Neptune in the Houses
Neptune in the 1st house
You might express yourself artistically, and come across as gentle, sensitive, and dreamy, especially if Neptune is close to the Ascendant (within 10 degrees). You are extremely sensitive to your environment. Others tend to see whatever they want to see in you, and you thus can come across very differently to different people! You might encourage this, even without knowing. Your appearance and mannerisms tend to be chameleon-like. You are a peace-loving person. While you don’t come on strong, you can be subtly alluring and intriguing. Others can be drawn to you and feel that you understand them. You can be moody, and your first reaction to problems might be to escape or to feel sorry for yourself, or helpless. You may not feel a strong sense of identity and struggle with your own impressionability. Like a sponge, you absorb the moods of others. Your imagination is powerful. You have an easygoing manner – a “what will be, will be” approach to the world.
Neptune in the 2nd house
You prefer not to attach too much value to money, but if this is overdone, there can be quite a few problems in your life concerning money and ownership. You might make money through artistic pursuits, but you should watch for the potential pitfalls of putting too much faith in ideas that don’t have enough grounding in reality. In this case, financial advice is imperative to obtain.
You may develop a non-materialistic personal philosophy. This can certainly work well for you, particularly if Neptune is well-supported in your chart. However, it could also lead to impractical attitudes and money problems. When it comes to making money, you tend to act on hunches and intuition. You might have faith that you will come into money one day, or daydream a lot about being wealthy! The trick is to have faith in your own self-worth. If you frequently have money problems, you might want to examine whether you truly are not attached to material things, or if at the root of your personal philosophy, you are actually undervaluing your worth or value.
When Neptune is in good condition in the second house, there can be a sense that you are wealthy no matter what you actually have, and this faith can bring you exactly what you need. If Neptune is challenged, you may be glossing over practical details, and money can too easily slip through your fingers. You might be unusually generous, but avoid situations where you get the short end of the stick financially speaking if they lead to feelings of resentment.
Neptune in the 3rd house
Dry, cold facts are hard for you to absorb, and as a result, traditional academics might not appeal. However, you are talented at visualization and whole-style learning. You are perceptive and dreamy, although you often have your head in the clouds and might miss important details. Sticking to schedules can be difficult, and so can tending to errands, communications, and other necessary daily activities. You might “tune out” when you hear specific directions, and consequently miss helpful details. You might, as a result, frequently be late for appointments or miss them altogether. In your communications, you can quickly put others at ease, as you seem to understand them intuitively. You express yourself creatively, imaginatively, and with great charm. However, you might also unwittingly encourage misunderstandings, as you rarely are definite in what you say. Learning, especially when young, can be challenged only because you lack discipline or the style of learning is not creative enough to hold your interest.
Neptune in the 4th house
Your childhood was likely complicated, likely due to an unusually sensitive, absent, preoccupied, or confusing parental figure, or someone you perceived as such. Early home life may have been chaotic in some manner, and you might have failed to achieve a strong sense of identity and groundedness as a result. You might long for a more robust sense of home, family, or mothering and nurture in your life. This might lead you to create an extended family of sorts that includes non-family and helps you to feel loved and nurtured. Or, you might be a nurturing figure yourself, giving of yourself quite freely, and perhaps hoping to receive unconditional love and nurturing in return. If you feel that you often become a “doormat,” then it will be important to set some limits. Alternatively, you might have frequent needs to escape into solitude to replenish your spirit. You might isolate yourself from others needlessly or avoid obligations because they overwhelm you. Seeing your family and your childhood in a realistic light may be challenging for you, as you have many dreams and inflated expectations from home and family which can interfere with your perceptions. You might swing from over-idealizing them to impressions that they are far more challenging than they actually are/were, and in both cases, you are going to extremes. Make it a goal to see family more clearly.
Neptune in the 5th house
You are an imaginative and creative person with a strong sense of drama. You are inspired by art and feel compelled to express yourself in a fantastic or dramatic manner. You could be an excellent actor. You might also be an exceptionally creative teacher or caregiver, perhaps drawn to helping children with special needs. You have a powerful need to be appreciated, particularly on romantic and creative levels. Your love life involves a lot of fantasy, and often your deep need for drama can lead you to see things that you want to see, and your romantic perceptions may not be accurate as a result. You might attract unusual, chaotic, or secretive circumstances in your love life if you are not spiritually content. You might be attracted to lovers who you feel need to be saved somehow, but you could end up with people who are confused, distant, non-committal, or dependent. Keeping a high level of drama in your love life is important to you, but it can also be exhausting over time. Finding a balance will be vital — keep your ideals, but try to avoid expecting far too much from ordinary people.
