October 17 2024
17octOverview of the DayOctober 17 2024Daily Overview
Thursday, OCTOBER 17 A Full Moon occurs this morning at 7:27 AM EDT in the sign of Aries, and epiphanies can happen as our feelings come to full bloom. This
Thursday, OCTOBER 17
A Full Moon occurs this morning at 7:27 AM EDT in the sign of Aries, and epiphanies can happen as our feelings come to full bloom. This Full Moon reminds us to consider how we are honoring ourselves in the context of our close relationships. New revelations are likely, particularly about our leadership skills, feelings of independence, ability to initiate and begin new things, and close partnerships.
With the Moon full and bright in the sky, symbolic illumination occurs in our lives. But because these new feelings and revelations are emotional, we might want to exercise some care in expressing or acting on them.
Venus forms a sextile to Pluto before it leaves Scorpio and enters Sagittarius today, and this transit gently breaks down barriers, helping us with new insight into our needs for love, comfort, or pleasure and our money situation. We might take a comfortably strategic approach to these affairs. Our feelings are more focused and intensified in a generally pleasant and positive way. We seek depth of emotion and authenticity in our dealings.
Venus enters Sagittarius today, where it will transit until November 11th, and romantic adventures and a straightforward and even blunt approach to love are on the agenda. We leave behind complexities and embrace directness and clarity. We take pleasure in seeking truth and higher meaning, and we’re open, sincere, and optimistic with others. While it’s not the best time for care with money, it’s strong for enthusiasm and spirit.
The Moon is void from 3:27 PM EDT, with the Moon’s last aspect before changing signs (a square to Pluto), until the Moon enters Taurus at 4:00 PM EDT.
October 17, 2024 Overview of the Day EDT(GMT-04:00)
Moon Data