2014 Overview: Horoscopes
Detailed and Preview Yearly Horoscopes are to come. Here, I write about some of the themes we might expect for the twelve zodiac signs in 2014.
Saturn is hard on Scorpio, Taurus, Leo, and Aquarius, the fixed signs.
Jupiter Saturn Uranus Neptune Pluto Chiron Aries |
Libra Scorpio Sagittarius Capricorn Aquarius Pisces
The difference between the first half of 2014 and the second half of the year can be like night and day for you, dear Aries.
The first half of the year can be difficult for relationships, and possibly for health and personal plans with Venus retrograde until January 31st, and then Mars retrograde from March 1st to May 19th. However, you get the chance to reassess your attitude towards close relationships, as well as to your work and money situation. How can you improve your reputation and professional life? You may very well find the answer in January or February.
Uranus continues to stimulate your need to assert your independence this year, but has the most direct effect on those Aries born March 29th to April 5th (9 to 16-1/2 degrees Aries). You are redefining how you want to live your life, and especially on your own terms.
Pluto continues to transform your attitudes towards career and reputation, and has the most direct effect on Aries born March 31st to April 3rd (11 to 13-1/2 degrees).
Jupiter brings the expansion of fun, entertainment, and for some, romance into your lives in the second half of the year, and especially from September forward. A beautiful aspect begins in September, affecting the whole sign of Aries but especially those born in the middle of the sign (April 2nd to 6th). New ventures, especially creative ones, are likely now. New friendships or travel opportunities are possible as well. And, it’s about time! The second half of the year is about opening up. You’re cheerful, taking things in stride, and confident in yourself. Romance can be fun. You’re more fertile and creative. Kids can be a source of great joy for some. People are paying attention and enjoying you.
Saturn acts as a bit of a nag for Aries again this year – guilt, adjustments, some worry: these are all possible. It also encourages you to take care of your debts, and to change your lifestyle to incorporate better habits. There can be some intimacy issues this year. There may be decreased desire for intimacy, possibly some fear or disdain for the confines of an intense relationship, or strains on existing partnerships.
The second half of May is especially good for taking better care of money, and especially shared resources or debts and obligations. A real plan can be made – a realistic one.
An overarching theme this year is set up by the North Node’s entrance into your opposing sign (Libra) in February, and will continue into 2015. This is a time for reassessing your relationship needs, and particularly committed partnerships. For many Aries, the last few years have put a strain on this area of life, and now you’ll be challenged to figure out what needs to change in order to reach a state of happiness. Jupiter helps from mid-year forward, but it may not be until 2015 when many Aries will find greater happiness in long-term, committed love relationships – or some will decide that this is not for them, and will be quite content with their choice. 2014 is more about experimentation and discovery.
2014 is a year for discovering what makes you truly happy, and new avenues for self-expression can seem to magically open up for you. The second half of the year focuses more heavily on having fun. This discovery period can involve some trial and error, and there may be times when you go to extremes. However, by the end of Jupiter’s transit of your romance, creativity, and children sector in mid-2015, you’ll likely come to a state of balance and better understanding. You can be hesitant about sharing yourself with anyone except those closest to you (family and people who are close enough to be like family) in the first half of the year, after which you blossom. This is especially true if you have done a lot of “work” on centering yourself and learning about your desires, wishes, and needs.
For Taurus, 2014
New interests and learning continue to be a positive theme in 2014, dear Taurus, but later this year, there can be a real settling down process going on in your life. The home and family come into strong focus, and you are feeling the need to expand, grow, and improve in these areas. In fact, some of you will move into larger or more appropriate accommodations. Others will focus on making improvements to current living conditions.
For those of you who need to make repairs in family relationships, from mid-July forward is ideal for doing so. You are likely to find more value – and joy – in your family and your domestic life. There can be innovative or technological improvements, new ideas, and a forward-looking, happy energy in the home life. Some of you could gain loans or support for investing into a home. A partner could be doing quite well at this time, and this helps your overall financial picture.
This is also an excellent time for ridding yourself of nagging fears or long-standing problems that have been holding you back from living the life you want. It’s strong for learning what it is you truly value, and for building your confidence for more expressive periods to come.