Neptune in the 6th house
With Neptune in the sixth house, you may easily gloss over the details of managing day-to-day affairs. Perhaps you’ve adopted a personal philosophy that life means more than just sticking to routines, making lists, and organizing bills to pay. However, avoiding or ignoring these essential responsibilities can lead to much confusion and chaos, as well as guilt. You might give in to co-workers too easily, or not take credit for your own hard work. You could have inflated ideals regarding being helpful to others. You want to help others unconditionally, but if you don’t draw some lines and boundaries, you could feel put upon. Or, you could feel helpless when it comes to managing your daily affairs or work, and often depend on others to save you from these tasks. On the level of health, you might have mysterious health complaints that are hard to diagnose, sensitivity to drugs, or allergies. These might be related to the aforementioned guilt. You can have a keen interest in alternative health methods. Some of you can be especially compassionate with animals and pets.
Neptune in the 7th house
You are inclined to give more to a partnership (including marriage) than you take. There may be a tendency to wear rose-colored glasses when it comes to the selection of a partner, in an attempt to find a soulmate. The need for a strong psychic or intuitive link with a partner is so high that your perceptions in partnership are not always accurate. You need to take a step back, consciously attempting to see your partners and relationships for who/what they are, rather than what you wish them to be. You might be attracted to relationships in which you feel a partner needs to be saved somehow, or in which a partner saves you. However, you might end up with people who only serve to confuse you, who are noncommittal or unavailable, or who are overly dependent. You tend to idealize a partner, assigning them traits that you want them to have, or even seeing them as worse than they are due to inflated and dramatic expectations. You need to develop discipline and discrimination when it comes to setting limits, selecting partners, and keeping communication clear in a relationship. In some cases, people with this position give up their power to partners and become dependent upon them. You are likely a creative negotiator, and you can be especially accommodating with others. Positively, you are very talented at bringing out the good in another person, particularly a partner, if that person is appreciative of your efforts and is willing to grow.
Neptune in the 8th house
There is a spiritual longing with this position. You might often experience deja vu or other psychic phenomena. You pay attention to dreams, and you might enjoy analyzing them. Sexual fantasies or role-playing can be strong themes in your life. You might yearn for a spiritual form of ecstasy on an intimate level–a soul connection. You could feel that your needs on this level are always just out of reach. You can be a giver in bed, and perhaps feel that you give more than you get. Alternatively, you could be in the opposite position in which you seek partners who are exceptionally giving on a sexual level. Either way, there is an imbalance, and you could be left wanting. With Neptune in the 8th, it can be especially important to be discriminating when it comes to selecting sexual partners if Neptune is challenged. You may not see your partner clearly because of a deep need for extraordinary or fantastical experiences. There may be times when you give more than you take with money. If a more aggressive personality seems to want something more, you will cut them a better deal. Your shared finances may be chaotic in some way. You may be taken advantage of on a monetary level in partnership, or you might keep poor financial records and end up paying or owing more as a result. There can be a blurring of boundaries when it comes to finances and partnership, whether that means you allow a partner to control your finances or you adopt a “what’s mine is yours” philosophy without following up on or enforcing the “what’s yours is mine” part. In this way, you may leave yourself open to deception or even fraud. You can be a bit sloppy with accounting. You may have problems collecting inheritance and could encounter difficulties on a financial level through the marital partner. Over the years, you will likely learn to take more responsibility for your finances and learn to be less timid about taking ownership of what is rightfully yours. You are very creative and imaginative sexually, and you understand and accept a broad range of styles and preferences on a sexual level.
Neptune in the 9th house
With Neptune in your ninth house, you’re inclined to believe that anything is possible and to put extraordinary faith in the universe. This faith can bring about favorable circumstances, but if taken too far, might lead to wastefulness and laziness. For example, you may depend too much on being saved “one day” and avoid certain practical responsibilities in the meantime. You might make lofty plans that don’t get off the ground or that fail to materialize because you have neglected some concrete details. In some cases, people with this position can become blind in their faith, as they don’t always take the time to think about why they believe in what they do. Others might be easily led astray by concepts, religions, or cults that do not serve them well. In some cases, there can be some confusion or chaos when it comes to getting a higher education, but this can be countered by discipline to complete your studies if you are seeking a degree.
