Cafe Astrology .com

September 21 2024

21sepOverview of the DaySeptember 21 2024Daily Overview


Saturday, SEPTEMBER 21

Perceptions continue to be a little off today. With Mercury’s square to Jupiter this morning, we’re not short on ideas, but it’s hard to narrow things down for now. We might be overshooting. It’s best to watch for toxic positivity, too much speculation, and/or a lack of practicality.

With Mercury also forming a quincunx to Chiron, it’s not easy to read the intention behind the words used to communicate, which can lead to minor misunderstandings. This aspect is tricky and can suggest some doubts and sensitivity.

As well, with a quincunx between Venus and Neptune, we might want to see things realistically on the one hand and prefer to nurture a fantasy or look the other way on the other. Under this influence, there can be insecurity or doubts about others or our own feelings and perceptions. Indecision is possible.

However, we approach a Sun-Pluto trine, exact early into the day tomorrow, which can help us pull everything together. We naturally take on challenges, but we also turn to strategy rather than jump into anything rashly.

This transit encourages us focus, and delving deeply into a matter can be satisfying and rewarding. We’re exceptionally resourceful and efficient under this influence. It sets up just the right energy for gravitating toward people and situations that help us succeed or advance our goals. Shared goals and interests connect us with others.

The focus now is on eliminating negative elements in our lives, particularly in pursuing work or health goals so that we can advance with more conviction. This transit encourages cooperation and practical ability.

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September 21, 2024 Overview of the Day EDT(GMT-04:00)

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Waning Gibbous

Waning 86.5%

September 21, 2024 12:00 am

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