Capricorn Monthly Horoscope
{Monthly Horoscopes 2019}
A horoscope guide to the month ahead for Capricorn Sun and Capricorn Ascendant.
July 2019 Horoscope: Predictions for Capricorn
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We’ve divided our monthly horoscopes into 3 groups (or decanates) per sign for more accuracy. Remember that if you know your Ascendant, read forecasts for both your Sun sign and your Ascendant sign. If you know your birth time, but don’t know your Ascendant, be sure to see How to Obtain Your Astrology Chart here, or use Cafe Astrology’s Ascendant Calculator.
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Horoscopes for:
Capricorns born December 22 to December 31 | ||||
Capricorns born January 1 to 10 | ||||
Capricorns born January 11 to 20 |
Overview for this Month: Capricorn (All)
Horoscope Overview for July 2019 for Capricorn:
The North Node in your opposite sign this year pulls up your need to explore companionship matters, dear Capricorn, and this month's eclipses tell more of this story! There can be a chance for a new beginning or a cleaning of the slate related to a partnership, negotiation, or commitment. Themes this year and next can relate to a new or enhanced partnership or can lead to a commitment to go/stay solo. For some, a relationship crisis of sorts prompts a new beginning or approach--a turning point is happening now. In the first week of the month, you'd benefit from taking time to get in touch with your relationship needs. Observe, take in, and be honest with yourself. This way, you're ready for a new beginning ushered in by the eclipse in your partnership sector on the 2nd. Of course, you can't anticipate all that happens or all that you feel at this time, but connecting with your intuition will be most helpful.
Around the Lunar Eclipse that occurs in your sign on the 16th, you may be seeing circumstances for their flaws more than their overall worth, and this process is necessary for you to arrive at a more balanced and realistic place. It's also entirely temporary! Recognition, whether personal and professional, is expected. Certainly, this can be a busy time in your life. Keep in mind that during eclipse season, it's not unusual to feel a bit wiped out or drained before you refuel with energy and motivation. Because this set of eclipses are strong on you (they occur in your sign and opposing sign from July 2018 to July 2020), this can be more prominent than usual.
You may have been pouring a lot of energy into relationships in recent weeks, and there's more of this energy in July, perhaps with a big reveal or a turning point. Even so, Mars moves out of your partnership sector and into your solar eighth house on the 1st, and the Sun will do so on the 22nd, followed by Venus on the 27th. These ingresses point to a growing desire to transform, improve, and develop a relationship or project.
While bodies in your partnership sector this month are under some strain from time to time, overall, your gracious manner attracts positive experiences. Consider that you're expected to learn a lot through your interactions with others. These "lessons" are not necessarily direct ones--they may simply be about the kinds of feelings and insights you gain from your reactions to someone in your life or from your collaborations.
There can be times when your needs and desires seem eclipsed by those of a partner, or in general, your personal needs and plans are on the back burner for now. This can lead to a feeling that you have to lay down the law or take control, but doing so is unlikely to serve you well. It's best to work on developing your own resources and on getting your life in order so that you can bring the best version of yourself to your relationships. Playing a supportive role can be beneficial at this point in the year.
Financial matters can assume more and more importance as the month advances, or matters of support, dependence, and attachment can emerge. For some of you, your intimate life heats up in July. Although money and power dynamics may still need straightening out, you can experience more excitement and intimacy with a special someone this month. On the 23-25, a Mars-Jupiter connection tops up your inner courage. You might be taking an intimate relationship to a new level, or you're learning something powerful about yourself. It's an excellent time for support, whether it's of the emotional, mental, or financial kind. You are exceptionally resourceful all month and especially now, and your desire to improve, grow, and overcome obstacles is great. This can be a time for reaping the rewards of past actions. If you've had a lifestyle change in mind, plans to get that started can emerge. It can also be an excellent time for resolving conflicts with others.
Mercury's retrograde occurs from the 7-31. From the 7-19, it happens in your solar eighth house of others' resources, and from the 19-31, retrograde Mercury moves through your partnership sector. You may be seeing some backtracking with loans, dues, debts, or relationships before you feel you're going forward. You may be waiting for information, and patience is required! In a general sense, July is a better month for making edits, reorienting yourself, tidying things up, and observing than it is for pushing your plans forward.
See also This Month in Astrology.
