Cafe Astrology .com

june, 2024

19junOverview of the DayJune 19 2024Daily Overview(Overview of the Day: wednesday) EDT(GMT-04:00) View in my timeEvent Type :Daily Overview


Wednesday, JUNE 19

A Scorpio Moon until 12:32 PM EDT encourages us to tap into our desires, and a Neptune-Vesta trine sparks our imagination and creativity. This is a time of dedication, where we might volunteer our services or willingly support and make sacrifices for loved ones.

The Sagittarius Moon from 12:32 PM forward is enthusiastic, confident, and forward-looking.

Later today, a semi-sextile between Mercury and Jupiter may bring some indecisiveness, but our positive thinking allows us to bounce back quickly from any disappointment.

The Moon opposes Jupiter tonight, which brings a sense of ‘borrow from the future’ energy. We should be careful not to commit to something for which we don’t yet have the resources.

The Moon is void from 12:19 PM EDT, with the Moon’s last aspect before changing signs (a trine to Neptune), until the Moon enters Sagittarius at 12:32 PM EDT.


Overview of the Day (Wednesday) EDT(GMT-04:00) View in my time




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