This Month in Astrology Archive March 2017
March 2017
On this Page:
This Month’s Highlights
Inner Planets
Horoscopes for the Month
Void of Course Dates this Month
The New Moon/Solar Eclipse that energized Pisces on February 26th colors much of March. This was the last of the set of eclipses falling along the Virgo-Pisces axis. It can be seen as the final cosmic push to improve our work-life balance and to take care of both physical and mental health. In the sign of Pisces, imagination, service, dreams, ideals, and compassion will be in focus. Our coping skills, faith, and dreams may be challenged. Flaws in an important system in our lives are revealed around the time of the eclipse, prompting us to redo or to start fresh. We may be called to give up something in order to move forward into a new chapter in our lives. This is a good time to revitalize ourselves through experiences that require imagination and compassion. Jupiter opposes Uranus on the 2nd – the second of three perfections of this aspect (the first occurred in December 2016). We need to be willing to make changes in our lives now, or change will be forced upon us. This is a rebellious, restless influence–one in which we should avoid making changes just for the sake of making changes. We might take risks (perhaps foolish ones) for the sake of freedom. This is not a good time for financial speculation or travel. There can be fights for independence in our relationships. This is a time during which we can open ourselves up to new ways of thinking, particularly through our relationships and interactions with others. However, we could also too easily avoid taking responsibility for things that truly matter. Venus turns retrograde on March 4th at 13+ degrees Aries and will remain retrograde until April 15th, moving back into Pisces on April 2nd. This retrograde gives us the chance to look over and review our affections, relationships, and finances. We may question a current project or commitment during this cycle. A Full Moon occurs in the sign of Virgo on the 12th, bringing sudden awareness to our lives, particularly of areas that require more order. Something is exposed or illuminated, prompting us to get in touch with those things that we may have been neglecting or putting off. Virgo’s ruler, Mercury, forms a square with Saturn around the same time. We can be particularly hard on ourselves now or we can feel a lot of tension and worry about whatever comes out now. The New Moon occurs in the sign of Aries on March 27th. We are challenged to show a pure part of ourselves to the world. By acting upon our own inner impulses (constructive ones!) without fear, and by abandoning the need to refine these impulses based on what others might want us to do or what others think we “should” do, we learn more about ourselves. If we learn to depend on ourselves, we exude an all-new aura of strength that comes from personal integrity and confidence, and a pure and innocent charm. Jupiter forms a square with Pluto on the 30th – the second of three (the first perfection occurred in November 2016 and the third and final aspect will occur in August 2017). We can be quite ambitious now, feeling that if we set our sights high enough, we can achieve anything. However, treading lightly now, while it may not come naturally, is advised as it is easy to stir up opposition. We may take on too many interests, activities, or desires under this influence. Exaggerating our importance or power, either to ourselves or others, should be avoided. Our belief system could be challenged now, and the need for a significant attitude change arises, or we might have to face narrow-mindedness in others (or in ourselves). Trying to force our beliefs on others will only lead to frustration. The tendency now is to push too hard in general and to ignore the important details. Thinking in big terms is fine, as long as the practical details of any pursuit are also considered. This influence runs rather closely with the Jupiter-Uranus opposition. Issues of dissatisfaction with internal and external restrictions, superficial elements of our lives, and mind-numbing routines are likely.
(See the full table for 2017)
Mercury is moving along relatively quickly this month, continuing its transit of Pisces until the 13th, and then entering Taurus on the last day of March. With Mercury in Pisces, we are absorbing subtle and subliminal cues. We express ourselves more imaginatively and sensitively than usual, but we may be a little foggy when it comes to details, commitments, and finalities. Mercury’s transit of Aries from the 13-31 is more assertive, straightforward energy. Mercury in Aries stimulates independent thought and bold, new ideas, but also rather impatient and sometimes insensitive communications. This tendency can be even more prominent with Venus retrograde in Aries at the same time.
