Romantic Compatibility Report
Back to the Astrology of Relationships: Jennifer Aniston and Vince Vaughn
The Compatibility Report for
Jennifer Aniston
Vincent Vaughn
Birth Data for Jennifer: Jennifer Aniston February 11, 196910:22 PM Los Angeles, California
Birth Data for Vincent:Vincent Vaughn March 28, 19708:12 PM Minneapolis, Minnesota
This Lovers Report is divided into 4 chapters.
Chapter 1 compares your temperaments and personalities. The issues described in Chapter 1 become particularly powerful if you are married or live together. Idiosyncrasies or quirks in another person’s personality do not bother us as much if our relationship is a casual one. For example, if one person is neat and tidy and the other is sloppy, this is more likely to become a concern if you are married than if you are only seeing each other occasionally.
Pay close attention to the issues described in Chapter 2 because these are the most important themes in your relationship. For example, if themes of romance and sexual attraction are emphasized, then you can count on this relationship being a passionate one. However, if romance and sexuality are hardly mentioned at all, then this relationship will not be a passionate one.
Chapter 4 describes issues in your relationship of less importance than those presented in Chapter 2. Chapter 3 describes situations and circumstances that arise if you have a close, long-lasting relationship.
If a statement appears to contradict another statement, then your roles are likely to alternate. For example, a statement that Jennifer is more aggressive than Vincent, and another statement that Vincent is more aggressive than Jennifer, means that you alternate roles, with Jennifer sometimes being the leader and Vincent being the follower, and sometimes just the opposite. Also, read the statements carefully, as it is likely that a careful reading will reveal different kinds of aggressiveness or areas in which the aggressiveness is likely to express itself.
To make the most of this report, combine this astrological analysis with other things that you know about each other. For example, we have assumed that you are opposite-sexed (assuming that both of you are heterosexual, otherwise same-sexed). Physical attractiveness, age, religion, education, family and cultural background will affect your relationship as well. The material in Chapters 2, 3, and 4 of this report describes the magnetism between you, but does not describe your individual natures. For example, suppose that Chapter 2 makes little mention of romance and sexuality, but the Natal Reports for each of you indicate that each of you has extremely strong romantic and sexual desires. In this case, marriage is not likely to be successful! However, if romance and sexuality are not important to either of you, then the lack of passion in your relationship is not likely to be as much of a stumbling block.
Your birth chart interpretation is based on the positions of
the planets at the time of your birth. For the benefit of
students of astrology, these positions, along with other
technical information, are listed below:
Positions and Data for Jennifer:
Sun position is 23 deg. 22 min. of Aquarius
Moon position is 23 deg. 16 min. of Sagittarius
Mercury position is 0 deg. 27 min. of Aquarius
Venus position is 9 deg. 13 min. of Aries
Mars position is 23 deg. 50 min. of Scorpio
Jupiter position is 5 deg. 15 min. of Libra
Saturn position is 21 deg. 08 min. of Aries
Uranus position is 3 deg. 28 min. of Libra
Neptune position is 28 deg. 38 min. of Scorpio
Pluto position is 24 deg. 33 min. of Virgo
Asc. position is 24 deg. 40 min. of Libra
MC position is 27 deg. 19 min. of Cancer
2nd cusp position is 23 deg. 31 min. of Scorpio
3rd cusp position is 22 deg. 59 min. of Sagittarius
5th cusp position is 26 deg. 07 min. of Aquarius
6th cusp position is 25 deg. 19 min. of Pisces
Tropical zodiac. KOCH houses. Lat. and Long.: 34 N 03 08 118 W 14 34
Standard time observed. GMT: 06:22:00 Time Zone: 8 hours West.
Positions and Data for Vincent:
Sun position is 7 deg. 59 min. of Aries
Moon position is 20 deg. 21 min. of Sagittarius
Mercury position is 13 deg. 39 min. of Aries
Venus position is 23 deg. 25 min. of Aries
Mars position is 15 deg. 37 min. of Taurus
Jupiter position is 3 deg. 55 min. of Scorpio
Saturn position is 7 deg. 46 min. of Taurus
Uranus position is 6 deg. 42 min. of Libra
Neptune position is 0 deg. 43 min. of Sagittarius
Pluto position is 25 deg. 44 min. of Virgo
Asc. position is 27 deg. 08 min. of Libra
MC position is 3 deg. 30 min. of Leo
2nd cusp position is 24 deg. 54 min. of Scorpio
3rd cusp position is 24 deg. 29 min. of Sagittarius
5th cusp position is 1 deg. 17 min. of Pisces
6th cusp position is 29 deg. 12 min. of Pisces
Tropical zodiac. KOCH houses. Lat. and Long.: 44 N 58 48 93 W 15 49
Standard time observed. GMT: 02:12:00 Time Zone: 6 hours West.