Capricorn (Born December 22 to December 31) and Capricorn Ascendant 0 to 10 degrees Capricorn:
July 2019 Capricorn Horoscope: Love, Career, & General Trends
July 2019
The Sun this Month: Central Focus, Consciousness
Until July 22nd:
The Sun continues to put a spotlight on your solar seventh house--your partnership sector. This can be a time of much learning through the mirror of close relationships. It's not the time to push your agenda or personal plans forward; rather, it's a cycle in which you are at your best when you recognize the need to form alliances, to give back to a special someone, and to compromise in order to find some balance in your life.
It's a strong period for putting yourself into another person's shoes and to better understand him/her. You may be meeting with someone strong and assertive by nature now, or a partner is more assertive and needy of attention. There may be some competitive feelings between you and a significant other now. Focus is on reconciliation, forming or cementing bonds, diplomacy, consultation, one-on-one interactions, and negotiations. You may feel a little drained physically now, temporarily.
From July 23rd forward:
The Sun energizes your sector of transformation, change, sexuality, personal growth, regeneration, others' money and resources, addictions, and taxes. As a result, this is not the most gregarious of months for you. You take a step back, focus on intimacy with a partner, or simply retreat a little from the hectic pace of life. This is an excellent time to create a budget or financial plan, or to rid yourself of bad habits that undermine your sense of personal power and self-mastery.
All that is deeply personal comes into focus now. Intimate matters are especially important to you during this cycle. Just how well you are handling your life comes up for inspection. Your self-mastery skills and psychological predisposition matter to you more than usual. This is the time of year when you are most desirous of change on a deep level. Clearing out psychic "junk" or ridding yourself of bad habits may be part of the picture now. You are more willing than usual to explore life's secrets.
This cycle brings greater in-depth understanding and an inclination to delve beneath the surface of matters to get to the bottom of them. Research uncovers new material that allows you to develop a better overall picture of the year's events. This is an especially introspective cycle during which you have the chance to truly uncover your personal strengths and talents. On a more practical level, you may be dealing with joint finances and shared resources now more than usual.
A total Solar Eclipse occurs on July 2nd: Because new information that could change our perspective can reveal itself after an eclipse, it's better to avoid major decision-making the week before and after this event. It's a time to observe and wait and see. The Solar Eclipse marks a new beginning for you. Letting go of the past is necessary to move forward. This eclipse occurs in your solar seventh house, signaling a new approach to dealing with others is in order. A new set-up in existing partnerships or a new relationship altogether may be formed in the coming months. It's a time for a sense of renewal and reinvigoration regarding your one-to-one relationship skills. This is a phase when you have an increased awareness of the need for someone significant to lean on or rely on. You may also begin a consulting position or you could enjoy an increase in clients if you already work with people one-on-one.
A partial Lunar Eclipse occurs on July 16th:
A general rule of thumb regarding eclipses is to avoid major decision-making in the week before and after an eclipse. This is because new information that could change our perspective often is revealed in the week after the eclipse. There is absolutely no need to suspend projects already in progress. Essentially, it's better to take in right now--to observe and get in touch with feelings.
The Lunar Eclipse stimulates your solar first house. Surprises surrounding your personal plans and your personal presence may be in store. Something that has been "in hiding" or brewing under the surface of things comes to light, or there is a significant fruition or culmination. Your sector of personal appearance, initiative, and "me first" energy is involved. This could manifest, for example, as a sudden assertion of independence (even a temper tantrum), a situation that tests your leadership skills, a culmination or fruition of an important partnership, and other such possibilities. Finding a balance between autonomy and dependence is what this Lunar Eclipse is about for you.
Venus this Month: Love, Romance, Social Life, Comfort, Pleasure
Until July 2nd:
Venus continues to move through your solar sixth house now. This is a time when beautifying and/or bringing harmony to your working environment is a priority to you. You might find more opportunities to socialize with co-workers, perhaps even meeting a new friend through your work or health routines. You are likely to bring more tact and diplomacy to your relations with the people you work with now. You may not be as productive as usual during this period, as the focus is more on social relationships and pleasure than on getting the job done. Improving health and vitality through pleasurable activities such as massage might be in focus now.
From July 3-27:
Venus graces your solar seventh house during this period. This is a time for extra attention to a partner or significant other, as well as from that person! You are more inclined to flatter and charm others during this cycle. One-to-one relating appeals to you more than group activities or more casual connections. Smoothing out your close personal relationships is what makes you happy during this cycle. If single, you are more willing than normal to enter into a committed relationship. In general, you are adaptable when it comes to your affections--very willing to compromise, negotiate, and make peace.
From July 28th forward:
Venus graces your solar eighth house now. During this cycle, a financial boost is possible, or you may gain financially through your partner. A deep and intimate connection made now could be revitalizing and even healing. You are more inclined to want to smooth over differences in a partnership concerning the sharing of power, intimacy matters, finances, and other emotionally-charged topics. Intimate relationships are intensified now. Either you or your partner want a deeper union.