Venus spends the month in the sign of Aries, and there can be a great love of all that is new, fresh, and unexplored with this position. Venus begins a retrograde cycle on March 2nd, however, and some of the things we rush into now may face some delays or turnarounds later. Venus is retrograde all month in the sign of Aries and will later back up into Pisces (on April 2nd). Retrograde Venus affects us mainly in the areas of love and finances, but also spans to some areas of business and pleasurable pursuits. These matters are not straightforward during this period, and it’s a time for reviewing our attitudes and attachments rather than forging ahead boldly into new love relationships or financial projects. Old friends and lovers may re-appear, perhaps complicating current relationships, or we may be reminiscing about past conditions more often. We may be called to deal with relationship issues from the past. It can be a real challenge getting closer to a lover during this period of time. Unorthodox, experimental, and non-intimate relationships may be favored. At the time that Venus forms an inferior conjunction with the Sun on the 25th, relationship issues are magnified. Fateful events can occur now. This is equivalent to a New Moon but marks the beginning of a new Venus cycle. We are symbolically in the dark during the retrograde, but starting fresh and re-energized from this date forward. There is impulsiveness and lack of preparation now. |
Mars finishes its transit of Aries on the 9th. This is a self-centered, me-first, spontaneous, and direct energy. We seek out a challenge, and we aim to win or come out on top, but we can also be quite impulsive. Mars transits Taurus from the 9th forward (until April 21st). Venus and Mars are in mutual reception now (Venus rules Taurus and Mars rules Aries). With Mars in Taurus, we might go to great lengths to protect what’s ours and to build our feelings of security and comfort. |
This Month’s Overview Horoscopes
Relationships can be up and down this month. In a general sense, partnerships are going well. You recognize the benefits of companionship, even if it sometimes seems to impede on your sense of freedom or independence. Venus entered your sign in February, augmenting your overall charm and perhaps bringing gifts, money, and favors your way. This month, Venus is retrograde (from the 4th forward) and it's time for introspection. It's time to revise your plans and put off new initiatives until you have more confidence in them. Others may not be getting you--perhaps misunderstanding your intentions--for the time being. A partner may be distant. Generally speaking, use March for budgeting rather than buying, resting if you can, and revising plans. A New Moon on the 27th brings new discoveries and a feeling of newness to your life. Still, take your time before moving forward. |
However, Mars enters your sign on the 9th, and you could be feeling very anxious to move forward. This can certainly bring about a state of restlessness and discontent, which can wear you down if you allow it to. You might decide instead to work hard on ventures already in place or pour energies into study and learning and strike a compromise. While all-new endeavors look very appealing, it's better to finish what you started before moving on. With Venus and Mars in mutual reception from the 9th forward, you can benefit from behind the scenes activities. There can be a helpful surprise from the past or unexpected support now. Despite your inclination towards retreat and rest this month, your social agenda is lively in the first few weeks of March. You may not always feel up to these engagements, but you're in demand now and you can benefit from some mingling. There is likely to be a little drama in your romantic life around the 12th. A lover, a child, or a creative project needs some attention, and it's time to sort that out. Generally speaking in March, you'd be wise to seek out a better, more satisfying work-life balance. The tendency to do things in excess is strong, but it can put unnecessary strain on you. This month, rushing won't get you there faster. As well, it's probably best to keep many of your projects and even your affections on the down-low for now. Money requires some shuffling around, and it's best to hold onto it in March. You are in a good position for moderate but disciplined physical fitness and healthier lifestyle practices. |
The fight to be freer is coming from a real place, but you might be going to extremes to achieve more independence when a more thoughtful approach would serve your purposes better. Some of you can struggle with the level of intimacy or commitment in a relationship now, as you are seeing all sorts of trade-offs involved with making a choice. There can be a lot of exaggeration or drama going on around you with lovers and friends, and it's important to pull back a little to gain perspective. Avoid, if you can, secret involvements now, as attractive as they may be with so much up in the air in your life in the affections department. There's a lot of activity on the career front in March, or additional responsibilities and the need to take on the role of manager can emerge. Family matters grab your attention as well around the Full Moon on the 12th. You might feel that people are unnecessarily critical, but with some self-honesty, this can lead to notable improvements. Balancing family and relationships can be tricky now but not impossible. The New Moon on the 27th points to a new take on a friendship or project. With Mars in your privacy sector and Venus retrograde, you'd be wise to focus your energies on tying up loose ends and a work-in-progress rather than brand new beginnings. However, there can be much to enjoy socially at this time. |
However, March also brings a Venus retrograde period, which can point to some slowdowns or complications. These are temporary and ultimately helpful but can serve to frustrate at times. Fortunately, you have Mars traveling in harmony with your sign from the 9th forward, helping you move through the rest of the month more fluidly. You can call upon friends to help you along if you wish. You may very well be the go-to person in your group, or you could be taking the lead in a team or group endeavor quite successfully. The Full Moon on the 12th can be a revealing one, although there can be some criticism to deal with and adjustments to make before regaining confidence in a project. Career or reputation matters could be causing you some concern in March, but try not to fret over details. Instead, come up with a better game plan. May will bring opportunities to begin anew and the chance to get back on track from a stronger position, particularly if you do the leg work now. Distinguish between making changes for the sake of change, and making changes that will truly move you forward. Career and partnership can be subject to pressures or tensions now, and it's important to recognize where you might be overshooting or putting too much pressure on something to work a certain way. Ambitions run high, but goals may require more time to achieve. Be patient and look for ways to improve the ventures or projects you already have in place rather than taking on something brand new. |
