Cafe Astrology .com

march, 2025

30mar7:58 amNeptune enters AriesPlanetary Ingress7:58 am EDT(GMT-04:00) View in my timeEvent Type :Planetary Ingress


Neptune enters the sign of Aries

Neptune is in Aries from March 30, 2025, to October 22, 2025, and later from January 26, 2026, to May 21, 2038, and then October 21, 2038, to March 23, 2039.

While Neptune flirts with Aries in 2025, it won’t be consistently in the sign until late January 2026 forward.


  • Mar 30, 2025     7:59 AM  Neptune enters Aries
  • Oct 22, 2025     5:48 AM  Neptune Rx enters Pisces
  • Jan 26, 2026    12:37 PM  Neptune enters Aries
  • May 21, 2038     8:17 PM  Neptune enters Taurus
  • Oct 21, 2038     8:19 AM  Neptune Rx enters Aries
  • Mar 23, 2039     4:40 PM  Neptune enters Taurus

While Neptune is in Aries, we idealize independence, courage, bravery, freedom, and fresh starts. However, we may not see ourselves clearly, or we might struggle with defining ourselves and our boundaries during this period. We might also inflate our importance in times of insecurity, which can be quite detrimental. Presenting false images of ourselves that we end up identifying with can be especially tempting during this period.

As we strive toward our ideal of more independence and individualism, we should watch that we don’t leave people behind. The image of a spiritual warrior championing for the vulnerable would be the better theme during this cycle. It’s a good idea to check in with ourselves to be sure we’re not harboring delusions of ourselves and others who we might imagine to be courageous or free. Other issues to watch for include impatience with those things we don’t understand or with intricate matters and being caught off guard by competitors or anger that we failed to recognize.

It can be a time of great wonder and impulse–we tend to boldly follow our intuition wherever it leads us. We have faith in our ability to innovate, lead, start anew, and win. We can be talented at inspiring others to action and promoting our beliefs, ideas, and missions. It can be a time of decidedly new, exciting, and modern styles in fashion, art, and music and perhaps radical or pioneering changes in beliefs, religion, and philosophy.

New approaches to spirituality can figure strongly, and compassionate acts can be a goal. Aries is too stern to express itself compassionately, preferring action and revolution to express its care. We’re ready to reject and do away with dogma. The need for change and innovation is felt innately and intuitively.


(Sunday) 7:58 am EDT(GMT-04:00) View in my time

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