly. Expressing your opinions now might come across in entirely the wrong way. It would be wise to be especially clear when it comes to communicating with professors and lawyers as well; or take this time to re-examine issues rather than communicating about them prematurely. Mars this Month: Energy, Drive, Courage Mars is retrograde from June 26-August 27 All Mars retrograde cycles affect you in the areas of creativity, children, recreation, entertainment, hobbies, and romance because Mars rules these areas of your solar chart. This can play out in a variety of ways, such as problems with a lover or child's enthusiasm, for example, or a creative project encountering some setbacks, or possibly an event or circumstance that prevents you from enjoying hobbies or leisurely activities for the time being. This may be a period of review of a love affair. From June 26-August 12: Occurring in your solar third house during this date range, mental projects, courses, or studies could be less exciting or invigorating for the time being. Perhaps a project you've been working on and enthused about encounters some snags and you put it to the side or even feel the urge to abandon it altogether. Some of you could be quite preoccupied with problems in these areas. Challenges with self-expression, pushing/selling your ideas, or with neighbors and siblings may occur now. Social interactions can be a little strained now, as you may feel the need to hold back or there is a lack of usual spontaneity in your communications. There can be frustration with daily routines. It's time to rethink, revise, and reorganize your plans. Backtracking is a good idea. In fact, this is a strong time for making important edits of work already in progress. From August 12-27: Occurring in your second house during this date range, money-making endeavors are in focus. Perhaps a money-making idea you have been working on and were enthused about encounters some snags and you feel the urge to abandon it altogether. Caution and perhaps anxiety may be the overriding emotions just for now. Money and security matters are extremely important to you during this cycle, but they are not as straightforward as they have been. It's time to rethink, revise, and reorganize your money and your plans. This period involves coming to a greater understanding of how the way you manage your resources impacts your confidence and your life in a general sense. Mars is direct from the 27th: Mars energizes your solar second house. You have more energy at your disposal to make money, but also to defend your values. This can be a very resourceful time, when you make the most of what you have. You have much energy for new money-making projects, or for stepping up existing ones. You may be over-identifying with what you have and own, and you could be trying to prove yourself (your worth) to others using money and possessions as the means to do so. If conflicts occur during this transit, they are likely to be over issues of ownership. This is a time when impulse buying is at a peak. You probably should avoid using credit right now, simply because your spending habits may be excessive and impulsive. Overview Horoscope:
The Solar eclipse on the 11th fills you with take-charge energy. It can motivate you to share a project with others, embark on a course of study, or take part in a horizon-expanding adventure. Fortunately, this energy sticks around for months ahead, so if you can't manage it just yet, you have plenty of time to set things up. In truth, brand new beginnings are not advisable in August in a general sense. Fortunately, a Jupiter-Neptune aspect coming together now helps you slow your roll and enjoy the process as you do! The month can bring a fair amount of indecision and a state of limbo at times. From the 19th forward, plans seem clearer, you are living with a stronger sense of direction, and enthusiasm is on an upward swing. However, while you may have an idea of what you should do now, it may not be until after the 27th that you know where you truly want to go! Venus helps boost and preserve your professional reputation until the 6th and then enhances your social life from the 6th forward. This Venus transit brings more comfortable energy for socializing and connecting, and it follows you into next month (until September 9th). Sharing some of your talents or expertise with others can yield excellent results. Your tastes are for the new, different, and progressive. Friendships and social life are more appealing, pleasant, and beneficial during this period. You are drawn to like-minded people, and you better understand the benefits of relaxing and taking some time off from responsibilities. There can be a nice boost in business income for some of you, as well. Even with Mercury retrograde, self-expression comes quite easily with friends now. You might meet someone special through friends, learning, or networking, and a past friend or associate may be part of the picture around the 7-8. You can have new insights into recent decisions that serve to change your perspective in significant ways, particularly related to learning and exploratory pursuits. From the 12th, Mars spends its last two weeks of retrograde motion in your sector of money and resources, and there can be a need to focus on sorting out your finances. Money and security matters require some revising and reorganizing. This period (from the 12-27) involves coming to a greater understanding of how the way you manage your resources impacts your