Mars pulls up to the top of your solar chart on the 9th, energizing your career and reputation sector until April 21st. This is a potentially ambitious time when you're ready to step things up and shoot high. With Venus retrograde for most of this transit, however, you should watch for a too aggressive approach. You can reach great heights but could be missing the mark just a little on a social level. This is typically not a problem for you, especially with Libra on your third house and Jupiter transiting it - you certainly know the benefits of diplomacy. However, this month, Venus is not helping you in the usual way, and you might want to watch for this. Venus is helping you on other levels, however. You're looking back with a different set of eyes, and you can come to a greater understanding of past relationships and projects in the process. The 12th brings some financial matters to light, demanding your attention. Criticism may be part of the picture, stirring the pot, and while this can be annoying, it's likely to be of the constructive variety, and useful improvements can result from them. Likely, money shared, borrowed, or loaned will be big topics on the table in March. Priorities can be difficult to see in the first week of March, and you may want to watch for pouring your energies into issues that truly don't serve you well. Ideas are so plentiful this month that you can have a difficult time choosing one or two and going with them, leading to a bit of chaos. However, you may decide to take the cue from Mars and work hard on career goals while slowing down and doing editing or refining of communications projects. Standout dates include the 5-6 when you're seeing a financial or intimate matter more clearly and a creative project comes together, and the 24-25, when a new perspective can see you redefining some of your beliefs, ideals, goals, and dreams. You might also more clearly see what approaches or expectations you had in the past that sent you along the wrong path. It's a good time to set up new intentions. |
The Full Moon on the 12th occurs in your sign and can bring a sudden revelation. There can be criticism to face, however, but even if it's annoying, you might end up tightening up a key area of your life (possibly home and family related) to your benefit as a result. Pressures from family or related to domestic matters can weigh heavily now, particularly as they relate to your personal freedoms or attention to a partnership. There can certainly be some tension or upheaval related to money, possessions, or intimacy this month, and possibly a powerful urge to break free from a restrictive or limiting situation. Watch for excesses with money and pleasure-seeking, or for working so hard towards a goal that you forget to enjoy the process of getting there! Tensions in or about love can also surface now, particularly if you are putting all your eggs in one basket. While you can feel a little in the dark about your feelings until then, from the 24-25 forward, new awareness and possibly the beginnings of a plan of action emerges. There is good energy with you for starting fresh, particularly as it relates to how you approach going after what you want in life, as well as on financial and emotional levels. Intimate relationships can benefit from a new start or vision as you have recently redefined what you want and need from others, as well as what you expect from yourself. |
Job and health matters capture a lot of your attention in March. If you've been neglecting your needs for rest and time away from work or duties, then the Full Moon on the 12th will serve as a kick in the pants to come to a better work-life balance. There can be disagreements with a partner or family, or there can be household matters that weigh heavily on your mind. As much as you'd like to spread your wings, there can be one obstacle after another this month. Try to be patient. Look to Mars' move to your solar eighth house on the 9th for inspiration - you might find a project to throw yourself into, particularly if it requires investigation or deep research. From the 25th, you're in a better position to understand your relationships. You might gain new insight on an old problem, or reconnect with someone from your past. You might open your eyes to something now, as you’re now truly ready to see it. Set intentions and goals that better reflect these redefined wants and needs, as well as your expectations of others. Energies are powerful for a fresh start or turning point. |
The Full Moon on the 12th brings your obligations to friends or groups to light. You could be so wrapped up in your personal life that you now need to reach out to others and remind them that they matter. There could be criticisms to deal with or tension surrounding money involved that act as catalysts for making changes. From the 9th forward, Mars is in your partnership sector, and while this can pull up some needed confrontations with others, with Venus retrograde concurrently, there can be tact and decorum missing, leading to problems that may not resolve for some time. Be watchful of this tendency and protect what's yours. All signs point to the need to pace yourself in March. This is not the time to speed ahead with new endeavors. You can feel a strong desire to produce, but also a strong desire to pull back this month, and it's vital that you keep things moderate. This month, you are learning new things about old problems, mainly related to work, health, and relationships. From the 25th, you are ready to turn over a new leaf. The desire to be productive, useful, and helpful is adamant, and you might feel especially motivated to make changes or to pursue a new path that improves your life. This can be as simple as an attitude change in light of recent revelations. Seeing where you may have been tripping up or chasing the wrong things in the past can be part of this. Resolutions to change these patterns might be made now, and you have extra support from the cosmos in this respect. Brand new beginnings in the material world should probably wait, but that doesn't mean you can't begin anew on an emotional level. |
From the 9th forward, attention to detail on the job can be in focus and quite consuming. You can work longer hours than usual, or push harder and more energetically in health and fitness routines, and these can be areas of much satisfaction and accomplishment. Especially if your social life is up and down and you need to clear your head, pouring your energy into constructive work efforts or self-care programs can help you work through problems. While professional and health pursuits are revving up, many factors point to the need to slow down in other life departments in March. Pacing yourself is important now. You may be struggling with a desire to take a few risks and the need to stick with safe bets, as both ends of the pole are compelling. Excesses in either direction should be curbed, and a compromise should be sought. The tendency is to invest too much of your energy and resources into new beginnings before doing the necessary research. While it can be tough to do so right now, aim for moderation. The 25-27 is a powerful time for reorienting yourself in a new direction on an emotional level with two slate-cleaning events in your sector of romance and creativity: the Sun aligns with retrograde Venus and then the Moon in the sign of Aries. The Sun shines its light on your past, particularly relating to romantic relationships or opportunities gone by, and you can feel especially motivated to make things better going forward with a new set of expectations and redefined needs. Insight gained now makes it so much easier to seek out those people and things that truly fit your life going forward. |
CapricornWhile practical matters were a great focus in February, dear Capricorn, information gathering is a bigger theme in March. Your attention has now turned more fully to learning, communicating, and networking. It's an important month for new ideas and insight.