Major new projects begun somewhere between mid-July 2014 to August 2015 can turn out to be very rewarding, profitable, and long-term, so lay down your foundations well.
The first half of the year is lush for opportunities to expand your knowledge and to make pleasant contact with others. There can be a real feeling of connectedness with friends, your neighborhood, and your community. Interests expand. Communications projects are well-starred, and you might secure, complete, or refine a major project in May. Transportation matters can continue to improve. Some of you could get new cars, if you haven’t already in the second half of 2013, or other means of transportation open up to you.
A maturing process, particularly when it comes to relating with others and partnerships, continues this year. Others often seem to take priority in your life at this time. At times, lessons are difficult – there can be some physical drain experienced, for example. Taureans should go to regular check-ups, particularly when it comes to teeth and bones. Some of you could be seeing the more unflattering side of committed partnerships, or even of yourselves through the mirror of relationships, while others enjoy improvements to existing relationships, although not without some effort and a few challenges.
You might also experience some more worldly setbacks, or what appear to be setbacks, and some of you could be feeling less valued or even overlooked at times. This is especially possible for those born later in the sign. For much of 2014, your personal life tends to overshadow your professional life. Even so, work can be a little more challenging this year than it has been in other years. You may need to make some adjustments and shifts in your activities. Health can also require you to make important lifestyle adjustments.
While Venus is retrograde, until January 31st, take your time when it comes to decisions revolving around work, health, travel, and education. You could experience slow-downs at this time. Motivation can drop temporarily. From March to mid-May, while Mars is retrograde in your work and health sector, you might also experience some backtracking, lowered energy levels, or decreasing motivation. This is a time for re-doing and refining things, not pushing ahead with all-new endeavors. Watch for over-the-top or impulsive actions, especially in your intimate life, in October. December 2-24 can be a time when you throw caution to the wind or act a little out of character as well.
Success may be especially prominent in business fields related to service, communications, promotion, publishing, and real estate in 2014. Career or reputation matters can go through some changes and challenges, but are greatly improved from September forward.
This is a year for “settling in”, feathering your nest, improving your relationships with family, and meeting responsibilities.
will be a stabilizing period, and for some, a humbling time. From June 2011 to June 2012, Taurus enjoyed a particularly abundant, expansive period while Jupiter travelled through your sign. In 2013, Saturn asks Taurus to pare down after a period of some excesses, particularly if a bloated ego or too-high expectations were involved. Now it’s time for a reality check and a maturing process. Fortunately, many Taureans are also experiencing planetary support at the same time, from Pluto, Neptune, Chiron, and from June to December, Jupiter.
For Cancer, by June, you are ready to ask for what you deserve.
Not everyone knows this about Aquarius, but people born under this sign and those with an Aquarius Ascendant really take their career, income, and service to others to heart. They need to feel good on a deep level about what they do in order to feel good about themselves. In 2013, you will dig deep into true motives and feelings about practical matters, and you have the chance to come to a harmonious position or stance. While the steps you take may not be giant or quick, you can be making significant changes as you come to a better understanding of what it is you can and want to do in your work. You’ll also discover some of your most natural talents and put them to work for you. The focus now is on really enjoying what you do. Although work can bring joy, it can also bring some challenges. Discriminate carefully when it comes to taking on new work or projects. There can be some feelings of blockage before you move forward. But 2013 is certainly not all about work, especially in the first half of the year, when you find new avenues for entertainment and self-expression open up to you. Early February and late May are especially strong for fun and games, and also for romance. August can be busy with revelations and epiphanies for close relationships, but it can also be a time when you are tempted to overload yourself with work, so do your best to strike a good balance. Also, take extra care of your health in August.
The major key to success this year, dear Aquarius, is to focus on long-term success rather than short-term frustrations. With Saturn in difficult aspect to your sign (this will affect those born in the second half of Aquarius most), there can be hurdles to jump, but the steps you take now can help secure your future. Most notable bright areas this year – and there are plenty – are self-care and self-improvement endeavors, work, earning of respect, long-term partnerships, and friendships.