Mercury this Month: Communications, Learning, Connections, Transportation
Until July 18th:
Mercury continues to transit your solar eighth house. The ability to analyze and rationalize some of the deeper elements inside yourself and in your intimate life now can benefit you. This is also a good time for sorting out finances, particularly money shared or coming from other sources other than your own personal income.
You might particularly enjoy discussing topics that you typically don't verbalize with someone special during this cycle. Anything taboo, mysterious, or puzzling can be especially fascinating for you just now. You have little interest in small talk. You are more aware of subtleties and nuances during this cycle, and you can use this increased insightfulness to improve your life.
Mercury is retrograde from July 7th to 31st
All Mercury retrograde cycles particularly affect you in terms of communications regarding travels, legal matters, or opinions, as well as communications on the job and with co-workers, because Mercury rules these areas of your life. It's best not to sign on the dotted line for the time being, especially when it comes to making travel plans or any legal contracts. There could be irritating mess-ups on the job. You might be inclined to miss important details in your paperwork, or might experience frustrating delays that result from co-workers' errors. Travel plans may go awry, or you may have a change of heart.
Mars this Month: Energy, Drive, Courage
From the 2nd forward:
Mars energizes your solar eighth house now. Sexuality and intimacy are stimulated under this transit. Negative expression of this energy is the tendency towards ego conflicts concerning jointly held property or money. Conflicts with partners over values or possessions are possible. Occasionally, this transit could bring a crisis or ending of some kind. Something you hear about now might disturb or touch you deeply. You are likely to be more strategic in your actions during this period, as you become aware of the subtleties of human interaction. This is a time when your best course of action is to recognize that you need, or rely on, others for support.
Overview Horoscope:
Horoscope Overview for July 2019 for Capricorn:
The North Node in your opposite sign this year pulls up your need to explore companionship matters, dear Capricorn, and this month's eclipses tell more of this story! There can be a chance for a new beginning or a cleaning of the slate related to a partnership, negotiation, or commitment. Themes this year and next can relate to a new or enhanced partnership or can lead to a commitment to go/stay solo. For some, a relationship crisis of sorts prompts a new beginning or approach--a turning point is happening now. In the first week of the month, you'd benefit from taking time to get in touch with your relationship needs. Observe, take in, and be honest with yourself. This way, you're ready for a new beginning ushered in by the eclipse in your partnership sector on the 2nd. Of course, you can't anticipate all that happens or all that you feel at this time, but connecting with your intuition will be most helpful.
Around the Lunar Eclipse that occurs in your sign on the 16th, you may be seeing circumstances for their flaws more than their overall worth, and this process is necessary for you to arrive at a more balanced and realistic place. It's also entirely temporary! Recognition, whether personal and professional, is expected. Certainly, this can be a busy time in your life. Keep in mind that during eclipse season, it's not unusual to feel a bit wiped out or drained before you refuel with energy and motivation. Because this set of eclipses are strong on you (they occur in your sign and opposing sign from July 2018 to July 2020), this can be more prominent than usual.
You may have been pouring a lot of energy into relationships in recent weeks, and there's more of this energy in July, perhaps with a big reveal or a turning point. Even so, Mars moves out of your partnership sector and into your solar eighth house on the 1st, and the Sun will do so on the 22nd, followed by Venus on the 27th. These ingresses point to a growing desire to transform, improve, and develop a relationship or project.
While bodies in your partnership sector this month are under some strain from time to time, overall, your gracious manner attracts positive experiences. Consider that you're expected to learn a lot through your interactions with others. These "lessons" are not necessarily direct ones--they may simply be about the kinds of feelings and insights you gain from your reactions to someone in your life or from your collaborations.
There can be times when your needs and desires seem eclipsed by those of a partner, or in general, your personal needs and plans are on the back burner for now. This can lead to a feeling that you have to lay down the law or take control, but doing so is unlikely to serve you well. It's best to work on developing your own resources and on getting your life in order so that you can bring the best version of yourself to your relationships. Playing a supportive role can be beneficial at this point in the year.
Financial matters can assume more and more importance as the month advances, or matters of support, dependence, and attachment can emerge. For some of you, your intimate life heats up in July. Although money and power dynamics may still need straightening out, you can experience more excitement and intimacy with a special someone this month. On the 23-25, a Mars-Jupiter connection tops up your inner courage. You might be taking an intimate relationship to a new level, or you're learning something powerful about yourself. It's an excellent time for support, whether it's of the emotional, mental, or financial kind. You are exceptionally resourceful all month and especially now, and your desire to improve, grow, and overcome obstacles is great. This can be a time for reaping the rewards of past actions. If you've had a lifestyle change in mind, plans to get that started can emerge. It can also be an excellent time for resolving conflicts with others.