confidence. Be on the lookout for old projects that may have relevance to you now. You are more inclined to see opportunities you've overlooked in the past. Not following plans can result in pleasurable detours. Mercury turns direct on the 19th, and you may get a few answers you were waiting for. This happens around the time of a Jupiter-Neptune influence that encourages a go-with-the-flow attitude, however! This aspect has been with you since December in varying degrees and is strong now in its final perfection. Through it, you may find greater joy in being of service to others, and your perceptions heighten. You are building your confidence in yourself as you help and support others. It can be a period for developing your psychic abilities and understanding your family connections more intuitively. You may be able to gain property or support from family, or you could secure a loan or mortgage that helps you to improve your home life. This sets the perfect mood for the Full Moon on the 26th, which prompts you to get in touch with your true feelings about a matter. It's a time for paying special attention to family or home life, as well as your needs for comfort, rest, and familiarity. The Sun moves to the top of your solar chart on the 23rd, and two days later finds excellent planetary support in that position. This puts you in an excellent place to make improvements and updates to your life rather than sweeping changes, mainly with finances, business, work, health, and studies. Alternative approaches to work or wellness come through for you now. Your income can improve or stabilize while you are allowed more freedoms in your job or daily life, for example. Increased faithfulness and self-discipline are with you as you develop your routines and habits, contributing to better health and satisfaction from your work. Mars turns direct on the 27th and can point to a turnaround in financial and business-related areas. Later, this can help you resolve problems related to studies or paperwork. Your desires become plainer and clearer to you going forward. While you likely benefited from some slowing down, this is good news for forward-looking, direct, and spontaneous living. See our Time Line Forecast report for a personalized forecast for the year ahead. Get your unique Personalized Horoscope for the year ahead—over 100 pages long—for a detailed guide to your best days and your most challenging days for attracting love, career success, communication, and more.
Try Cafe Astrology's in-depth
Love outlook for the year ahead. Try our Love & Romance Forecast report.
Try Cafe Astrology's in-depth See also 2018 Sagittarius Preview Horoscope |
Sagittarius (Born December 3 to 12) and Sagittarius Ascendant from 10 to 20 degrees Sagittarius:August 2018 Sagittarius Horoscope: Love, Career, & General Trends
The Sun this Month: Central Focus, Consciousness All month: This month, with the Sun spotlighting your solar ninth house, your focus turns outward, away from the more personal concerns that have occupied your thoughts in the last months. More than any other time during the year, you are feeling most adventurous and willing to take a leap of faith. This is a cycle in which you seek a higher meaning to your life, and/or seek out new experiences that take you beyond the here and now, and beyond the mundane details of day-to-day life. Anything that broadens your experiences attracts now. A lack of superficiality finds you straight to the point, interested in the truth of things. It would be wise for you to consider scheduling a vacation, adventure of sorts, or a course that expands your mind. These don't have to happen now, but taking the time to recognize your needs for escaping the daily grind, taking a few risks, and feeding your spirit for self-expression through some form of adventure or higher learning, will help you to feel good about yourself. The only caution with this cycle is that you could lose touch with managing everyday affairs and important details. Eclipse A Solar Eclipse Occurs on August 11th: Because new information that could change our perspective can reveal itself after an eclipse, it's better to avoid major decision-making the week before and after this event. It's a time to observe and wait and see. The Solar Eclipse marks a new beginning for you. Letting go of the past is necessary to move forward. This eclipse occurs in your solar ninth house, suggesting that a new approach to how you expand your horizons, be they physical or mental (or both). New or updated travel plans, education goals, or adventures may be forming in the coming months, and a sense of renewal and reinvigoration regarding your ability to expand your personal world is a strong potential. This is a phase when you can be especially busy initiating new projects or activities that expand your mind, feed your spirit for adventure, and stretch your imagination. You may feel renewed by a new perspective on your life, something philosophical or spiritual that you read or learn, or an experience that takes you away from the mundane routines in your life. Venus this Month: Love, Romance, Social Life, Comfort Until the 17th: Venus continues to transit your solar tenth house. Relationships with authority figures, superiors, and with the public are in focus during this cycle. It's a strong period for diplomatic relations, although a negative expression of this position could be bending over backwards to please rather than positive, friendly relations. It's a time when being a team