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Sun enters Taurus

20apr4:13 amSun enters TaurusPlanetary Ingress


The Sun enters Taurus

Sun is in Taurus from April 20-May 21, 2023. The Sun enters Taurus on April 20, 2024, at 4:13 AM EDT.

In Taurus, the Sun is methodical, sensual, and receptive. The Sun in Taurus is most active when it is defending or resisting! As the Sun moves through Taurus when plants take root, our determination and security needs are strong. Taurus is loyal to all that is familiar and values longevity. The shadow side of Taurus is possessiveness and bullheadedness.

The Sun in Taurus is the connoisseur and sensualist. It’s patient, stubborn, earthy, stable, and rooted. The Sun-in-Taurus cycle is a good one for maintaining or building, as well as enjoying and appreciating what’s already in place. While the Taurus Sun is slow to warm up, it’s stable and persevering once it does. We value what’s long-term, strong, and lasting during this phase.

While the Sun is in Taurus in 2023, it makes the following aspects:

Sun in Taurus aspects in 2023

Sun in Taurus

Sun in Taurus


April 20, 2023 4:13 am EDT(GMT-04:00)

View in my time



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