October 14 2024
14octOverview of the DayOctober 14 2024Daily Overview
Monday, OCTOBER 14 The Sun forms a square with Mars this morning, and we may have difficulty settling down, entertaining an intense urge to take action and make things
Monday, OCTOBER 14
The Sun forms a square with Mars this morning, and we may have difficulty settling down, entertaining an intense urge to take action and make things happen, but we may not know how to direct this excess energy. We feel the need for more challenges, enterprise, and initiative.
Reactions tend to be defensive or competitive now, and we can be averse to negotiation or compromise. However, energy output can run high if we focus and exercise patience. It’s important not to rush ourselves, others, or projects.
Venus opposes Uranus today, and unexpected events or feelings may take us off guard. Our feelings, attractions, or people in our lives can surprise us now. Some instability, restlessness, and rebelliousness are themes in our social interactions. Our needs for comfort and togetherness appear to clash with the desire to be free and independent. Indeed, we can experience sudden infatuations with people or material items that later prove less appealing.
As such, it’s not a good time to start a significant financial undertaking or relationship — not until rebellious feelings pass and we gain a better sense of how we honestly feel. Falling back on old patterns of relating won’t work now. Still, if we can separate rebellion from a sincere need for change, we might open ourselves to new ways of relating that accommodate our diverse needs.
October 14, 2024 Overview of the Day EDT(GMT-04:00)
Moon Data