Your schedule is likely to be quite full in the first half of the year, but mostly pleasantly so. For those of you in need of work or who want to improve their daily routines or working life, this is a fabulous time to do so, although you’ll need to watch for taking on too much. Friends and associates are likely to turn to you often – others are respecting your contribution, but you need to know when to draw the line. You may be meeting new friends through the work you do during this period.
There can be pressures involving career and reputation this year, but it’s likely to be strong and steady in May, when many of you can manifest something significant, and likely on practical, work or school-related lines. Ambition can be strong, and you can feel a lot of pressure to perform and meet responsibilities. You might feel the weight of increased responsibilities at times.
Finances continue to be a little confusing at times. It may not be a year for increasing your income, even if work is strong, as it may not always impact your finances greatly. There are some murky waters to navigate here, but also a lot of creativity if you choose to tune in. Artists might enjoy increased earnings, however.
There is a strong emphasis on communications again this year. Some of you could get published or reach a wider audience. There is great innovation in the world of communications, trade, and promotion. There may be some hiccups with travel or education in March and April. Transportation issues can be in strong focus this year – new avenues for getting from point A to B can open up. There can be opportunities to travel, further your education, or even to learn a new foreign language for some.
The second half of the year can be quite excellent for partnerships, whether these are business or romantic (or both!). This wonderful influence is with you until mid-2015, and can bring much joy to your life. Suddenly, opportunities for relationships can open up for you, with one or more potential partners in the mix. For some, a friendship can move to a whole new level.
From September forward, you are under the influence of a very positive aspect involving your ruler, Uranus, and lucky Jupiter. Your ideas can be brilliant at this time, particularly in partnership. There can be great innovations in your life, with new ways to communicate and move your life forward. There can be a lot of activity with writing, public speaking, new interests, and exciting friendships.
2014 continues the theme of learning to take your work hat off, dear Pisces, and truly enjoying yourself. In the first half of the year, and particularly from mid-March to mid-July, avenues open to express yourself in creative and romantic ways. This is a time for exploring your desires, different ways of “playing”, and enjoying yourself in the process. Once Jupiter moves out of your romance and sector mid-July, ideally you’ll have found more ways to entertain yourself and others, and the focus shifts to work, health, and daily habits. Opportunities to expand your reach and to improve your health abound. The year ahead is one of work and play, dear Pisces, but you may take either to excess at times!
Love can be fun and casual this year. Intimacy can be a challenge, especially from February forward, but also an area of important life lessons. Admirers can be plenty – you’re coming across very well!
Relationships with children can prosper in 2014. If you need to make repairs or simply to improve the enjoyment factor in your relationships, this is an excellent time to do so.
Neptune is in your sign and will be for years to come. This influence can bring out the escapist in you, particularly in the first half of 2014. Consider, however, if this is doing more harm than good. Saturn helps out again this year by reminding you, gently, of your responsibilities. Work with this energy in order to come to a balance.
Use May’s energies to stabilize a romance, monetize a hobby, join a higher learning program to upgrade your skills (especially creative ones), or make travel plans.
Jupiter brings wonderful energy to your work, daily routines, and health endeavors from mid-July forward. Especially from September on, your natural talents and skills are in high demand. If you’re looking for work, this is an excellent time for opportunities. It’s also wonderful for innovative new health and wellness routines. Money from work can improve or increase. This is a time for breakthroughs in your practical life. You bring more confidence and energy to your work and to your daily life as well as self-improvement efforts. Watch for overload, but do take advantage of this time to make real improvements.
More profitable business areas this year include online, technology, creativity, health, and the service industry. This is a time when your work ethic is recognizable and helps you to improve your income. Financial matters can nag at you from time to time this year. The desire for more predictability may not be fulfilled this year. You’re challenged to think outside of the box. Shared money and resources as well as loans and debts are areas of flux and change. This is a time for settling debts as much as possible.
There can be a wonderful focus on education this year – more responsibility and effort are put forth. It’s an especially important period for upgrading your skills and doing research on professional goals, as you are coming to a professional peak of sorts beginning at the very end of 2014 and lasting until 2017.
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