December 8 2024
08decOverview of the DayDecember 8 2024Daily Overview
Sunday, DECEMBER 8 Venus forms a minor square and contra-parallel with Jupiter today, and we’re optimistic and ready to take a chance or give someone or something the benefit
Sunday, DECEMBER 8
Venus forms a minor square and contra-parallel with Jupiter today, and we’re optimistic and ready to take a chance or give someone or something the benefit of the doubt.
However, we should watch for overextension. It’s best not to overstate or make big promises based only on the good mood of the moment.
This morning, the First Quarter Moon occurs when the Sun in Sagittarius forms a square with the Moon in Pisces. There is a crisis theme surrounding any quarter Moon phase, as we feel compelled to take action. Shortly after, we become aware of how our actions affect those close to us, perhaps through trial and error. It can be a time of stress, clashing, and discord, but also high energy, motivation, and growth.
Pluto aligns with Ceres early in the sign of Aquarius, and it’s a time of renewal on an attachment level. Our attachment to our happiness goals, friends, and social life is in focus. We might push ourselves to achieve more or to effect change and a new approach, and being part of something greater than ourselves is appealing. It’s a good time for creative group dynamics.
December 8, 2024 Overview of the Day EDT(GMT-04:00)
Moon Data