Cafe Astrology .com

October 22 2024

22octOverview of the DayOctober 22 2024Daily Overview


Tuesday, OCTOBER 22

The Sun forms a square to Pluto this morning, and there can be some mistrust or heaviness in the air. Temporarily, our relationship goals may feel at odds with our more worldly ambitions. Events occurring now tend to highlight problems with trust–it’s not easy to put our faith in others (or in life/the process).

We might aim to discover our inner power that comes from a strong sense of self rather than superficial energy derived from manipulating people into doing what we want them to do. This transit can help us identify areas of over-attachment, but we may find it difficult to let go and unwind. It’s best to aim for self-control now.

The Sun moves into Scorpio today, where it will transit until November 21st. Scorpio is a sign of depth, intimacy, and extremes of feeling, and with the Sun in the sign, superficiality or mediocrity will not do! In the weeks ahead, we’re more likely to prosper through strategy and knowing the value of keeping some things to ourselves at the correct times. Efforts to repurpose, recycle, salvage, and transform can be successful. We’re adept at organizing, researching, investigating, and analyzing. We gravitate to challenges and feel compelled to heal, fix, and direct or manage.

Venus forms a trine to the North Node tonight, and we are more dedicated than usual to creating harmony. We make an extra effort to be agreeable and cooperative, and this attitude helps us reach our goals. We could feel lucky in love or business, and we might make a fortunate connection.

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October 22, 2024 Overview of the Day EDT(GMT-04:00)

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Waning Gibbous

Waning 72.2%

October 22, 2024 12:00 am

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