November 6 2024
06novOverview of the DayNovember 6 2024Daily Overview
Wednesday, NOVEMBER 6 The Capricorn Moon harmonizes with Saturn and the Sun today, and we are cautious and draw upon common sense when making decisions. We pay special attention
Wednesday, NOVEMBER 6
The Capricorn Moon harmonizes with Saturn and the Sun today, and we are cautious and draw upon common sense when making decisions. We pay special attention to structures, rules, and goals, especially around the Moon-Saturn sextile.
The Moon in Capricorn is astute and security-oriented. Mercury forms a minor square to Chiron, and insecurity might make it awkward for us to express ourselves naturally or flowingly this morning. With Mercury’s trine to the North Node, we might connect with information or people that/who encourage us to grow, improve, or move forward.
These energies help ground us but also keep us open to new methods and possibilities.
November 6, 2024 Overview of the Day EDT(GMT-04:00)
Moon Data