Cafe Astrology .com

February 13 2024

13febOverview of the DayFebruary 13 2024Daily Overview


Tuesday, FEBRUARY 13

Mars enters Aquarius today, where it will transit until March 22nd. During this cycle, energy levels can be dynamic yet erratic. We are team players–cooperative and less concerned about personal power than in previous cycles. We could be achieving our goals through hit-or-miss tactics.

Impersonal expression of anger is characteristic of Mars in Aquarius. We are attracted to unconventional methods and tend to approach problems from an intellectual, detached perspective during the Mars-in-Aquarius cycle.

We tend to act only when we can entirely get behind or believe in our actions. As such, we might spend more time thinking about action than taking it. However, when motivated, we’re crusaders for our ideas and causes.

Venus forms a sextile to Neptune today, and we want to see the best in people and situations. With this transit, we approach one another more gently and sensitively than usual. We are inclined to see the spiritual or magical dimensions of our relationships and treat others with increased compassion. This influence encourages us to open up and embrace loving feelings. It also detaches us just enough from our feelings that we’re less possessive.

Nevertheless, tension is building as Mars approaches a conjunction with Pluto, exact early tomorrow morning but influencing today. We can experience strong desires to take action on a matter, but impatience or pushiness could trip us up if we are not careful. We should also watch for buried resentments and anger driving our actions and the tendency to ignore reason.

However, well channeled, this energy can bring increased focus and motivation. We dare to go after what we want and to take decisive action! We might entirely revise or rebuild something from the ground up, break something down to start anew, or we may be determined to put a difficult situation behind us so that we can move forward. We might be too forceful or willful, however. We should avoid overdoing it to the point of exhaustion. This can be a compulsive time when power struggles are more likely, and we can be tested to the limits. Positively, we enjoy a strong sense of purposefulness.


February 13, 2024 Overview of the Day EST(GMT-05:00)

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