October 20 2024
20octOverview of the DayOctober 20 2024Daily Overview
Sunday, OCTOBER 20 The Moon spends the day in intelligent Gemini, and we’re curious and connected. Today’s Sun-Neptune quincunx adds a layer of uncertainty or indecision to our day, however.
Sunday, OCTOBER 20
The Moon spends the day in intelligent Gemini, and we’re curious and connected.
Today’s Sun-Neptune quincunx adds a layer of uncertainty or indecision to our day, however. We might feel that people are draining our energy, especially if it’s unclear what they want from us. We can feel slightly off or out of sorts, and concentrating or figuring out our next step can be difficult. These things are more likely if we’ve neglected our spiritual needs, and it makes sense to slow down and adjust. Incorporating and recognizing the need for more imagination in our lives seems necessary now.
With a Sun-Saturn minor square tonight, we can become more aware of or frustrated by our limitations. This transit can close us up or narrow our focus. We could feel confined or restricted regarding our plans and self-expression until we work out the tension.
October 20, 2024 Overview of the Day EDT(GMT-04:00)
Moon Data