Chapter 1A Comparison of Temperaments and Life Styles that Affect Your Ability to Harmonize with Each Other
Jennifer’s Sun in Aquarius and Vincent’s Sun in Aries:
Both of you are independent, active individuals who appreciate progressive, dynamic approaches to any situation or problem, and your relationship has a lively, spirited quality. You both can be iconoclasts as well, taking pride in your freedom from many traditional values and beliefs. Vincent is more concerned with personal creativity and, in some ways, less integrated into social groups and the community than Jennifer.
Jennifer’s Moon in Sagittarius and Vincent’s Moon in Sagittarius:
You have an instinctive understanding of one another, and there is a great deal of harmony and camaraderie between you.
Both of you are naturally optimistic and forward-looking, and don’t let problems or frustrations get you down for long. Humor is one way you deal with life’s troubles, and you can make fun of yourselves as well as others. Sometimes, however, you make light of difficulties that other people are struggling through and it may seem that you don’t really empathize or care. You have an intellectual or philosophical way of dealing with emotional situations, which distances you somewhat from feeling and experiencing them directly. You always try to be positive and to see the possible good or growth that can come from any situation, but sometimes this attitude is a denial of what you are really feeling in the moment. You only want to accept the “good” emotions in yourself or other people, and are inclined to tell others how they “should” feel.
Also, there is a very playful, exuberant, fun-loving side to you both, and you are generally fun to be around. You like to gamble, party, or move around a lot. You both have a strong sense of adventure and need to feel free to explore and wander into new territory sometimes.
Neither of you could tolerate a very possessive, emotionally demanding partner. You are both idealistic and if your belief systems, ideals, or philosophical attitudes differ radically, this is an area where you can really clash.
Both of you have Moon in hard aspect to Pluto:
You share a tendency to be emotionally fanatical and extremely intense, especially in regard to your mothers, your children, and the women you are closest to. Both of you are dealing with psychological wounds from an early loss, separation, or death, which tend to get re-stimulated every time you are intimate or vulnerable with another person. If you are not conscious of this, you may become either extremely controlling and manipulative, or the “victim” of another’s emotional power games. You may feel that every intimate encounter is a life-and-death situation! Healing the pain from your past and resolving unfinished emotional business are truly necessary for either of you to have peace in your personal lives.
If you were both willing to, you could become great allies and supports for one another in this type of therapeutic, soul-cleansing “work”.
Chapter 2 Major Themes in the Relationship: What Brought You Together
Sun Mutually Aspects Venus:
It is difficult for you to resist one another. You are charmed by one another and see much in each other that is beautiful, desirable, and attractive. Yours is a warm, affectionate relationship. Quite simply, you make one another happy!
Jennifer’s Sun Sextile Vincent’s Venus:
Yours is a loving friendship, with much mutual appreciation, affection, and respect. It is easy for this relationship to grow in warmth and affection. Jennifer feels more loving and beautiful in Vincent’s presence, and Vincent finds Jennifer quite charming and intriguing. There is a mutual attraction here that, on its own, is not as insistent or sexual as other indicators, but that acts to reinforce the bond to one another. When difficulties arise, take a break from the routine and take the time to take in a movie, go for a walk, or go out to dinner. This will remind you just how much you enjoy each other’s company, and reinforce the warm and friendly feelings you generate in one another.
Vincent’s Sun Conjunct Jennifer’s Venus:
The warmth, appreciation, admiration and love between you is very strong, and you enjoy a high degree of harmony and congeniality in your relationship. You have much in common in terms of styles, tastes, and enjoyment of the same pleasures. In many ways Vincent embodies all that Jennifer finds attractive and beautiful, and Jennifer also makes a special effort to please Vincent. Vincent responds with much generosity, love, and loyalty. There is much potential for the two of you to make each other stronger. An excellent match!
