December 23 2024
23decOverview of the DayDecember 23 2024Daily Overview
Monday, DECEMBER 23 The Sun forms a square to the North Node of the Moon this morning, pointing to dissatisfaction and disagreement. We could be moving in directions counter
Monday, DECEMBER 23
The Sun forms a square to the North Node of the Moon this morning, pointing to dissatisfaction and disagreement. We could be moving in directions counter to our growth, perhaps allowing matters of ego to work against us.
Circumstances may take us out of our comfort zone, which feels disruptive and counter-productive at first glance, but might ultimately redirect us in helpful ways.
Today’s Venus-Chiron sextile is forgiving. We’re open to learning to overcome our insecurities. We more easily identify the needs and desires we’ve suppressed, and getting into a healthier relationship with these buried needs can help. We’re more inclined toward intimacy and sharing and see beauty in our imperfections.
As we learn what we genuinely value, our choices and decisions about relationships and finances improve.
Today’s Libra Moon is accommodating, and its harmony with Mercury and Jupiter promotes cooperation and communication.
December 23, 2024 Overview of the Day EDT(GMT-04:00)
Moon Data