player reaps the most rewards, and you may be mixing business with pleasure now. This may be a time when you are especially enjoying your career or position and making the most of it. From August 17th forward: Venus graces your solar eleventh house now. Forming harmonious, warm social friendships, possibly related to group activities within a club, can figure now. You may meet someone through such group activities; consequently, your interests will be shared. Whether or not you do, the bottom line is that sharing interests with someone is what makes you happy during this cycle. Venus here enlivens your friendships and group associations with charm and grace. You are more peace-loving than usual and slightly detached on a personal level. If a romance were to begin during this time frame, it would be characterized by a strong feeling of camaraderie, but it could also be rather impersonal and perhaps lacking in depth and intimacy. Mercury this Month: Communications, Learning, Connections, Transportation Mercury is retrograde until August 19th: All Mercury retrograde cycles particularly affect you in terms of communications with bosses or in your career in general, as well as communications with a close partner, because Mercury rules these areas of your life. An argument over joint finances can also get you into hot water. Hold back. Because Virgo and Gemini are on the angles of your chart, you may be especially sensitive to all of the common Mercury Retrograde issues. Occurring in your solar ninth house this time, extra care should be exercised regarding travel or education plans. Delays or complications are very possible in these areas. Go over applications carefully before submitting them and make sure you understand instructions clearly. Expressing your opinions now might come across in entirely the wrong way. It would be wise to be especially clear when it comes to communicating with professors and lawyers as well; or take this time to re-examine issues rather than communicating about them prematurely. Mercury is direct from August 19th forward: Mercury continues to transit your solar ninth house. During this cycle, you are especially fond of exchanging ideas with others, particularly your personal philosophies. You are inclined to take a broader look at things now, rather than concentrate on the details. You are communicating with more persuasiveness, enthusiasm, and optimism at this time. Mars this Month: Energy, Drive, Courage Mars is retrograde from June 26-August 27: All Mars retrograde cycles affect you in the areas of creativity, children, recreation, entertainment, hobbies, and romance because Mars rules these areas of your solar chart. This can play out in a variety of ways, such as problems with a lover or child's enthusiasm, for example, or a creative project encountering some setbacks, or possibly an event or circumstance that prevents you from enjoying hobbies or leisurely activities for the time being. This may be a period of review of a love affair. Until August 27th: Occurring in your second house during this date range, money-making endeavors are in focus. Perhaps a money-making idea you have been working on and were enthused about encounters some snags and you feel the urge to abandon it altogether. Caution and perhaps anxiety may be the overriding emotions just for now. Money and security matters are extremely important to you during this cycle, but they are not as straightforward as they have been. It's time to rethink, revise, and reorganize your money and your plans. This period involves coming to a greater understanding of how the way you manage your resources impacts your confidence and your life in a general sense. Overview Horoscope:
The Solar eclipse on the 11th fills you with take-charge energy. It can motivate you to share a project with others, embark on a course of study, or take part in a horizon-expanding adventure. Fortunately, this energy sticks around for months ahead, so if you can't manage it just yet, you have plenty of time to set things up. In truth, brand new beginnings are not advisable in August in a general sense. Fortunately, a Jupiter-Neptune aspect coming together now helps you slow your roll and enjoy the process as you do! The month can bring a fair amount of indecision and a state of limbo at times. From the 19th forward, plans seem clearer, you are living with a stronger sense of direction, and enthusiasm is on an upward swing. However, while you may have an idea of what you should do now, it may not be until after the 27th that you know where you truly want to go! Venus helps boost and preserve your professional reputation until the 6th and then enhances your social life from the 6th forward. This Venus transit brings more comfortable energy for socializing and connecting, and it follows you into next month (until September 9th). Sharing some of your talents or expertise with others can yield excellent results. Your tastes are for the new, different, and progressive. Friendships and social life are more appealing, pleasant, and beneficial during this period. You are drawn to like-minded people, and you better understand the benefits of relaxing and taking some time off from responsibilities. There can be a nice boost in business income for some of you, as well. Even with Mercury retrograde, self-expression comes quite easily with friends now. You might meet someone special through friends, learning, or networking, and a past friend or associate may be part of the picture around the 