December 22 2024
22decOverview of the DayDecember 22 2024Daily Overview
Sunday, DECEMBER 22 The Moon continues in the sign of conscientious Virgo until 2:08 PM EST, when it heads into balanced Libra. The Last Quarter Moon occurs at 10:31 PM
Sunday, DECEMBER 22
The Moon continues in the sign of conscientious Virgo until 2:08 PM EST, when it heads into balanced Libra.
The Last Quarter Moon occurs at 10:31 PM in Libra, and this phase of the Moon points to a possible crisis of consciousness. After basking in the awareness symbolized by the full light of the Moon at the time of last week’s Full Moon, we begin to see what works for us–and what doesn’t–in preparation for next week’s New Moon when something new is born again. It’s not the best time to start a significant project, but we might begin to finish up the details of whatever we conceived at the last New Moon. Ideally, we’re arriving at a more mature view of a project or situation.
The Sun heads toward a quintile with Saturn, and a responsible theme emerges. We tend to sort, categorize, and create order now. There can be a willingness to make sacrifices if it seems the best way to make improvements.
The Moon is void from 8:27 AM EST, with the Moon’s last aspect before changing signs (an opposition to Neptune), until the Moon enters Libra at 2:08 PM EST.
December 22, 2024 Overview of the Day EDT(GMT-04:00)
Moon Data