Mercury's retrograde occurs from the 7-31. From the 7-19, it happens in your solar eighth house of others' resources, and from the 19-31, retrograde Mercury moves through your partnership sector. You may be seeing some backtracking with loans, dues, debts, or relationships before you feel you're going forward. You may be waiting for information, and patience is required! In a general sense, July is a better month for making edits, reorienting yourself, tidying things up, and observing than it is for pushing your plans forward.
See our Time Line Forecast report for a personalized forecast for the year ahead.
Get your unique Personalized Horoscope for the year ahead—over 100 pages long—for a detailed guide to your best days and your most challenging days for attracting love, career success, communication, and more.
Know More About Yourself and Others
Try Cafe Astrology's in-depth
birth chart reports, relationship reports, future forecasts, and more.
Love & Romance Forecast Report
Love outlook for the year ahead. Try our Love & Romance Forecast report.
Romantic Compatibility Reports
Try Cafe Astrology's in-depth
romantic compatibility reports, including the Synastry and Love Ties reports.
See also 2019 Capricorn Preview Horoscope and 2019 Capricorn Yearly Horoscope.
Capricorn (Born January 1 to 10) and Capricorn Ascendant from 10 to 20 degrees Capricorn:
July 2019 Capricorn Horoscope: Love, Career, & General Trends
July 2019
The Sun this Month: Central Focus, Consciousness
All month:
The Sun illuminates your seventh house. At this time of year, you have a greater need than usual to be with a partner. Bouncing ideas off someone helps you to better understand yourself. A partner provides a mirror for your own self-discovery. Now is the time to realize your own potential through a significant other. During this cycle, you focus on balancing your personal interests and objectives with your social life, or with those of a partner. The emphasis is on "us" rather than "me".
You need the energies, companionship, and support of other people, and they may also seek out your support and companionship. It's important to include others rather than to go solo for the time being. However, bending too much to the will of another is not advised either. Social interactions of a personal, one-on-one kind are emphasized. Circumstances are such that your diplomacy skills are required. Your popularity is increasing, and is reinforced by your own ability to cooperate and harmonize. Your ego and pride are tied up in how you relate to others now. This may be an especially busy time for people who consult or work with clients one-on-one.
A total Solar Eclipse occurs on July 2nd: Because new information that could change our perspective can reveal itself after an eclipse, it's better to avoid major decision-making the week before and after this event. It's a time to observe and wait and see. The Solar Eclipse marks a new beginning for you. Letting go of the past is necessary to move forward. This eclipse occurs in your solar seventh house, signaling a new approach to dealing with others is in order. A new set-up in existing partnerships or a new relationship altogether may be formed in the coming months. It's a time for a sense of renewal and reinvigoration regarding your one-to-one relationship skills. This is a phase when you have an increased awareness of the need for someone significant to lean on or rely on. You may also begin a consulting position or you could enjoy an increase in clients if you already work with people one-on-one.
A partial Lunar Eclipse occurs on July 16th:
A general rule of thumb regarding eclipses is to avoid major decision-making in the week before and after an eclipse. This is because new information that could change our perspective often is revealed in the week after the eclipse. There is absolutely no need to suspend projects already in progress. Essentially, it's better to take in right now--to observe and get in touch with feelings.
The Lunar Eclipse stimulates your solar first house. Surprises surrounding your personal plans and your personal presence may be in store. Something that has been "in hiding" or brewing under the surface of things comes to light, or there is a significant fruition or culmination. Your sector of personal appearance, initiative, and "me first" energy is involved. This could manifest, for example, as a sudden assertion of independence (even a temper tantrum), a situation that tests your leadership skills, a culmination or fruition of an important partnership, and other such possibilities. Finding a balance between autonomy and dependence is what this Lunar Eclipse is about for you.
Venus this Month: Love, Romance, Social Life, Comfort
Until July 10th:
Venus continues to move through your solar sixth house now. This is a time when beautifying and/or bringing harmony to your working environment is a priority to you. You might find more opportunities to socialize with co-workers, perhaps even meeting a new friend through your work or health routines. You are likely to bring more tact and diplomacy to your relations with the people you work with now. You may not be as productive as usual during this period, as the focus is more on social relationships and pleasure than on getting the job done. Improving health and vitality through pleasurable activities such as massage might be in focus now.