7-8. You can have new insights into recent decisions that serve to change your perspective in significant ways, particularly related to learning and exploratory pursuits. From the 12th, Mars spends its last two weeks of retrograde motion in your sector of money and resources, and there can be a need to focus on sorting out your finances. Money and security matters require some revising and reorganizing. This period (from the 12-27) involves coming to a greater understanding of how the way you manage your resources impacts your confidence. Be on the lookout for old projects that may have relevance to you now. You are more inclined to see opportunities you've overlooked in the past. Not following plans can result in pleasurable detours. Mercury turns direct on the 19th, and you may get a few answers you were waiting for. This happens around the time of a Jupiter-Neptune influence that encourages a go-with-the-flow attitude, however! This aspect has been with you since December in varying degrees and is strong now in its final perfection. Through it, you may find greater joy in being of service to others, and your perceptions heighten. You are building your confidence in yourself as you help and support others. It can be a period for developing your psychic abilities and understanding your family connections more intuitively. You may be able to gain property or support from family, or you could secure a loan or mortgage that helps you to improve your home life. This sets the perfect mood for the Full Moon on the 26th, which prompts you to get in touch with your true feelings about a matter. It's a time for paying special attention to family or home life, as well as your needs for comfort, rest, and familiarity. The Sun moves to the top of your solar chart on the 23rd, and two days later finds excellent planetary support in that position. This puts you in an excellent place to make improvements and updates to your life rather than sweeping changes, mainly with finances, business, work, health, and studies. Alternative approaches to work or wellness come through for you now. Your income can improve or stabilize while you are allowed more freedoms in your job or daily life, for example. Increased faithfulness and self-discipline are with you as you develop your routines and habits, contributing to better health and satisfaction from your work. Mars turns direct on the 27th and can point to a turnaround in financial and business-related areas. Later, this can help you resolve problems related to studies or paperwork. Your desires become plainer and clearer to you going forward. While you likely benefited from some slowing down, this is good news for forward-looking, direct, and spontaneous living. See our Time Line Forecast report for a personalized forecast for the year ahead. Get your unique Personalized Horoscope for the year ahead—over 100 pages long—for a detailed guide to your best days and your most challenging days for attracting love, career success, communication, and more.
Try Cafe Astrology's in-depth Love outlook for the year ahead. Try our Love & Romance Forecast report.
Try Cafe Astrology's in-depth See also 2018 Sagittarius Preview Horoscope |
Sagittarius (Born December 13 to 21) and Sagittarius Ascendant from 20 to 30 degrees Sagittarius:August 2018 Sagittarius Horoscope: Love, Career, & General Trends
The Sun this Month: Central Focus, Consciousness Until August 12th: The Sun continues to highlight your solar eighth house. Your attention turns inward, as well as to close personal relationships on a deeper level. Personal transformations, personal power, and intimate matters fulfill you most during this cycle. There may be a strong focus on other's money, such as the resources of a partner, inheritance, banking and loans, or taxes. You are more intense in your mood and disposition, and perhaps even secretive, at this time of year. You are more in touch with the deeper and even primal elements of your own personality, and more able to see these things in others. This can be a determined and personally powerful time of year if you apply the energy of this transit constructively. From August 12th forward: This month, with the Sun spotlighting your solar ninth house, your focus turns outward, away from the more personal concerns that have occupied your thoughts in the last months. More than any other time during the year, you are feeling most adventurous and willing to take a leap of faith. This is a cycle in which you seek a higher meaning to your life, and/or seek out new experiences that take you beyond the here and now, and beyond the mundane details of day-to-day life. Anything that broadens your experiences attracts now. A lack of superficiality finds you straight to the point, interested in the truth of things. It would be wise for you to consider scheduling a vacation, adventure of sorts, or a course that expands your mind. These don't have to happen now, but taking the time to recognize your needs for escaping the daily grind, taking a few risks, and feeding your spirit for self-expression through some form of adventure or higher learning, will help you to feel good about yourself. The only caution with this cycle is that you could lose touch with managing everyday affairs and important details. Eclipse A Solar Eclipse Occurs on August 11th: Because new information that could change our perspective can reveal itself after an eclipse, it's better to avoid major decision-making the week before and after this event. It's a time