Vincent’s Sun Opposition Jennifer’s Jupiter:
There is a great deal of enthusiasm and optimism in your relationship. You inspire each other to expand your horizons, explore new possibilities, and improve your financial and social situation. You have a lot of goodwill towards each other, and Jennifer tends to allow Vincent a reasonable measure of freedom. In other words, much of the time, Jennifer doesn’t smother Vincent. You may, however, sometimes over-extend yourselves and engage in unrealistic speculations together that are driven more by optimism and hopefulness than by well thought out plans, and consequently fall far short of your expectations.
Overall, however, this astrological influence is a positive one of goodwill and optimism. Jennifer exposes Vincent to new ways of looking at life and at the world, and there can be times when your individual directions are at cross-purposes and pull you apart. If either of you over-indulges the other, it is because you both have a deep need to make one another happy. Jennifer has the power to lift Vincent’s spirits up, which is a powerful, natural, and positive “drug”. At times, you expect a little too much of each other and of your partnership. Together, you may overspend and overdo, and the focus may be on pampering each other and perhaps overlooking some of the nitty-gritty details of existence. Even if you are moderate people individually, you may be inclined to overdo things a little with each other, because of your chemistry.
Jennifer’s Asc. Opposition Vincent’s Venus:
You are very, very special and important to one another, and may feel that you have found the love of your life. (You are probably right!) Jennifer, especially, is very fulfilled romantically in this relationship and marriage is a likely outcome of the love, closeness, and happiness you experience together.
Jennifer’s Moon Conjunct Vincent’s Moon:
Your hearts speak to each other, and understand each other. There is something comforting in your partner’s emotions and personal habits that makes you feel instantly familiar with each other. There is a great similarity in your moods, instinctive responses to life, and emotional needs. Many of your personal tastes and habits are also similar. This similarity in temperaments promotes domestic harmony and a naturally cooperative feeling for each other. You enjoy making a home together or living together, as you instinctively know what makes your partner comfortable and happy. You have great potential to nourish each other’s spirits, although sometimes you tend to highlight each other’s moodiness, and the emotional heat generated between the two of you may sometimes feel overwhelming. All in all, however, this aspect suggests a basic harmony that helps your relationship weather the storms.
Vincent’s Venus Conjunct Jennifer’s Saturn:
This is a deep and serious relationship. You feel very secure with each other and you both feel comfortable making a lasting commitment to each other. However, the relationship tends to highlight the importance of responsibility and loyalty to one another, and you may cut yourselves off from other people or from activities you enjoyed before you came together, and this might eventually lead to feelings of boredom, constraint, and being restricted. The commitment to the relationship may eventually become burdensome, especially to Vincent, who is likely to feel unappreciated and emotionally inhibited by Jennifer, while Jennifer may feel that there is a lack of acknowledgment for the efforts and sacrifices made for Vincent.
An effort should be made to keep the relationship from turning stale or joyless over the long term. This will involve effort on the parts of both individuals. Specifically, as time passes, Jennifer may feel somewhat threatened by changes or growth in Vincent’s love nature, and needs to avoid criticizing Vincent for any new behaviors. Individual growth does not mean growing apart. Vincent needs to reassure Jennifer that Vincent’s feelings remain unchanged. You have much potential to be together over the long term. This aspect is indicative of binding ties.
Jennifer’s Venus Opposition Vincent’s Uranus:
This is an unusual relationship! The relationship seems to follows its own, unpredictable course that neither of you can control. At least life isn’t boring! Sexual attraction to each other is aroused suddenly and unpredictably, but then it subsides just as quickly and unexpectedly. If your relationship is a permanent one, you will find that periods of intense sexual attraction come and go in waves, and you both will have to be able to adjust to these unpredictable changes. Vincent, in particular, may be erratic, inconstant, or unreliable toward Jennifer, perhaps unwilling to make a commitment. Jennifer feels as if Vincent is romantic one day, and distant the next, but Jennifer is intensely attracted to Vincent. Although the attraction is frustrating at times, it is undeniable.
Jennifer’s Moon Square Vincent’s Pluto:
The emotional bond between you is very complex. Sexual attraction is strong and you find each other to be very magnetic or highly charismatic. But you also will find yourself becoming uncomfortable with various deeply ingrained habits and attitudes of each other as you learn more about each other. You are simultaneously attracted and repulsed by each other. You evoke intense emotional responses from each other and if you want this relationship to be a long-lasting one, you will have to be very careful because a blowup in the relationship can be triggered by jealousy, acts of unkindness, or simply the unwillingness of either of you to change deeply ingrained habits that bother one another. Jennifer sometimes feels insecure with Vincent, feeling like Vincent has the upper hand or holds the cards when it comes to staying with each other. Vincent must guard against the urge to emotionally dominate the relationship. In short, this is an emotionally intense relationship that blows hot and cold, drives you to emotional extremes, and challenges your deepest, most personal and important attitudes and habits.
