2010 Horoscopes Overview
2010 Overview Horoscopes
The following are short overview horoscopes for the year 2010. For our detailed Yearly Horoscopes, see our 2010 Yearly Horoscopes.
Big personal changes are in the works for you in 2010, dear Aries. Two planets that stimulate the urge for freedom and push you out of your regular routine, Jupiter and Uranus, enter your sign this year. While they don’t settle in until 2011, you are getting a real taste of the excitement that is to come!
In the meantime, relationships are being tested and you are starting to feel that if you don’t have a good partnership, you’d rather not have any. Many of you will be strengthening relationships and, while it’s not necessarily easy going, you’ll reap the rewards later. Others are feeling a little pressured or lonely as you find your way and discover what it is you truly need and want from a significant other.
Pluto is also applying pressure to many of you, getting you to question whether the career path you’re travelling is in fact a reflection of the true you. Complicating all of this is the voice inside of you that is saying you want to be free! Those of you born earlier in the sign (March 21-26) are feeling the changes more insistently; those of you born March 21-April 7 are mostly dealing with the pressures and changes in your relationships; and the rest of you are simply feeling the stirrings of things to come.
Some of you will be dealing with some health and work issues in the Spring that have loose ends to tie up from last year’s experiences, particularly those of you born later in the sign (April 17 forward). While 2010 begins finding you in a rather sluggish state due to your ruler, Mars, in retrograde position, you regain and rebuild your confidence as the year unfolds. While Mars is retrograde (until March 10, and to a lesser degree until May 17), you are not as sure of yourself and uncharacteristically second-guessing your decisions.
Rules and plans seem to be changing. Roadblocks and delays don’t help. The Spring and Summer are expected to bring quick changes, ups and downs, and a feeling of being pulled in a number of different directions. Career and family need special handling, and coming to a balance of energy between the two is necessary. A dream or chance meeting in September could surprise you and change your direction entirely. Love is working in your favor from August 7-September 8, but does encounter some delays and questions from October 8-November 18, after which you’ve cleared the air and ironed things out.
A stronger awareness of others, a bigger emphasis on networking and enjoying time spent with friends, and a hard look at the work you do are in store for you in 2010, dear Taurus. For some years now, you’ve been exposed to unusual people and alternative lifestyles through your connections with others. This year, you’re finding more than usual enjoyment from group or friend activities. Some of you may be exploring different sexual friendships and arrangements, and a less possessive approach to relating in general.
Watch out, however, for overdoing your involvement with new connections in your life, as you may be alienating those that have withstood the test of time. A healthy balance is important, especially since many of the situations that 2010 seems to promise are fleeting or not yet developed enough to feel secure about. Those of you in business for yourself could see an especially profitable year.
There is likely going to be a big struggle regarding your career for many of you–whether to stay where you are or to explore new opportunities. While you should watch for opportunities that end up being fleeting or that promise more excitement than they can deliver, some of you do need a jolt out of a rut, if you have been holding on to a position that you have outworn.
Certainly, 2010 will bring restlessness with routine, and many of you will need to assess what it is you can do about generating more challenge and stimulation on the job. Nagging health issues could be part of the picture for some of you, but these are generally small reminders that you need to exercise more discipline with your personal habits. A love affair might pass its final “test” this year, and you will discover whether it’s strong enough to take forward with you.
The heaviness you have been feeling regarding love, romance, and recreation will finally lift towards the end of 2010. More opportunities for, and less restrictions on, leisure time are in store for you this year. An exciting friendship connection could be made in September–one that opens up doors for you–but do watch for deceptions and self-deceptions. Be sure of yourself before making big decisions. Many of you are redefining your living arrangements or living spaces, and this should be sorted out by June. Love opportunities are strongest July 11-29. Work and/or love can be tricky October 8-November 18.
Career matters are peaking for you in 2010, dear Gemini. Most of you will be enjoying pursuing business and career goals this year, and many of you will find that you are getting recognition. Some of you will be enjoying promotions or some form of pleasant culmination in your professional life. A positive attitude towards work brings great rewards, as do the expression of integrity and honesty. Connections that further your career goals are made this year, and partnerships, social life, and career are all tied to one another. This can mean the forming of business partnerships for some and love relationship opportunities through business for others.
