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Saturn enters Aries

24may11:36 pmSaturn enters AriesPlanetary Ingress


Saturn enters the sign of Aries

Saturn is in Aries from May 24, 2025, to September 1, 2025, and then from February 13, 2026, to Apr 12, 2028.


Green astrological symbols in the foreground: Saturn and Aries, on a background of random symbols

  • May 24, 2025    11:35 PM  Saturn enters Aries
  • Sep  1, 2025     4:06 AM  Saturn Rx enters Pisces
  • Feb 13, 2026     7:11 PM  Saturn enters Aries
  • Apr 12, 2028    11:39 PM  Saturn enters Taurus

While Saturn is in Aries, we may initially experience frustration when pursuing our individual goals. We can feel uncomfortable with big shows of individuality or me-centered behavior while Saturn is in Aries. However, this period also presents a unique opportunity for personal growth. As we learn to balance our individual needs with collective responsibilities, we can overcome this discomfort. By recognizing the necessity for this balanced attention, we can expand our potential for personal development. Otherwise, we might inadvertently limit ourselves.

In recent years, there has been much attention to the self. Aries energies have been revered and celebrated. Saturn in Aries aims to moderate this focus where it’s been excessive. We become more critical of this celebration, noting where a “me-first” attitude or “express your true self” at all costs has worked against us. Saturn in Aries cringes at excessive self-importance, in fact. However, it may go too far in that direction when the goal should be to correct where things have been immoderate or imbalanced and excessive. Ideally, we’re striving for healthy, balanced levels of self-sacrifice.

During this transit, we can be resourceful. It’s a prime time to evaluate our egoism and self-centeredness, identifying areas where we may assert ourselves to our own detriment. For instance, in our pursuit of ‘living our truth,’ we may inadvertently trample on others’ liberties. The Saturn in Aries transit empowers us to recognize and address these self-centered behaviors, putting us in control of our actions and their consequences.

It’s also a time for exploring our fear of being seen as less than strong or less than first place. These fears can limit our experiences as we might bow out of competition or avoid activities where we might appear less than competent. In truth, these experiences could be wonderful if we enjoy them for what they are rather than worry about the outcomes.

While Saturn is in Aries in 2025:

  • it squares Jupiter in Cancer on June 15th (Jupiter square Saturn)
  • it sextiles Uranus on August 11th (Saturn sextile Uranus)


May 24, 2025 11:36 pm EST(GMT-04:00)

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