Jennifer’s Moon Trine Vincent’s Venus:
There is a particularly sweet, loving, caring quality to your relationship that both of you may tend to take for granted. Others, who lack this quality in their own relationship, do notice it and may enjoy the kindness and devotion you have for each other. You both find it easy to give freely to each other. When the two of you are relaxed together and taking it easy, you should find that there is a soothing tenderness between one another that is healing and comforting. It can be as simple as finding comfort in each other’s touch, and it’s an element of your relationship that should be appreciated, as it is very wonderful indeed!
Vincent’s Moon Trine Jennifer’s Saturn:
There is a mature, stable, responsible tone to your relationship that makes you feel secure with each other. There is a great deal of trust and respect for each other. As you spend more time together, you will find that your tastes, priorities, and sense of what is really important in life become very compatible. If you marry and have children, you will work together well as parents, especially when difficulties and “minor crises” arise. You are able to depend on one another in very basic ways, and that is very satisfying in the long haul!
Jennifer’s Mercury Sextile Vincent’s Neptune:
This dynamic in your chemistry is subtle but welcome. Jennifer feels a little more creative and imaginative as the result of interactions with Vincent. You can sometimes finish each other’s sentences, and you admire each other’s input. Problem-solving comes easy to you as a couple. It’s likely that you share some common interests, and your conversations are unique, interesting, and you might even call them uplifting. In fact, some of your conversations leave both of you feeling that much stronger. It’s not always easy to find someone with whom you can share some of your fantasies and other such musings, but you have found just that in each other.
Chapter 3 – Destiny and Final Outcome of Your Relationship
Composite Moon Trine Venus:
Mutual devotion, tenderness, affection, and caring are the essence of your relationship, and creating a home together, making a family, and/or nurturing one another are an important part of the reason you two have come together. The love you share will sustain you and buffer any blows, difficulties, or problems that you will face.
There is a protective, almost maternal feeling generated between the two of you. A relationship based on compassion as much or more than passion is apparent. A high degree of fertility is also clearly indicated. When things are rocky between you, for whatever reason, you might find that taking a break together in the form of enjoying a movie, dinner, or other such break from the routine, will do wonders. This is because, when you get down to it, you truly appreciate one another’s company.
Composite Moon Sextile Mars:
You have an active, energizing relationship, one that enables you both to express your emotions very directly and openly. Whatever problems you do have, are not due to emotional stagnation or boredom.
Inevitably there will be emotional outbursts and honest, naked expressions of feeling. Your family life (if indeed you share this) is apt to be noisy, rambunctious, lively, and to have its share of conflicts. So if either of you needs peace and calmness all of the time, the energy generated between the two of you may be a bit too much to handle at times.
As a couple you are more competitive, outgoing and active than either of you may be individually.
Composite Moon Sextile Jupiter:
Part of the purpose of your relationship is to simply enjoy your lives together and to have fun. Together you will expand your social circle, and broaden your contacts with the world in many ways. As a couple, you may do more traveling for pleasure than you would ever do as individuals.
Play, humor, laughter, and exuberant good spirits permeate your relationship. You take more risks, spend more money on fun and adventure, and generally have a good time together. It is easy, comfortable, and relaxing to be with one another; you cheer one another up. Being together makes you both feel good, and this will have positive effects on your health and overall success in life, the more you are together.
Composite Venus Opposition Jupiter:
As a couple, you will attract good fortune and plenty, but it will be very easy for the two of you to let it slip through your fingers! Unless at least one of you has a conservative, disciplined nature, you will spend so freely and enjoy yourselves so much that you won’t consider putting something aside for a rainy day.
Even if the two of you don’t have a huge income, it will seem to others as if you do. You will never lack for anything, take plenty of vacations, party, and generally have a good time. You bring one another luck! You enjoy more good, belly laughs with one another than many couples do, and you generally want each other to have a good time. You need to take the time to enjoy leisure activities together more often, such as going out to dinner, to a movie, and so forth. At these times, you will see in each other the friend that you fell in love with in the first place. You truly enjoy each other, especially when the focus is not entirely on the inevitable problems of the relationship itself, and that is one of the reasons why you should spend time enjoying activities outside of the home together.
