October 23 2024
23octOverview of the DayOctober 23 2024Daily Overview
Wednesday, OCTOBER 23 Mercury’s quintile to Jupiter this morning is subtle energy, but it’s good for rounding out our thinking. Our ideas are particularly clever, and focusing on intellectual
Wednesday, OCTOBER 23
Mercury’s quintile to Jupiter this morning is subtle energy, but it’s good for rounding out our thinking. Our ideas are particularly clever, and focusing on intellectual interests and problem-solving can be especially successful now.
The Moon spends the day in the sign of Cancer, and we seek familiarity, safety, and quiet. This transit encourages us to center ourselves and let go of overthinking.
This Moon inclines us to want to find a personal pursuit and give it special attention. Its alignment with Mars provides us with courage, enthusiasm, and initiative. It’s a good time for activities that engage our emotions, although we can also be impulsive and frustrated if faced with inaction.
The Moon’s sextile to Uranus helps us find easy, creative, and even inventive channels for these energies.
October 23, 2024 Overview of the Day EDT(GMT-04:00)
Moon Data