June and especially September could bring exciting, but possibly temporary, business or partnering opportunities. Surprises, promotions, recognition, and publishing for some of you can occur now. Your professional manner is more friendly, likeable, and charming this year. Casual relationships mature and become more serious this year. In general, you are moving towards deeper thinking and the desire for depth and maturity in your connections to others. While the year is good for your social life overall, you are likely going out a little less, favoring quality over quantity when it comes to your leisure time and romantic life.
You may not have the time, or less inclination, for recreation, entertainment, and hobbies, perhaps preferring to pour your energies into more constructive channels. The past years have been filled with pressures and trials for most of you, with planetary heavies Saturn, Uranus, and Pluto challenging your sign. Pluto has moved away from its challenging position, and Saturn and Uranus are completing their dynamic connections to your chart this year. Demands and pressures from family and home life will be wrapped up this year, with final tests and challenges occurring from April to July.
The second half of 2010 is expected to be considerably easier for you. Financial matters are changeable this year, as are friendships as you gear up for an upcoming long-term trend in which you are exposed to unusual new, but not always reliable, friends! Reshuffling of finances and friendships is likely in 2010. Passion peaks and romance fairly sizzles from August 7-September 8.
A transitional year is in your forecast, dear Cancer–one in which little changes foretell new directions to come. Most of the year, Jupiter blesses you with the ability to take things in stride as it harmonizes with your own sign from fellow Water sign, Pisces. You are more intellectually curious this year, and you may have opportunities to travel, study, go abroad, expand your horizons, and meet people who are of diverse backgrounds.
Business dealings, particularly long-distance ones and those involving publicity and promotion, are likely to be profitable in 2010. Work might be readily found through these avenues. September can bring a surprising opportunity for an adventure. Career matters, while they might begin rather sluggishly in the first few months of the year, are approaching a very pleasant peak. Building your skills and expanding your reach are very advisable now, as they will benefit you greatly as you move towards an especially successful period in your life.
There are likely to be some pressures on the home front, but also opportunities to really get our domestic life into order. Organizing or reorganizing your home, downsizing and streamlining where necessary, and establishing better and more efficient routines will be helpful. There is a sense of “old versus new” again this year, as you weight the pros and cons of sticking to tried and true patterns and moving forward to unexplored territory.
Some of you will be struggling with a strong desire to reach new levels of achievement and success, and the simultaneous desire for security by keeping the status quo. Big decisions shouldn’t be made on the spur of the moment, but do keep your eyes open for ways to break out of any rut you might have gotten yourself into. Relationships are intense, serious, and changeful, but also extremely rewarding.
Depth in your connections is what you seek. Finances are also going through some changes, starting off on the sluggish side, but improving as the year moves forward. Great opportunities for increasing income from your job arrive this year, as well as sponsorships, loans, refunds related to health, and other such forms of support. May 20-June 14 brings special opportunities for love and romance.
2010 is strong for partnerships, finances, and studies for you, dear Leo. Many of you have found a partner, and more of you will do so this year, more likely in the second half of 2010. It’s an excellent period for romance, fun, friendship, and discovery with someone close to you. You tend to prefer spending time with one person than with groups this year. Money from others or from outside sources is much improved this year, whether it’s through loans, refunds, tax rebates, or the like. Non-tangible support is also abundant–assistance from others comes easily. If you are looking for support, especially financial, this is a good year for doing so.
Improving your skill set may be necessary for your work, and even if it isn’t required of you, you should probably look into getting formal or even informal training. You tend to have less time for acquaintances in 2010, and perhaps even for family at times. Small talk no longer seems to satisfy you, and you could feel quite a bit of pressure to make better and more efficient use of your time.
Work is likely changeful this year. Routines may get mixed around, intellectual interests change, and desire for alone or down time is different this year. You are searching for something more fulfilling and deeply satisfying on the job front, and this trend will slowly unfold over the coming years. Along the way, events seem to conspire to push you into that direction. Some of you are moving towards working at home. Demands of your job and for some of you, studies and learning, can be weighty this year, and you might not always find it easy to focus on them.