Composite Mars Trine Jupiter:
The two of you have what it takes to be very successful in any activity or project you undertake together. Optimism, positive expectations, and a fortunate sense of timing all contribute to the success of your joint endeavors.
Being together invigorates you and gives you both more energy, and you’ll easily be able to achieve greater things as a team than you would singly. Also, as a couple you will be “lucky”, especially in contests and competitions.
Composite Saturn Quincunx Neptune:
A need for solitude and withdrawal, for removing yourselves from the clamor of day to day duties and responsibilities, will be an important aspect of your relationship. You may wish to take very quiet times by yourselves, or even separately from time to time. If you resist this need, eventually one or both of you will simply feel lonely even in one another’s company.
This need for withdrawal can be misinterpreted as indifference or apathy on the part of your partner, but if you both recognize this need and give it a place within your relationship it needn’t be a deficit. Others may think this strange or an indication that something is amiss between you -but don’t let that bother you! In fact it can keep your relationship honest and fresh.
Composite Moon Square Pluto:
When you are together, deep emotions and intense, compelling, irrational energies within both of you come into play. Definitely, if you are together for any length of time, you will both undergo an emotional transformation, a soul cleansing, for being together will dredge up all of your unfinished emotional business and feelings you may not even have believed yourselves capable of. This may feel like a “fatal attraction”, one that is irresistible even if one or both of you wants to run the other way.
A significant part of your purpose in coming together is to clear up and heal the past – old griefs, jealousies, wounds, and unresolved emotions, many of which you may have forgotten about until now!
Certainly, no matter how long this relationship lasts, it will be a profound, intense one. Emotionally it may feel overwhelming at times. If any emotional manipulation, domination, or abuse occurs, you both need to step back and get a clear, objective third party to help you. At times you’re both apt to feel that you’re in over your heads. On the other hand, though you may go through extreme emotions, you can develop an incredibly close bond.
Composite Mercury Quincunx Uranus:
There is some degree of intellectual or mental incompatibility between you that causes you to continually goad, upset, or challenge one another’s ideas and usual ways of seeing the world. This will jolt one or both of you into at least attempting to view things much differently than you have previously. As a couple, you have a similarly unsettling effect on people, and they may see you as outlandish or eccentric in your thinking. This, however, is part of your purpose together.
Chapter 4 Other Themes in Your Relationship
Jennifer’s Sun in Vincent’s 4th house:
Jennifer is able to confide in Vincent, and your relationship is a very personal, intimate one. Vincent brings out Jennifer’s softer side. You are drawn to live together and share a home together.
Vincent’s Sun in Jennifer’s 6th house:
Vincent likes to perform chores and tasks for Jennifer, and you may sometimes feel like your relationship is more like an employer-employee relationship than a romantic one! This quality tends to be a positive one, though, for you are able to assist each other in very practical ways. Jennifer finds Vincent invaluable and helpful – someone to rely upon.
Jennifer’s Moon in Vincent’s 2nd house,
Vincent’s Moon in Jennifer’s 2nd house:
You help each other develop priorities based on deeper, more personal and inner values than on outer appearances. You encourage each other to value family life and friendship, and you help each other avoid selfishness and materialism. Your shared interest in developing a more humane outlook and values to live by inclines you to invest time, energy, and money in things of inner and personal value and to avoid areas that bring material benefits but little feeling of real satisfaction. Together you are likely to sacrifice financial opportunities in favor of a life that is more domestic, warm, and friendly.
Jennifer’s Mercury in Vincent’s 3rd house:
The two of you love to chat, and often it requires effort for the two of you to be together without talking, even if there is little to discuss. Sometimes your conversations can focus on what others might consider “trivial” things, but you find each other mentally stimulating and involved. Vincent loves to hear what Jennifer has to say, and Vincent finds the partnership mentally stimulating and active.
Vincent’s Mercury in Jennifer’s 6th house:
Vincent has plenty of advice and ideas about how Jennifer can efficiently run daily affairs. Vincent’s interest in the little details of Jennifer’s life, such as domestic affairs and health, is sincere. Problems only crop up if Jennifer finds this interest to be disruptive. Vincent has a way of bringing order and objectivity to Jennifer’s day-to-day life, offering Jennifer a way to put things into perspective.
