Full Moon on November 5, 2025
05nov8:19 amFull Moon on November 5, 2025in Taurus
The Moon is Full in Taurus on November 5th, 2025, at 8:19 AM EDT.
The Moon is Full in Taurus on November 5th, 2025, at 8:19 AM EDT.
A Full Moon occurs when the Sun in Scorpio forms an opposition to the Moon in Taurus. The Full Moon is a time of culmination and the promise of fulfillment of that which was started at the New Moon. It is an emotional event – a time of romance, fertilization, and relationships.
Full Moons always pit opposite signs of the zodiac against each other. They also invite us to work to achieve a balance between the opposing energies.
With this lunation, the contrast between earthy, practical, peace-loving Taurus and emotional, transformative, crisis-oriented Scorpio comes full bloom. The Moon in Taurus wants us to find emotional fulfillment through the simple, tangible things in life, while the Scorpio Sun draws our attention to complexities, intangibles, and mysteries.
The Full Moon illuminates this conflict between form (Taurus) and transformation (Scorpio), and between collecting (Taurus) and sharing (Scorpio).
This is a passionate and creative Full Moon, ripe with possibilities and learning experiences. Intimate relationship matters, such as personal comfort levels and values and sexuality, figure prominently now.
This phase of the Moon occurs at 13 degrees and 23 minutes of Taurus, affecting people with personal planets and points at approximately 9 to 17 degrees of the Fixed signs (Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, and Aquarius) most significantly.
November 5, 2025 8:19 am EST(GMT-04:00)
Moon Data