From July 11th forward:
Venus graces your solar seventh house during this period. This is a time for extra attention to a partner or significant other, as well as from that person! You are more inclined to flatter and charm others during this cycle. One-to-one relating appeals to you more than group activities or more casual connections. Smoothing out your close personal relationships is what makes you happy during this cycle. If single, you are more willing than normal to enter into a committed relationship. In general, you are adaptable when it comes to your affections--very willing to compromise, negotiate, and make peace.
Mercury this Month: Communications, Learning, Connections, Transportation
Mercury is retrograde from July 7th to 31st
Occurring in your solar seventh house this time, extra care should be exercised when it comes to negotiations and one-on-one communications. Be as non-judgmental as you can with a partner. There may be the need to revisit old issues in a partnership, or there could be some communication problems with a partner. An ex-partner may resurface during this cycle. Misunderstandings with your partner now can do some damage if you (or your partner) focus on the choice of words instead of the meanings behind the words. If you need to talk through problems, try not to over-react to what your partner has to say. Mixed messages coming from a partner, or a disappointment, could occur now. You may not be as adept at mediating disputes for the time being, but it's a good cycle in which to reflect upon your negotiation skills with the goal of improving them. Re-thinking a partnership arrangement is possible now, but you should avoid jumping to any premature decisions. It would be wise to be especially clear when it comes to communicating with partners; or take this time to re-examine issues rather than communicating about them prematurely.
All Mercury retrograde cycles particularly affect you in terms of communications regarding travels, legal matters, or opinions, as well as communications on the job and with co-workers, because Mercury rules these areas of your life. It's best not to sign on the dotted line for the time being, especially when it comes to making travel plans or any legal contracts. There could be irritating mess-ups on the job. You might be inclined to miss important details in your paperwork, or might experience frustrating delays that result from co-workers' errors. Travel plans may go awry, or you may have a change of heart.
Mars this Month: Energy, Drive, Courage
Until the 17th:
Mars continues to move through your solar seventh house. During this period, strife is possible in your close personal relationships, as a significant other is now mirroring some of your own issues with assertiveness and anger. Attracting aggression in others during this cycle is a clue that there are unresolved issues within that need tending. You might actually seek some form of conflict, whether intentionally or not, in order to deal with these issues. There can be competitiveness in your life now. Any troublesome issues that have been dormant in a relationship are likely to surface, and can now be handled straightforwardly.
From the 18th forward:
Mars energizes your solar eighth house now. Sexuality and intimacy are stimulated under this transit. Negative expression of this energy is the tendency towards ego conflicts concerning jointly held property or money. Conflicts with partners over values or possessions are possible. Occasionally, this transit could bring a crisis or ending of some kind. Something you hear about now might disturb or touch you deeply. You are likely to be more strategic in your actions during this period, as you become aware of the subtleties of human interaction. This is a time when your best course of action is to recognize that you need, or rely on, others for support.
Overview Horoscope:
Horoscope Overview for July 2019 for Capricorn:
The North Node in your opposite sign this year pulls up your need to explore companionship matters, dear Capricorn, and this month's eclipses tell more of this story! There can be a chance for a new beginning or a cleaning of the slate related to a partnership, negotiation, or commitment. Themes this year and next can relate to a new or enhanced partnership or can lead to a commitment to go/stay solo. For some, a relationship crisis of sorts prompts a new beginning or approach--a turning point is happening now. In the first week of the month, you'd benefit from taking time to get in touch with your relationship needs. Observe, take in, and be honest with yourself. This way, you're ready for a new beginning ushered in by the eclipse in your partnership sector on the 2nd. Of course, you can't anticipate all that happens or all that you feel at this time, but connecting with your intuition will be most helpful.
Around the Lunar Eclipse that occurs in your sign on the 16th, you may be seeing circumstances for their flaws more than their overall worth, and this process is necessary for you to arrive at a more balanced and realistic place. It's also entirely temporary! Recognition, whether personal and professional, is expected. Certainly, this can be a busy time in your life. Keep in mind that during eclipse season, it's not unusual to feel a bit wiped out or drained before you refuel with energy and motivation. Because this set of eclipses are strong on you (they occur in your sign and opposing sign from July 2018 to July 2020), this can be more prominent than usual.
You may have been pouring a lot of energy into relationships in recent weeks, and there's more of this energy in July, perhaps with a big reveal or a turning point. Even so, Mars moves out of your partnership sector and into your solar eighth house on the 1st, and the Sun will do so on the 22nd, followed by Venus on the 27th. These ingresses point to a growing desire to transform, improve, and develop a relationship or project.
