2005 Astrological New Year
2005 Astrological New Year – Starcast
What if you could achieve greatness, and make your ideals a reality? What if the opportunity to make a change for the better were to show up on your doorstep? Would you take the chance? Would you be willing to step out of your comfort zone in the hopes of creating something — anything — that could open the door to a whole new world?
Spring, a time of rebirth and fresh starts, is upon us. But this Astrological New Year, as the Sun moves into Aries, the planets will align themselves to create a great shift in who we are and where we’re going.
Two planets will be stationary around the time of the new year, with Mercury about to go retrograde, and Saturn soon going direct. Any time even one planet changes direction you can expect a lifestyle change, but two planets at the same time could be much more dramatic. Saturn is the planet of responsibility and Mercury is the planet of communication, so you could see important alterations in your career, home life and other areas of responsibility. Additionally, Mercury will be opposing Jupiter, which could create opportunities for exciting conversations and ideas — as well as a great period for fiction writing. But you also need to watch for excess. Mercury retrograde loves to make life a little more challenging, while Jupiter has a knack for encouraging us to take on more than we can handle. Be careful of what you say, and make sure you don’t go overboard with your promises.
As if that’s not enough, Mars is moving into Aquarius for the first time in two years. After spending two months in steadfast Capricorn, the planet of action is transferring its energies to the sign of rebellion — so during the next two months, sparks could fly.
Together, all of these planetary movements could equal big changes and transformations. This is an excellent time for your career and other major aspects of your life. But regardless of what you do, try to do something. Change is heading your way, and if you take control, the results could be amazing. Good luck!