August 26 2024
26augOverview of the DayAugust 26 2024Daily Overview
Monday, AUGUST 26 The Last Quarter Moon occurs this morning at 5:26 AM EDT as the Sun in Virgo forms a square to the Moon in Gemini, pointing to
Monday, AUGUST 26
The Last Quarter Moon occurs this morning at 5:26 AM EDT as the Sun in Virgo forms a square to the Moon in Gemini, pointing to a possible crisis of consciousness. We’ve processed recent epiphanies and now begin to see what works for us–and what doesn’t–in preparation for next week’s New Moon when something new is born again. It’s not ideal to start a significant project now, but it’s a fine time to finish details or tie up loose ends.
The Moon spends the day in Gemini, and our need for mental stimulation is strong.
As the day advances, we approach a Venus-Uranus trine, exact very early tomorrow, that brings us out of our shells further. This transit encourages our bolder, more innovative natures, socially speaking. We are especially interested in what’s new, fresh, invigorating, unusual, and out-of-the-ordinary regarding romantic involvements, entertainment or pleasures, and financial undertakings.
We may be experimenting, improvising, and trying new ways of relating and expressing ourselves. We might discover alternative ways to make (or spend) money.
Although a little detached, we’re freer with our feelings and find beauty in the unfamiliar or uncommon.
August 26, 2024 Overview of the Day EDT(GMT-05:00)
Moon Data