While bodies in your partnership sector this month are under some strain from time to time, overall, your gracious manner attracts positive experiences. Consider that you're expected to learn a lot through your interactions with others. These "lessons" are not necessarily direct ones--they may simply be about the kinds of feelings and insights you gain from your reactions to someone in your life or from your collaborations.
There can be times when your needs and desires seem eclipsed by those of a partner, or in general, your personal needs and plans are on the back burner for now. This can lead to a feeling that you have to lay down the law or take control, but doing so is unlikely to serve you well. It's best to work on developing your own resources and on getting your life in order so that you can bring the best version of yourself to your relationships. Playing a supportive role can be beneficial at this point in the year.
Financial matters can assume more and more importance as the month advances, or matters of support, dependence, and attachment can emerge. For some of you, your intimate life heats up in July. Although money and power dynamics may still need straightening out, you can experience more excitement and intimacy with a special someone this month. On the 23-25, a Mars-Jupiter connection tops up your inner courage. You might be taking an intimate relationship to a new level, or you're learning something powerful about yourself. It's an excellent time for support, whether it's of the emotional, mental, or financial kind. You are exceptionally resourceful all month and especially now, and your desire to improve, grow, and overcome obstacles is great. This can be a time for reaping the rewards of past actions. If you've had a lifestyle change in mind, plans to get that started can emerge. It can also be an excellent time for resolving conflicts with others.
Mercury's retrograde occurs from the 7-31. From the 7-19, it happens in your solar eighth house of others' resources, and from the 19-31, retrograde Mercury moves through your partnership sector. You may be seeing some backtracking with loans, dues, debts, or relationships before you feel you're going forward. You may be waiting for information, and patience is required! In a general sense, July is a better month for making edits, reorienting yourself, tidying things up, and observing than it is for pushing your plans forward.
See our Time Line Forecast report for a personalized forecast for the year ahead.
Get your unique Personalized Horoscope for the year ahead—over 100 pages long—for a detailed guide to your best days and your most challenging days for attracting love, career success, communication, and more.
Know More About Yourself and Others
Try Cafe Astrology's in-depth
birth chart reports, relationship reports, future forecasts, and more.
Love & Romance Forecast Report
Love outlook for the year ahead. Try our Love & Romance Forecast report.
Romantic Compatibility Reports
Try Cafe Astrology's in-depth
romantic compatibility reports, including the Synastry and Love Ties reports.
See also 2019 Capricorn Preview Horoscope and the full 2019 Yearly Capricorn Horoscope.
Capricorn (Born January 11 to 20) and Capricorn Ascendant from 20 to 30 degrees Capricorn:
July 2019 Capricorn Horoscope: Love, Career, & General Trends
July 2019
The Sun this Month: Central Focus, Consciousness
Until July 11th:
The Sun continues to spotlight your solar sixth house. This is a busy period that finds you tending to many different details of your daily existence--your work, various projects, organization around the home and office, your daily routines, and health matters. Your ego may be especially tied up in the work you do, so that you are proud and more creative than usual in your job. You may be in the position to take charge in your work, or to take charge of your health and diet. Sometimes this cycle relates to increased activities involving pets. You seek to perfect your skills or methods now, and you focus on the parts that make up the whole now in order to improve your daily life. As a result, you can be more critical than usual, but this process is necessary for you to sort out what works for you and what doesn't.
From July 12th forward:
The Sun illuminates your seventh house. At this time of year, you have a greater need than usual to be with a partner. Bouncing ideas off someone helps you to better understand yourself. A partner provides a mirror for your own self-discovery. Now is the time to realize your own potential through a significant other. During this cycle, you focus on balancing your personal interests and objectives with your social life, or with those of a partner. The emphasis is on "us" rather than "me".
You need the energies, companionship, and support of other people, and they may also seek out your support and companionship. It's important to include others rather than to go solo for the time being. However, bending too much to the will of another is not advised either. Social interactions of a personal, one-on-one kind are emphasized. Circumstances are such that your diplomacy skills are required. Your popularity is increasing, and is reinforced by your own ability to cooperate and harmonize. Your ego and pride are tied up in how you relate to others now. This may be an especially busy time for people who consult or work with clients one-on-one.