However, in most cases, this position is very beneficial. You are refreshingly open-minded and open to mystical ideas or interpretations. Positive spirituality can figure strongly in your life. You are excellent at inspiring others to go after their dreams. The faith you have can certainly carry you far if you keep your feet on the ground and recognize that you are in the driver’s seat when it comes to steering your life in a particular direction. Your spiritual beliefs are well-developed. You are very open to unusual or avant-garde concepts, and you are especially attracted to anything exotic. You could be excellent at promotion and marketing, coming up with very creative methods of persuasion. You might also be a uniquely creative and compassionate teacher. Strive to keep your larger plans and goals realistic, while maintaining your ideals.
Neptune in the 10th house
With Neptune in the tenth house of your natal chart, you have exceptionally strong intuition when it comes to current trends, business, and what the public wants, and you are likely to bring much creativity, vision, and artistic sense to your career. This position is suitable for a career in the arts, with the media, in the helping professions, and involving charity work.
If or when challenged, Neptune here can point to drifting without a clear direction or a lack of clearly defined goals. You may find it hard to find a “calling” in life, perhaps because of fears that a particular profession will be less than ideal, or due to fear of your being less than perfect. You might want to examine whether your expectations are inflated or unrealistic. Some of you might fear taking responsibility for your lives or others’ lives. You may have received confusing or chaotic messages in early life, and subsequently find it hard to take a definite direction or path in life, or fear taking responsibility. In your career, you may not always get your due recognition, which can also stem from a problem with assigning yourself worth. Others might take credit for your work, or you could have difficulties being recognized and rewarded by your superiors until you genuinely believe in yourself and your abilities and talents. You may not project yourself clearly, and you should be cautious about your reputation. While you often prefer anonymity, try not to encourage others’ misperceptions about you.
However, Neptune here has plenty of positives, including a brilliant and inspiring vision, a natural talent for understanding the public and interacting with it, as well as a uniquely creative or gentle approach to your work. You lead others with kindness. You’re likely to have a strong sense of destiny.
Neptune in the 11th house
You have very accepting, humanitarian, and idealistic views. You are especially idealistic about friendships, always adapting and displaying much flexibility with people, but hopefully not to the point that you’re taken for granted. Some with this position are so accommodating and non-discriminating in their choice of friends that they leave themselves open to being deceived or used. You may find it very challenging to draw up boundaries when it comes to how much of yourself you give up to keep the peace in friendships. You might also find it hard to get in touch with your deepest wishes and hopes, and what it is that will make you happy. You might frequently feel unsatisfied as you reach a goal, wanting something more. You might also yearn for a feeling of true camaraderie and spiritual connection with friends or through group associations, but because your ideals are so high, you often feel dissatisfied or let down. You are likely to attract artistic, sensitive, or unusual and even off-center friends into your life or these are the “types” you find attractive.
If you’re experiencing problems with this position, you should strive to be careful not to give so much of yourself that you end up feeling used. Strive also to be clear with others to avoid confusing or chaotic situations. Otherwise, this is a very favorable position for Neptune. You are understanding and open-minded, possessing much sympathy and compassion for the underdog or the downtrodden. You’re also charitable and sympathetic to various causes and movements.
Neptune in the 12th house
You possess exceptional intuition, and you draw upon tremendous inner strength and faith when in a pinch, which might surprise others because of your easygoing manner. You may be exceptionally sensitive but not always able to express your compassion and concern in direct ways, which can give rise to feelings of guilt. If you deny the spiritual side of your nature, you run the risk of chronic discontent, and you may feel very vulnerable to regular changes in life, fearing that you may not be able to handle them. In truth, your faith runs deep and surfaces when you need it most, so this fear is ungrounded. You need to learn to believe in yourself, or you might resort to escapist behavior and avoid problems when they do crop up. Some with this position only discover their deep spiritual inclinations later in life, or they are aware of them but have troubles expressing them until they have built a stronger identity.
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