2010 begins a little tentatively for you. The first few months of the year have you thinking before you act, a little introspective, and perhaps emotionally distant. This is a period of review and of getting in touch with your deepest needs and wants. From April forward, your energy levels return with gusto and you are more confident about going after what you want.
Sexuality and intimacy are enhanced this year as you discover new depths of experience. Romance is exciting and brings you into new circumstances and scenarios. May 29-July 2 and October 28-December 14 are especially strong for romance, love, and pleasure.
2010 looks like a more sociable year for most Virgos, as well as one in which challenges of the last couple of years are finally put to rest. 2010 is not expected to be an especially easy year for any of the signs, in general–it’s more of a transitional year.
However, the planets are shining mostly favorably in your chart, dear Virgo. For one thing, Saturn the taskmaster finishes up in your sign this year, relieving most of you of extra responsibilities and concerns. Ideally, many of you are feeling a lighter load. The weaker areas of your life have been revealed and you’ve either strengthened or let go of them. You are stronger on your feet and more self-sufficient. Uranus is also finishing its opposition to your sign this year, and you feel less defensive and rebellious.
Partnerships become less uncertain and erratic. Partners are no longer as unreliable as they have been. New partners met this year are likely to feel much like a breath of fresh air. Challenging relationships, or challenges in relationships, tend to be left behind. Love affairs are going through some tests this year, but overall any transformations that you are experiencing in 2010 are easier to digest and to understand.
Many of you are struggling with a clash of values when it comes to a love relationship and for some of you, with children. Many Virgos are discovering creative talents you never knew you had, as well as gaining more confidence about sharing and expressing them.
The year demands that you tighten up your spending and pay more attention to budgets, particularly in October and November. It’s a great year for getting spending under control and for getting rid of clutter. The tendency to worry about money could be high, but don’t go overboard with it. Caution and realism are good, but worry is unnecessary and wasteful. Work is very rewarding this year and some of you are realizing a dream to work from home.
Close partnerships are a real joy in 2010. You prefer to spend one-on-one time than interacting in group settings. It’s a very strong year for those of you looking for a happy partnership. Others tend to be supportive, helpful, and positive. Partnering opportunities are strong, particularly in September when life speeds up a little and you lose your fear of taking risks when it comes to your heart. Health and energy levels are improving many times over, particularly in the second half of the year. July 11-29 is strong for pleasure and romance.
2010 is a strong year for getting organized, for satisfaction from the work you do, and for romantic surprises. Those of you looking for a better job could find it in 2010. Job seekers will radiate more confidence and attract accordingly. Most of you will experience more satisfaction from your job, improved working conditions, and/or better health. Although work can be hectic at times, you enjoy taking care of all the details, and being in demand for your skills can be a very pleasant feeling! Know when to say no, however, because your confidence in your work can lead you to accept more work than you can reasonably manage.
The biggest areas of change for you this year are likely to be in the areas of home and family, career, and partnerships. While the changes are not necessarily overt this year, many of you will be feeling shifts and inner stirrings that seem to suggest taking action and making necessary changes are in order. Changing roles on the home front are possible, and you are more concerned and involved with family as well as domestic projects in 2010. You may be making more investments into your home and family not only with personal energy but also financial.
Finances require some adjustments this year, and October and November is an important period for re-assessing your budget. Saturn continues to move through your sign, and its presence is most strongly felt by those born from September 24-October 10. Events conspire to direct your attention to what you have and haven’t accomplished in your life to date. Looking to the past for the purpose of preparing more appropriately for the future is good, but wallowing in regrets and focusing on mistakes made will get you nowhere except headed for a depression! Be realistic, make corrections, and move forward one step at a time.
The desire for romance is strong this year, even with added responsibilities of work and family in your life. Happily, you will get some solid opportunities for fun and pleasure this year. Periods surrounding Jupiter’s conjunction to Uranus, your romance planet, are strong for romance, pleasure, recreation, self-expression, and creativity, and these occur in May-June, September, and then January of 2011.
Opportunities through work, communications such as email, phone, and internet, and while pursuing studies are strong. A job opportunity might suddenly present itself in September.