to observe and wait and see. The Solar Eclipse marks a new beginning for you. Letting go of the past is necessary to move forward. This eclipse occurs in your solar ninth house, suggesting that a new approach to how you expand your horizons, be they physical or mental (or both). New or updated travel plans, education goals, or adventures may be forming in the coming months, and a sense of renewal and reinvigoration regarding your ability to expand your personal world is a strong potential. This is a phase when you can be especially busy initiating new projects or activities that expand your mind, feed your spirit for adventure, and stretch your imagination. You may feel renewed by a new perspective on your life, something philosophical or spiritual that you read or learn, or an experience that takes you away from the mundane routines in your life. Venus this Month: Love, Romance, Social Life, Comfort Until August 28th: Venus continues to transit your solar tenth house. Relationships with authority figures, superiors, and with the public are in focus during this cycle. It's a strong period for diplomatic relations, although a negative expression of this position could be bending over backwards to please rather than positive, friendly relations. It's a time when being a team player reaps the most rewards, and you may be mixing business with pleasure now. This may be a time when you are especially enjoying your career or position and making the most of it. From August 28th forward: Venus graces your solar eleventh house now. Forming harmonious, warm social friendships, possibly related to group activities within a club, can figure now. You may meet someone through such group activities; consequently, your interests will be shared. Whether or not you do, the bottom line is that sharing interests with someone is what makes you happy during this cycle. Venus here enlivens your friendships and group associations with charm and grace. You are more peace-loving than usual and slightly detached on a personal level. If a romance were to begin during this time frame, it would be characterized by a strong feeling of camaraderie, but it could also be rather impersonal and perhaps lacking in depth and intimacy. Mercury this Month: Communications, Learning, Connections, Transportation Mercury is retrograde until August 19th: All Mercury retrograde cycles particularly affect you in terms of communications with bosses or in your career in general, as well as communications with a close partner, because Mercury rules these areas of your life. An argument over joint finances can also get you into hot water. Hold back. Because Virgo and Gemini are on the angles of your chart, you may be especially sensitive to all of the common Mercury Retrograde issues. Occurring in your solar eighth and ninth houses this time, extra care should be exercised regarding travel or education plans, and with any financial initiatives that involve shared resources. Delays are very possible when it comes to transportation, receiving support, loans, and taxes. There may be delays regarding financial support, loans, or taxes. It may be better to side-step arguments with loved ones that revolve around intimacy and sexuality. Investments made now may not go the way you want them to, particularly those involving joint finances. It may be hard to rely on the input of your partner now, and money you were counting on may not be forthcoming. It's best to budget rather than spend. It would be wise to be especially clear when it comes to communicating with professors, lawyers, acquaintances, and intimate partners, or take this time to re-examine issues rather than communicating about them prematurely. From August 31st forward: Mercury transits your solar ninth house. Not content to focus on mundane, practical affairs just now, your mind turns to bigger visions, thoughts, and ideals. You are open to expanding your knowledge base during this cycle, and communications from or with someone far away may be part of the picture. You are putting everything into perspective now, rather than compartmentalizing. Instead of simply shooting the breeze, you are more inclined to discuss broader philosophies now. Your inclination during this cycle is to think about the "big picture" rather than the mundane circumstances and details of your life. Missing appointments and other forms of forgetfulness could be part of the picture now. Mars this Month: Energy, Drive, Courage Mars is retrograde from June 26-August 27 All Mars retrograde cycles affect you in the areas of creativity, children, recreation, entertainment, hobbies, and romance because Mars rules these areas of your solar chart. This can play out in a variety of ways, such as problems with a lover or child's enthusiasm, for example, or a creative project encountering some setbacks, or possibly an event or circumstance that prevents you from enjoying hobbies or leisurely activities for the time being. This may be a period of review of a love affair. Until August 27th: Occurring in your second house during this date range, money-making endeavors are in focus. Perhaps a money-making idea you have been working on and were enthused about encounters some snags and you feel the urge to abandon it altogether. Caution and perhaps anxiety may be the overriding emotions just for now. Money and security matters are extremely important to you during this cycle, but they are not as straightforward as they have been. It's time to rethink, revise, and reorganize your