October 30 2024
30octOverview of the DayOctober 30 2024Daily Overview
Wednesday, OCTOBER 30 Mercury opposes Uranus today, and there can be different views of a situation and contrary opinions. Our understanding of a matter does a one-eighty. This transit
Wednesday, OCTOBER 30
Mercury opposes Uranus today, and there can be different views of a situation and contrary opinions. Our understanding of a matter does a one-eighty. This transit can produce mental tension, miscommunication, changes of mind or plans, and resistance to ideas.
These, however, can lead to new insights if we’re open to them. We can be confrontational or controversial. As such, it may not be the best time to present an argument or an important idea, but friction can challenge us to learn more about our own minds and opinions.
Epiphanies and unusual insights can occur now, or surprising news might arrive that turns our perception of a situation on its head.
Today’s Libra Moon stirs us to harmonize and balance our lives. This Moon transit helps us see the other side of a story or situation.
October 30, 2024 Overview of the Day EDT(GMT-04:00)
Moon Data