Balancing your personal and professional or public life can be challenging but necessary now. You'll want to go hard in your career with Jupiter in your career sector until October, but now that Jupiter is retrograde, it's safe to ease up a little. This is a particularly good idea since most of the astrology of March encourages pacing yourself and cutting excesses. Avoid taking on so much that you end up unable to enjoy the process of achieving your goals. Regarding home and family, reviving old projects or returning to previous conditions may be beneficial this month. Channeling your energies into a project around the home that will truly make life easier can be particularly useful to you now, especially if it's a work in progress to which you are returning. What you find valuable and worth your while can change significantly with Venus retrograde. It’s a fine time for discovering information that was previously hidden to you, or for looking at something from an entirely different perspective, particularly related to family relationships and career. Two events occurring on the 25-27 help wipe the slate clean on these levels. Insight gained now can lead to a new understanding of what you want and need, leading to a new beginning on an emotional level. Reconnecting ties with people you love may prove particularly satisfying now. |
Responsibilities to others, particularly on a financial level, become hard to ignore around the 12th with a Full Moon occurring in your solar eighth house. Criticism or worry may be a catalyst for making changes regarding dependencies and support systems. You may want to wait before launching your more important business or financial plans until after mid-April. However, pay particular attention to the ideas coming to you throughout March, and do your research. From the 9th, you're likely to pour a lot of your energies into home and family life, whether this is for home improvement projects, family activities, or working in the home. There can be some tensions in the family unit, particularly with Venus retrograde and less apparent charm, warmth, and diplomacy. However, if you can rally up the necessary cooperation, you can achieve a lot this month and next. You can be quite preoccupied with people and situations from the past this month, and while this shouldn't be overdone, it can be very useful. Some of your interests are waning, but it's better to treat this as a break or pause rather than an ending. You are seeing past relationships and expectations in a different light and redefining what it is you now want and need from your connections and your studies. New information can surface that shines a light on a past matter, or there can be a connection made with someone from your past. Either way, you feel as if you’re starting fresh from the 25-27. It’s a strong time to put negative attitudes behind you and to go forward pursuing your true heart’s desires. Perhaps you now recognize a line of study, personal interest, or another "calling" that's a better fit for you. |
The first half of the month plays to you rather well. A partner has your wants and needs in mind, and work matters are favored. Your responsibilities to a special someone are hard to ignore around the Full Moon on the 12th, however. Relationships demand your full attention then. Money and possessions are tricky areas this month, and so are matters of ownership and dependency. You may feel a little too dependent on others now, particularly if you're waiting on a big payment or if you're experiencing a slowdown in business, which can stir the pot. Avoid an abrupt, impatient, or defensive manner for best results. From the 9th forward, your daily life picks up pace. You can feel particularly impassioned and motivated to learn, share ideas, and work on pet projects. You may come across a little abruptly at times, but you have a lot going on and much to keep you busy and engaged. You can be looking at money matters from a new and helpful perspective and motivation to turn over a new leaf regarding finances and relationship expectations can be strong on the 25-27. Turn your attention to things you already have and think about how you can rework or recycle them for best results. This is a good time for finding the motivation and determination to complete a project, particularly business-related, that you've put on a shelf. |
Detailed Monthly Horoscopes are here.
Next Month in Astrology may be available (usually by the 20th of the previous month).

Timeline of Planetary Aspects – March 2017
Void of Course Moon
Using the table below: The Moon is Void of Course from the time of its last aspect listed below until the Moon enters a new sign. Generally speaking, these periods are not ideal for launching new endeavors.
The times given below are Eastern. These should be adjusted for different time zones. For example, for Pacific Time, subtract 3 hours from the given times.

Void of Course Table for March 2017
See Void of Course dates and times for the full year.

Take a peek at the year ahead with in-depth Future Forecast Reports from Cafe Astrology.
See also:
The Astrology of 2017 – Overview