A total Solar Eclipse occurs on July 2nd: Because new information that could change our perspective can reveal itself after an eclipse, it's better to avoid major decision-making the week before and after this event. It's a time to observe and wait and see. The Solar Eclipse marks a new beginning for you. Letting go of the past is necessary to move forward. This eclipse occurs in your solar sixth house, signaling a new approach to work or health is in order. A fresh set-up in existing jobs or a new job altogether may be formed in the coming months. Instead, this can be about a sense of renewal and reinvigoration regarding your daily activities, health routines, and attention to practical matters. This is a phase when you have an increased awareness of the daily routines that keep you organized and on top of your health and wellness.
A partial Lunar Eclipse occurs on July 16th:
A general rule of thumb regarding eclipses is to avoid major decision-making in the week before and after an eclipse. This is because new information that could change our perspective often is revealed in the week after the eclipse. There is absolutely no need to suspend projects already in progress. Essentially, it's better to take in right now--to observe and get in touch with feelings.
The Lunar Eclipse stimulates your solar first house. Surprises surrounding your personal plans and your personal presence may be in store. Something that has been "in hiding" or brewing under the surface of things comes to light, or there is a significant fruition or culmination. Your sector of personal appearance, initiative, and "me first" energy is involved. This could manifest, for example, as a sudden assertion of independence (even a temper tantrum), a situation that tests your leadership skills, a culmination or fruition of an important partnership, and other such possibilities. Finding a balance between autonomy and dependence is what this Lunar Eclipse is about for you.
Venus this Month: Love, Romance, Social Life, Comfort
Until July 19th:
Venus continues to move through your solar sixth house now. This is a time when beautifying and/or bringing harmony to your working environment is a priority to you. You might find more opportunities to socialize with co-workers, perhaps even meeting a new friend through your work or health routines. You are likely to bring more tact and diplomacy to your relations with the people you work with now. You may not be as productive as usual during this period, as the focus is more on social relationships and pleasure than on getting the job done. Improving health and vitality through pleasurable activities such as massage might be in focus now.
From July 20th forward:
Venus graces your solar seventh house during this period. This is a time for extra attention to a partner or significant other, as well as from that person! You are more inclined to flatter and charm others during this cycle. One-to-one relating appeals to you more than group activities or more casual connections. Smoothing out your close personal relationships is what makes you happy during this cycle. If single, you are more willing than normal to enter into a committed relationship. In general, you are adaptable when it comes to your affections--very willing to compromise, negotiate, and make peace.
Mercury this Month: Communications, Learning, Connections, Transportation
Mercury is retrograde from July 7th to 31st
Occurring in your solar seventh house this time, extra care should be exercised when it comes to negotiations and one-on-one communications. Be as non-judgmental as you can with a partner. There may be the need to revisit old issues in a partnership, or there could be some communication problems with a partner. An ex-partner may resurface during this cycle. Misunderstandings with your partner now can do some damage if you (or your partner) focus on the choice of words instead of the meanings behind the words. If you need to talk through problems, try not to over-react to what your partner has to say. Mixed messages coming from a partner, or a disappointment, could occur now. You may not be as adept at mediating disputes for the time being, but it's a good cycle in which to reflect upon your negotiation skills with the goal of improving them. Re-thinking a partnership arrangement is possible now, but you should avoid jumping to any premature decisions. It would be wise to be especially clear when it comes to communicating with partners; or take this time to re-examine issues rather than communicating about them prematurely.
All Mercury retrograde cycles particularly affect you in terms of communications regarding travels, legal matters, or opinions, as well as communications on the job and with co-workers, because Mercury rules these areas of your life. It's best not to sign on the dotted line for the time being, especially when it comes to making travel plans or any legal contracts. There could be irritating mess-ups on the job. You might be inclined to miss important details in your paperwork, or might experience frustrating delays that result from co-workers' errors. Travel plans may go awry, or you may have a change of heart.
Mars this Month: Energy, Drive, Courage
This month:
Mars continues to move through your solar seventh house. During this period, strife is possible in your close personal relationships, as a significant other is now mirroring some of your own issues with assertiveness and anger. Attracting aggression in others during this cycle is a clue that there are unresolved issues within that need tending. You might actually seek some form of conflict, whether intentionally or not, in order to deal with these issues. There can be competitiveness in your life now. Any troublesome issues that have been dormant in a relationship are likely to surface, and can now be handled straightforwardly.
Overview Horoscope:
Horoscope Overview for July 2019 for Capricorn:
The North Node in your opposite sign this year pulls up your need to explore companionship matters, dear Capricorn, and this month's eclipses tell more of this story! There can be a chance for a new beginning or a cleaning of the slate related to a partnership, negotiation, or commitment. Themes this year and next can relate to a new or enhanced partnership or can lead to a commitment to go/stay solo. For some, a relationship crisis of sorts prompts a new beginning or approach--a turning point is happening now. In the first week of the month, you'd benefit from taking time to get in touch with your relationship needs. Observe, take in, and be honest with yourself. This way, you're ready for a new beginning ushered in by the eclipse in your partnership sector on the 2nd. Of course, you can't anticipate all that happens or all that you feel at this time, but connecting with your intuition will be most helpful.
