Cafe Astrology .com

August 19 2024

19augOverview of the DayAugust 19 2024Daily Overview


Monday, AUGUST 19

Today’s astrology is busy. Venus forms a square to Jupiter and opposition to Saturn this morning, while Jupiter and Saturn perfect their square later today. These transits bring to the surface underlying tensions in social interactions and relationships. We may find ourselves wanting more than the world can currently provide.

This is a time when relationship issues or financial/legal matters may come to the forefront. Insecurities about our relationships, money, or comfort levels may also be triggered. Difficulties in socializing could stem from an increased sensitivity to rejection and a certain rigidity in expressing affection.

The Sun forms a square to Uranus, which can temporarily destabilize some aspects of our lives or highlight existing problem areas. Our strong desire for independence or to break the rules could cloud our judgment. Changes we make now may feel out of character or abrupt. Disrupted routines and plans are likely, and while they may be unsettling at first, they can also encourage new approaches. These disruptions can bring to the surface buried frustrations, which we should examine more closely.

It’s a time to learn something new about ourselves. However, we should be mindful of being irresponsible in our rebellions and guard against temperamental behavior and decision-making.

The Full Moon occurs at 2:26 PM EDT, when the Leo Sun opposes the Aquarius Moon, marks a time of culmination. The Leo Sun is proud and intensely individual, not content with being just one of the team. The Aquarius Moon, while also individualistic, values independence and the team, community, and group spirit.

With the Leo Sun in opposition to the Aquarius Moon, the Full Moon shines a light on this conflict. When a Full Moon occurs, it can lead to proclamations and outpours that are raw. It also brings to light feelings, attitudes, and circumstances that have been buried or overlooked. This is a time to awaken to the need for others or to respond to humanitarian impulses.

With the powerful Jupiter-Saturn square, circumstances present us with an opportunity for personal or professional growth, although the rewards may be delayed. We must restructure our lives or plans in accordance with rules, laws, limits, and the demands of reality. Ultimately, this process can lead to a stronger, more resilient version of ourselves or our projects.

This can be a time of temporary fluctuating finances, increased personal commitments, sudden obstacles to our goals, energy dips, or ups and downs with our faith/outlook. We might ask ourselves, “Why am I doing this?” What for?” or “What’s the point?” more frequently. There can be a sense that we’re not in the right place at the right time during this phase.

This is the first of three perfections of the Jupiter-Saturn square. The second will occur on December 24th, 2024, and the third on June 15th, 2025. During this period, it’s crucial to breathe new life into old plans rather than starting afresh. We may need to make sacrifices in one area of our lives to grow in another.

It’s important not to overextend ourselves now and to avoid attempting easy fixes or shortcuts. The need to adjust our expectations is a natural part of the process, and with patience and perseverance, we can confidently navigate current obstacles and challenges.

The Moon is void from 2:26 PM EDT, with the Moon’s last aspect before changing signs (an opposition to the Sun), until the Moon enters Pisces at 6:52 PM EDT.

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August 19, 2024 Overview of the Day EDT(GMT-04:00)

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Waxing 99.5%

August 19, 2024 12:00 am

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