For much of 2010, the Great Benefic, Jupiter, is moving in harmony with your own sign, and is gracing your romance and pleasure sector, dear Scorpio. You are taking the stresses and pressures of everyday life in stride this year. This can-do attitude is your best asset right now.
More and new ways to have fun are available to you in 2010, whether it’s because of numerous social engagements, a friend (new or established) takes you out more often, you stumble upon a new way to meet romantic prospects, or the like. For singles, meeting a special person is highly likely, although it is not necessarily a person who is “partnership material” at this stage of your life (not yet, anyway). You are radiating energy that makes you more attractive, and, as a result, opportunities are that much stronger for romantic attention.
A surprising and exciting opportunity in the romance, recreation, or creativity department is likely in September. For some of you, a financial windfall is possible, or a great opportunity for a new home or real estate. Some of you will be discovering new hobbies or latent talents. Others will be more interested in sports or other forms of recreation, and deriving much pleasure from these activities. Some of you will be enjoying activities with children.
The year might start off a little sluggishly when it comes to your work and career. It’s a period of review rather than of taking action. From April and May forward, however, you are no longer on the fence, and you are definitely sensing some exciting changes and advancements in your professional future. In 2011, work is likely to take an exciting new direction, and events this summer could act as a preview of these energies to come. Work patterns may no longer be as regular. You are beginning to see that your health needs are unique and no one formula is going to keep everything balanced. Some of you will be exploring alternative health supplements and methods.
Many Scorpios are refining and altering their spiritual belief system this year, perhaps becoming stricter in their beliefs or spiritual practices. Scorpios are naturally deep thinkers, but 2010 brings an even stronger inclination towards profound thought and exploration. October 8-November 18 is a period for personal review, when you could be reconsidering certain elements of your life and keeping more to yourself. Ideally, you get in touch with your heart’s desire after this review period.
Changes are certainly in store for you this year, dear Sagittarius, and mostly of the pleasant variety! This summer, you will find that your natural enthusiasm and sense of humor returns with gusto.
Optimism, however, can take a few shots as you face some botched plans and practical concerns, but you have a sense of making progress and of looking forward with freshness. You might be less patient with people who are too conservative or not as responsive and open as you, and some friendships are likely to face tests this year. The process may not always be pleasant, but in the end, you will be sorting out who is a true friend, and who is simply a fairweather friend. Interestingly, you will find that as one door shuts another seems to magically open.
You are also called upon to come up with more solid plans for your future–not something that a spontaneous person like yourself enjoys doing, but you will find it worthwhile and, ultimately, comforting. The major axis of change this year involves the following areas: finances, romance, children, recreation, and friendships. You are taking a different approach to money these days, reshuffling it and coming up with new plans, but it can be hard to really find yourself ahead.
This summer, you can expect a stronger desire for independence and you might come up with some exciting plans for the future. They still need work. The cosmic weather in 2010 is changeful and fast-paced, but not very stable or extremely positive for pushing forward with totally new endeavors. As adventurous as you are, 2010 pulls you closer to home and family.
Most of the year, family matters are stabilized and actually a source of great pleasure, joy, and increase. Some of you are moving into bigger or at least more spacious accommodations. Others are finding family members more supportive of their needs and wants. In some cases, too, the increased focus on family and home can feel a little too excessive! If you are itching to travel or get away from it all, try to do so April or May and later. The first few months of the year can bring delays with these matters and an overall feeling of sluggishness.
Better periods for love and pleasure are March 21-31, when you more easily attract who and what you want from life, and November 21-December 7, when your confidence attracts.
Much focus is on personality, career, and finances this year, dear Capricorn. Personal changes run very deep. You are rediscovering yourself from the inside out, and ultimately learning that fear is the only thing holding you back in life–you are learning to fear less. There’s an internal struggle going on between what you want to be and what you want to achieve, and this struggle is at the root of energy fluctuations this year, as indecision can most certainly affect your drive and energy levels.
2010 is filled with little ups and downs and starts and stops for you. You can think of it as a stepping stone year. You can go through periods of great optimism and hopefulness, which is not exactly in character for a practical, risk-averse, and realistic person like yourself. But when you do push ahead, you encounter resistance and are often faced with botched plans. You can look at this as a “two steps forward, one step backwards” approach as you get ready for a period beyond 2010 that will demand a braver, more faithful and courageous “you”. You are learning about taking more risks in life.