Jennifer’s Venus in Vincent’s 6th house,
Vincent’s Venus in Jennifer’s 6th house:
You are very dependable friends, always there for each other in times of need. Regardless of how the romantic side of your relationship fares, you will always appreciate the ways in which you are able to work together and help each other.
Jennifer’s Mars in Vincent’s 1st house:
Jennifer comes on strong, almost aggressively to Vincent, and this relationship is a lively, dynamic one. Jennifer spurs Vincent to do more and to be more. Vincent may feel inspired by Jennifer, but may also feel that Jennifer is too pushy from time to time. However, this is a real indication of sexual attraction. Jennifer boosts Vincent’s confidence in powerful ways.
Vincent’s Mars in Jennifer’s 7th house:
Vincent has a “take charge” attitude towards this relationship. Also, Vincent comes across very strong, perhaps aggressively, at times. Jennifer appreciates Vincent’s direct, uninhibited approach, but there is a tendency to become combative and competitive with each other at times. Jennifer is very much enamored with Vincent’s sexuality, self-assertion, and will. In many ways, Vincent is an ideal partner on a sexual and action-oriented level for Jennifer. Vincent is highly attractive in Jennifer’s eyes, and physical chemistry is strong.
Jennifer’s Jupiter in Vincent’s 12th house:
Jennifer has a knack for getting under Vincent’s skin and understanding Vincent in a more intimate, deeper way than most other people. Jennifer is a dear friend, and comes “to the rescue” in times of crisis or transition. Together, you will develop a shared interest in altruistic and humanitarian (possibly also religious or spiritual) activities.
Vincent’s Jupiter in Jennifer’s 1st house:
Vincent puts Jennifer in an optimistic, fun-loving, outgoing, mood. You like to go out, travel, and have fun together. Vincent is also generous towards Jennifer and freely gives gifts and assistance to Jennifer. You enjoy planning and scheming together and sometimes you get a bit overly optimistic in your shared hopes and dreams.
Jennifer’s Saturn in Vincent’s 6th house:
If you are married or live together, handling schedules and day-to-day responsibilities can become a major issue and a potential stumbling block. You can lock horns when it comes to deciding who is responsible for preparing meals, cleaning the home, getting the car fixed, making sure all of the bills are paid, mowing the lawn, etc. Jennifer, in particular, may have the sense of contributing more than half the load, and may resent any complaints by Vincent. Oddly enough, it is likely that together you probably a do a good job at meeting these responsibilities, and very often you work well together. But unresolved disagreements on how to best coordinate your efforts can be a sore point in your relationship.
Vincent’s Saturn in Jennifer’s 7th house:
Jennifer feels that Vincent is a person who will be trustworthy, stable, mature, and committed to the relationship, and there is, indeed, a high level of security and stability that can be counted on in this relationship. Both of you feel comfortable making commitments to each other so if romantic attraction is also strong, then there is an inclination towards marriage. However, over time Jennifer may also find that Vincent is critical of Jennifer’s friends and discourages Jennifer from participating in many social activities. It is also likely that the two of you will discover that you have different views of what marriage is and what the commitment of marriage entails, and you may find that you have to work hard at structuring your relationship in a manner that is satisfying to both of you. For example, one of you may have more liberal views on marriage and the other may be more traditional and old-fashioned in this respect. There are ties that bind you together, and you can come to rely on each other.
Jennifer’s Uranus in Vincent’s 12th house,
Vincent’s Uranus in Jennifer’s 12th house:
You force one another to reconsider many of your basic assumptions about life. Questions of religion and ethics come to the fore, and both of you are likely to break free from limiting attitudes and beliefs instilled from early childhood.
Jennifer’s Neptune in Vincent’s 2nd house,
Vincent’s Neptune in Jennifer’s 2nd house:
If you are married, you need to be careful about how you jointly handle your finances. You tend to be unrealistic and impractical in your faith in each other to meet expenses, and you may borrow way beyond your means or become involved in very risky ventures or gambling that depletes your assets.
Jennifer’s Pluto in Vincent’s 11th house:
The two of you inspire each other to become excited and even zealous about ideologies and social causes. Jennifer challenges Vincent’s theories and any memberships with organizations, and motivates Vincent to strive to reform and improve these organizations. You may become active together in politics or social issues.
