Cafe Astrology .com

March 7 2024

07marOverview of the DayMarch 7 2024Daily Overview


Thursday, MARCH 7

Under the influence of an Aquarius Moon all day, we have an emotional need for freedom and independence. We thrive on intellectual stimulation, change, and unusual or unconventional experiences. Trying to pin us down to deadlines and routines could be a lesson in frustration today. On the other hand, it can be a good time to break out of routines and ruts. We should, however, watch for going overboard to combat boredom. With the Moon’s square to Jupiter, there can be some restlessness or competing ambitions and needs.

Still, with Jupiter’s trine to Juno today, we might take steps to strengthen our relationships by putting more faith in our relationships and one another. There can be a focus on sharing or blending beliefs, morals, and values; or we are more obviously growing and improving through each other. We may be making big plans with a significant someone. Having combined or shared goals and ambitions can be a bonding factor.


March 7, 2024 Overview of the Day EST(GMT-05:00)

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