Finances are similar for you this year. Your approach to making money is transforming, moving towards a more aggressive, independent and take-charge style with a stronger focus on building a solid home life for yourself. Some of you are on the verge of starting your own home-based businesses, but the timing is probably not yet right. Some of you will be relocating or facing job changes.
The areas of life in which the biggest changes are expected to occur in 2010 are in your career, family, personality, and partnerships–big areas, for certain! Solar and Lunar eclipses in your sign and your opposing sign suggest that your personal charisma and partnerships are major focuses this year. Some of you will be starting new partnerships. Betrayals and tests are possible for some of you, particularly when it comes to career and partnership matters.
Your siblings, acquaintances, and neighbors might be the source of wonderful opportunities this year, so do listen to what they have to say. Your summer is likely to be extremely busy and changeful, with a strong focus on family and home life. The most romantic period of the year is likely to be May 19-June 14.
Intellectual interests take a primary role in your life this year, dear Aquarius. You have a stronger desire–and need–to develop and grow mentally as well as spiritually this year. Improving your skills will be a focus, and some of you will do so formally, benefiting greatly from it.
Many changes–more on an inward, personality level than on explicit or physical levels–are in store for you in 2010. You continue to struggle with tradition and progress–with clinging to the tried and true or embracing the new. This year, whether you value independence or partnership is another question. Of course, the answer for both struggles is to find a balance, and that’s what you are working towards discovering on your own.
There has been a sort of split personality thing going for many of you, and while it continues to a degree in 2010, finding a more grounded and solid path is likely. The areas of biggest changes, as well as the need to take action proactively occurs for you in the areas of attitude, states of mind, self-expression, habits and habitual behavior, routines, work, the mind-body connection, work, and daily life. You may pay more attention to intellectual pursuits.
Income should increase overall, or personal possessions might become more valuable, this year. However, some financial entanglements encountered last year will need to be dealt with further in 2010. Financial success comes through friendships, group associations, income from business, and fields having to do with technology and/or New Age, which are expected to be especially lucrative for you this year. Any increase in income should be put into paying off debts.
You are learning much about gaining more courage and self-assertiveness in your relationships this year, gaining confidence perhaps through trial and error. The most pleasurable period for love for you in 2010 is likely to be April 26 to May 20, with May 6-7 especially satisfying.
Freedom and discovery are important themes for you in 2010, dear Pisces. You are seeking out more from life than the mundane, and this can lead you to exciting new experiences and adventures or to an uncomfortable state of discontented restlessness–it’s entirely your choice! With both exciting Uranus and generous Jupiter in your sign most of the year, 2010 finds you at your most bold and intriguing.
Career opportunities come knocking at your door this year, and you are looked upon more favorably from those in higher positions. You are also coming across as an authority, and being your own boss is something some of you are leaning towards. While work (and, for some of you, health) matters are complicated in the first few months of the year, 2010 brings many chances to improve your professional position in the world.
Big changes are likely in the areas of finances, friendships, lovers or children, and issues of values and sharing. Finances from your own efforts, income from business, speculation, and from others (including partners) are all subject to fluctuations, and it will be especially important for you to proactively take charge of your money, and watch for impulsive risk-taking.
New and valuable connections are made this year, particularly in February, and networking efforts pay off. However, friendships are not without their complications. Hold onto your money is the main advice. Those of you born late in the sign of Pisces (March 17-20) are experiencing freedom versus responsibility issues in close partnerships, and some of these relationships won’t survive the tension, particularly if they are holding you back from being yourself. For others, the partnership remains but is ideally much improved, accommodating your needs much better than it did before.
For those born early in the sign (February 19-24), group work and friendships are very empowering and transforming for you in 2010. You are likely taking more creative risks this year in an effort to pursue dreams that suit your deepest needs. All of you are feeling like you are moving forward and growing, craving freedom and independence, and perhaps facing some endings as a result, but nothing that you cannot handle. July 11-29 and August 7-September 8 are excellent periods for romance.
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