Vincent’s Pluto in Jennifer’s 12th house:
There is a deep emotional and psychic tie between you that may not be apparent in the early stages of your relationship, but over time you begin to work together very closely on matters of very deep, personal concern. Together you uncover a lot of previously hidden problems and limitations stemming from early childhood. You probe any fears, phobias, or guilt that limits your ability to live a happy, fulfilling life.
Vincent’s Asc. Square Jennifer’s Mercury:
The two of you often view a situation very differently, and you frequently respond to events in a different manner. Unfortunately, you are also inclined to feel that your approach is superior and feel very frustrated that you cannot enlighten your partner. Very often, also, this annoying situation is triggered by a relatively minor incident. Just when Vincent wants to do something on impulse, Jennifer interjects with an analysis or a question. However, if you can avoid petty little arguments, you can benefit from this stimulating aspect. You have much to learn from each other.
Vincent’s Asc. Trine Jennifer’s Sun:
Jennifer motivates, encourages, and energizes Vincent’s self-expression, and can be very helpful to all of Vincent’s projects and activities. When you are together, you both feel more positive, alive, and vital.
Vincent’s Mercury Conjunct Jennifer’s Venus:
You love sharing ideas with each other and enjoy stimulating conversations. Jennifer expands Vincent’s horizons in the world of leisure and the arts (music, culture, art, and literature, for example), and, often unconsciously, attempts to “soften” Vincent’s sensibilities, bringing out warmth and appreciation of the arts in Vincent’s personality. While Jennifer is sensitizing Vincent’s outlook, Vincent generates in Jennifer a desire to talk about, and give form and structure to, these pleasures. There is a natural and mutual sensitivity to each other, and very often you are capable of finishing each other’s sentences because of this attunement. You encourage each other to express yourselves, and there is an easy flow of communication as a result. How comforting! In fact, this aspect helps smooth over other areas that might be problematic in the relationship, simply because there is an uncomplicated element to communications that helps put both parties at ease.
Jennifer’s Mercury Square Vincent’s Jupiter:
This relationship has a marked effect on the overall attitudes and beliefs of both of you, but particularly of Jennifer. You challenge each other’s religious, political, and philosophical beliefs. You may experience differences of opinion that are difficult to reconcile at times, because when Jennifer wants to talk about the facts, Vincent is philosophizing or generalizing. At times, Jennifer finds Vincent self-righteous and Vincent finds Jennifer too critical. You are also inclined to take risks together and speculate, sometimes foolishly. However, the two of you have much to learn from each other when times are easygoing and your defenses are down. Try not to focus on semantics and let understanding of the basic meaning behind each other’s communications win over the details.
Jennifer’s Mercury Trine Vincent’s Pluto:
Your conversations are deep and probing. When you are able to connect with each other, you understand each other at a very deep level, and you may find yourselves revealing things about yourself that you have not mentioned to anyone else. You also make a good research team or investigators. At times, Jennifer may feel that Vincent wants to direct Jennifer’s thoughts and opinions, but there is a general feeling that you can have deep discussions that bypass the superficial and cut to the chase. Meaningful and insightful exchanges help to support your relationship in ways that may not always be obvious, but that should certainly be appreciated.
Jennifer’s Mars Sextile Vincent’s Pluto:
There is a distinct element of growth in your relationship, particularly on a physical and sexual level that keeps the two of you fascinated with each other. There are layers to uncover in each other, and both of you excitedly discover these different levels as you spend more time with one another. Periods after arguments are especially intense and even euphoric, as you recognize that you are moving forward instead of remaining at a standstill. Bonding is strong and the two of you are able to work together effectively in achieving goals and objectives. If you share a similar hobby or profession, you can jointly develop creative works of high quality – a result of your combined dedication. As your relationship deepens, you will find that the two of you are able to assist each other immensely in achieving the goals and objectives that are most meaningful and important to you.
Jennifer’s Jupiter Conjunct Vincent’s Uranus:
The two of you will often get a little wild or outrageous together, and have a great time doing it! You inspire one another to be spontaneous and to break out of restraints or inhibitions, which can be joyfully liberating or lead to foolish excesses and imprudent risk-taking. Your more adventurous, unconventional, or freedom-loving sides are sparked by one another and there is an element of unpredictability that makes your relationship feel alive. You’ll experience many new discoveries and serendipitous happenings with one another.
Information about the Romantic Compatibility Report — a report that can be drawn for any couple.