November 22 2024
22novOverview of the DayNovember 22 2024Daily Overview
Friday, NOVEMBER 22 Venus forms a sextile to Saturn this morning, encouraging a considered, practical approach, particularly in our social lives. It’s a grounding influence that helps stabilize our affections.
Friday, NOVEMBER 22
Venus forms a sextile to Saturn this morning, encouraging a considered, practical approach, particularly in our social lives. It’s a grounding influence that helps stabilize our affections. We place a higher value on security, steadiness, and loyalty.
This transit boosts the appeal of the ordinary and reliable–we appreciate longstanding alliances or tried-and-true pleasures. We are more responsible with others and with our own feelings and affections. Our judgment is sound, and we’re a little more conservative with money under this influence. We can enjoy planning and organizing.
This evening’s Last Quarter Moon also prompts sorting. The Moon enters Virgo at 6:01 PM EST, encouraging our desire to help, sort, excel at work, analyze, and organize.
The Last Quarter Moon is exact as the Sun in Sagittarius forms a square with the Virgo Moon at 8:28 PM, signaling a time to review rather than push something new. Until after next week’s New Moon, it’s a better time to tie up loose ends, take inventory, and let go if necessary. We might consider our recent revelations, what they mean to us, and what’s our possible next step.
The Moon is void from 8:15 AM EST, with the Moon’s last aspect before changing signs (a square to Uranus), until the Moon enters Virgo at 6:01 PM EST.
November 22, 2024 Overview of the Day EDT(GMT-04:00)
Moon Data