Sun semi-square Moon
Sun semi-square Moon, Sun sesquiquadrate Moon
There is an ongoing conflict between what you think you should do and what you feel is right. This struggle can cause problems in your relationships with others. On the other hand, this inner discontent can also motivate you to ask for more from life in general.
This page includes interpretations for the 45-degree or 135-degree (sesquiquadrate or sesquisquare) angles/aspects between the Sun and the Moon.
Alternate interpretations:
Sun semi-square Moon: Being self-reliant is more important for you than for most people. Only with great effort and some difficulty do you manage to communicate your aims and intentions to others. Doing projects on your own is not only easiest, it is often your mechanism for learning compromise and coming to terms with your own inner conflicts. In groups, your own conflicts sometimes get projected onto others. — Interpretation from the In-Depth Profile report.
Sun in hard aspect to the Moon: Your innermost will feels like it’s in a constant state of trying to make peace with your feeling, emotional side. Even so, this lack of complete harmony within yourself can provide the spark that motivates you toward personal achievements.
Most likely there existed some kind of tension between your parents. Even if this was not openly expressed, you picked up on it as a child. As a result, you may have inner expectations that relationships must contain a certain element of conflict. At any rate, this also means that Mom and Dad kept each other in line somehow. — Interpretation from the Your Life Path report.
Sun semi-square Moon: Since your Moon and Sun are in tense semisquare aspect to one another, you have some conflict between the feminine and masculine elements of your psyche. You may have grown up in a home in which your parents seemed to be at odds with one another, or in which you were caught in their conflict.
In your own struggle to determine the strengths of being a woman, you may sometimes feel that your inner sensibilities are overridden by your need for recognition. With maturity, you are learning that you can use your awareness and respect for your deeper emotional needs to act as a springboard for accomplishment and personal recognition. — Interpretation from the Astrology Profile for Women report.
Sun semi-square Moon: You are sometimes torn between a desire to progress and be all that you can be versus a tendency to dwell in the past, resting on your laurels. Your inner, more domestic side struggles against authority. You could feel caught in the middle. — Zet software.
General discussion of Sun-Moon aspects.
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Interpretations written by Annie unless otherwise noted.