Cafe Astrology .com

April 9 2024

09aprOverview of the DayApril 9 2024Daily Overview


Tuesday, APRIL 9

The Moon continues its transit of assertive and bold Aries until 7:24 AM EDT, stirring our desire to initiate, start with a clean slate, and come first.

While the Aries Moon is pioneering, the Moon in Taurus from 7:24 AM forward is patient and persistent. We’re in tune with our natural impulses, and we’re exceptionally resourceful. We also crave comfort and predictability. Common sense rules as we handle domestic or emotional matters and money.

However, as the day advances, a Venus-Uranus semi-square comes into influence and indicates impermanent tastes, attractions, and whims. The need for new challenges or a novel approach may be the root of this. Changes now can create fresh opportunities that can add to our sense of joy and freedom, but understanding our needs and wants can take some trial and error.

The Moon is void today only until 7:24 AM EDT, when it enters Taurus.


April 9, 2024 Overview of the Day EDT(GMT-05:00)

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