money and your plans. This period involves coming to a greater understanding of how the way you manage your resources impacts your confidence and your life in a general sense. From August 27th forward: Mars energizes your solar second house. You have more energy at your disposal to make money, but also to defend your values. This can be a very resourceful time, when you make the most of what you have. You have much energy for new money-making projects, or for stepping up existing ones. You may be over-identifying with what you have and own, and you could be trying to prove yourself (your worth) to others using money and possessions as the means to do so. If conflicts occur during this transit, they are likely to be over issues of ownership. This is a time when impulse buying is at a peak. You probably should avoid using credit right now, simply because your spending habits may be excessive and impulsive. Overview Horoscope:
The Solar eclipse on the 11th fills you with take-charge energy. It can motivate you to share a project with others, embark on a course of study, or take part in a horizon-expanding adventure. Fortunately, this energy sticks around for months ahead, so if you can't manage it just yet, you have plenty of time to set things up. In truth, brand new beginnings are not advisable in August in a general sense. Fortunately, a Jupiter-Neptune aspect coming together now helps you slow your roll and enjoy the process as you do! The month can bring a fair amount of indecision and a state of limbo at times. From the 19th forward, plans seem clearer, you are living with a stronger sense of direction, and enthusiasm is on an upward swing. However, while you may have an idea of what you should do now, it may not be until after the 27th that you know where you truly want to go! Venus helps boost and preserve your professional reputation until the 6th and then enhances your social life from the 6th forward. This Venus transit brings more comfortable energy for socializing and connecting, and it follows you into next month (until September 9th). Sharing some of your talents or expertise with others can yield excellent results. Your tastes are for the new, different, and progressive. Friendships and social life are more appealing, pleasant, and beneficial during this period. You are drawn to like-minded people, and you better understand the benefits of relaxing and taking some time off from responsibilities. There can be a nice boost in business income for some of you, as well. Even with Mercury retrograde, self-expression comes quite easily with friends now. You might meet someone special through friends, learning, or networking, and a past friend or associate may be part of the picture around the 7-8. You can have new insights into recent decisions that serve to change your perspective in significant ways, particularly related to learning and exploratory pursuits. From the 12th, Mars spends its last two weeks of retrograde motion in your sector of money and resources, and there can be a need to focus on sorting out your finances. Money and security matters require some revising and reorganizing. This period (from the 12-27) involves coming to a greater understanding of how the way you manage your resources impacts your confidence. Be on the lookout for old projects that may have relevance to you now. You are more inclined to see opportunities you've overlooked in the past. Not following plans can result in pleasurable detours. Mercury turns direct on the 19th, and you may get a few answers you were waiting for. This happens around the time of a Jupiter-Neptune influence that encourages a go-with-the-flow attitude, however! This aspect has been with you since December in varying degrees and is strong now in its final perfection. Through it, you may find greater joy in being of service to others, and your perceptions heighten. You are building your confidence in yourself as you help and support others. It can be a period for developing your psychic abilities and understanding your family connections more intuitively. You may be able to gain property or support from family, or you could secure a loan or mortgage that helps you to improve your home life. This sets the perfect mood for the Full Moon on the 26th, which prompts you to get in touch with your true feelings about a matter. It's a time for paying special attention to family or home life, as well as your needs for comfort, rest, and familiarity. The Sun moves to the top of your solar chart on the 23rd, and two days later finds excellent planetary support in that position. This puts you in an excellent place to make improvements and updates to your life rather than sweeping changes, mainly with finances, business, work, health, and studies. Alternative approaches to work or wellness come through for you now. Your income can improve or stabilize while you are allowed more freedoms in your job or daily life, for example. Increased faithfulness and self-discipline are with you as you develop your routines and habits, contributing to better health and satisfaction from your work. Mars turns direct on the 27th and can point to a turnaround in financial and business-related areas. Later, this can help you resolve problems related to studies or paperwork. Your desires become plainer and clearer to you going forward. While you likely benefited from some slowing down, this is good news for forward-looking, direct, and spontaneous living.
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