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Full Moon on March 18, 2022

18mar3:17 amFull Moon on March 18, 2022in Virgo


The Moon is Full in Virgo on March 18, 2022, at 3:17 AM EDT.

Full Moon in Virgo chart: March 18, 2022

A Full Moon occurs in the sign of Virgo on March 18th, 2022, when the Sun in Pisces forms an opposition to the Moon in Virgo. The Full Moon is a time of culmination and the promise of fulfillment of that which was started at the New Moon. It is an emotional time – a time of romance, fertilization, and relationships.

With the Virgo-Pisces service axis involved, this Full Moon presses us to find a balance between day-to-day functions and routines, physical health, and the need for order (Virgo) and vision, spiritual health, disorder, and the infinite (Pisces).

Virgo rules the tools and techniques we use to deal with day-to-day life, while Pisces rules the tools we employ to manage our spiritual selves.

Some sort of crisis (which can be a crisis of consciousness) or sudden awareness of a lack in our lives provides us with a golden opportunity to explore our emotional needs within the context of the house polarity where the Full Moon occurs in our natal charts.

This Full Moon urges us to strike a balance between work and service, practicality and impracticality, criticism and acceptance. With the Moon full and bright in the sky, symbolic “illumination” occurs in our own lives.

However, these new feelings and revelations are emotional ones, as there is a sense of emotions bursting forth into our consciousness. It’s time to express ourselves and to let things out of our systems. Over the next two weeks, we will discover what this means for us.

For now, we can’t sit on our feelings–we need to express them! Of course, we might want to exercise some care while doing so, knowing that what is coming out of us is not particularly rational as yet.

This is an eyes-wide-open time for our work, habits, health, and routines. We are likely to receive strong messages from our intuition.

This Full Moon harmonizes with Pluto, suggesting a healthy relationship with change and transformation. We want to better ourselves or our situation through the revelations occurring around the time of this lunation. It’s a gently ambitious time.

This phase of the Moon occurs at 27 degrees and 40 minutes of Virgo, affecting people born with personal planets and points at approximately 24 to 30 degrees of the Mutable signs (Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, and Pisces) and approximately 0 to 2 degrees of the Cardinal signs (Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn) most significantly.


full moon in astrology

Full Moon


March 18, 2022 3:17 am EDT(GMT-04:00)

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