Saturn turns direct in Pisces
15nov9:21 amSaturn turns direct in PiscesDirect Station
Saturn stations and turns direct at 12° Pisces 42′ after several months of retrograde motion. This retrograde cycle lasted approximately 4.5 months. Saturn turned retrograde on June 29th, 2024, at 19°
Saturn stations and turns direct at 12° Pisces 42′ after several months of retrograde motion. This retrograde cycle lasted approximately 4.5 months.
- Saturn turned retrograde on June 29th, 2024, at 19° Pisces 26′
- Saturn turns direct on November 15th, 2024, at 12° Pisces 42′.
Saturn turns direct after retrograde motion since June 29th, and this change in direction reminds us to take care of our obligations and bring our goals down to earth. With Saturn’s direct turn, our responsibilities, and perhaps our limitations, tend to magnify. Gradually, our long-term goals and plans will clarify. We become more aware of rules, limits, and boundaries in our lives.
November 15, 2024 9:21 am EST(GMT-04:00)