Around the Lunar Eclipse that occurs in your sign on the 16th, you may be seeing circumstances for their flaws more than their overall worth, and this process is necessary for you to arrive at a more balanced and realistic place. It's also entirely temporary! Recognition, whether personal and professional, is expected. Certainly, this can be a busy time in your life. Keep in mind that during eclipse season, it's not unusual to feel a bit wiped out or drained before you refuel with energy and motivation. Because this set of eclipses are strong on you (they occur in your sign and opposing sign from July 2018 to July 2020), this can be more prominent than usual.
You may have been pouring a lot of energy into relationships in recent weeks, and there's more of this energy in July, perhaps with a big reveal or a turning point. Even so, Mars moves out of your partnership sector and into your solar eighth house on the 1st, and the Sun will do so on the 22nd, followed by Venus on the 27th. These ingresses point to a growing desire to transform, improve, and develop a relationship or project.
While bodies in your partnership sector this month are under some strain from time to time, overall, your gracious manner attracts positive experiences. Consider that you're expected to learn a lot through your interactions with others. These "lessons" are not necessarily direct ones--they may simply be about the kinds of feelings and insights you gain from your reactions to someone in your life or from your collaborations.
There can be times when your needs and desires seem eclipsed by those of a partner, or in general, your personal needs and plans are on the back burner for now. This can lead to a feeling that you have to lay down the law or take control, but doing so is unlikely to serve you well. It's best to work on developing your own resources and on getting your life in order so that you can bring the best version of yourself to your relationships. Playing a supportive role can be beneficial at this point in the year.
Financial matters can assume more and more importance as the month advances, or matters of support, dependence, and attachment can emerge. For some of you, your intimate life heats up in July. Although money and power dynamics may still need straightening out, you can experience more excitement and intimacy with a special someone this month. On the 23-25, a Mars-Jupiter connection tops up your inner courage. You might be taking an intimate relationship to a new level, or you're learning something powerful about yourself. It's an excellent time for support, whether it's of the emotional, mental, or financial kind. You are exceptionally resourceful all month and especially now, and your desire to improve, grow, and overcome obstacles is great. This can be a time for reaping the rewards of past actions. If you've had a lifestyle change in mind, plans to get that started can emerge. It can also be an excellent time for resolving conflicts with others.
Mercury's retrograde occurs from the 7-31. From the 7-19, it happens in your solar eighth house of others' resources, and from the 19-31, retrograde Mercury moves through your partnership sector. You may be seeing some backtracking with loans, dues, debts, or relationships before you feel you're going forward. You may be waiting for information, and patience is required! In a general sense, July is a better month for making edits, reorienting yourself, tidying things up, and observing than it is for pushing your plans forward.
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About Our Monthly Horoscopes:
Our detailed monthly horoscopes are designed to reveal and interpret the current transits of the Sun, Mercury, Venus, and Mars in your solar chart. Because these energies or transits do not unfold neatly into any given calendar month (many transits carry forward from one month to the next), you will find some of the energies continue from a previous month. For example, the Sun might transit the second house of your solar chart from June 21 to July 22, so that you will find a similar interpretation for this transit in both June and July’s horoscope. This is normal and expected. While new months can hold new energy, transits don’t abruptly change because the calendar month changes.
These monthly horoscopes also include an overview paragraph, as well as other energies specific to the month, such as retrogrades, eclipses, or major outer planet transits.
The Highlights section reveal lunar cycle dates. Lunar cycles repeat themselves approximately every 28 days, so it is normal to see the same lunar peaks, such as “Your Personal New Moon” and “Monthly career peak” repeat themselves from month to month, but with different dates. They serve as a helpful guide to cycle peaks in different areas of life, such as financial, career, romance, and partnership.
The horoscopes are divided into three groups or decanates, and the differences between the groups are subtle in parts and large in other parts. For those who prefer a whole sign approach to horoscopes (classic), simply read the first decanate regardless of your birthdate.
About Astrology:
What is Astrology? Learn all about the signs of the zodiac. We offer interpretations of the Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, and the Ascendant in the signs:
Aries Taurus Gemini Cancer Leo Virgo Libra Scorpio Sagittarius Capricorn Aquarius Pisces