Cafe Astrology .com

September 7, 2019

07sepOverview of the DaySeptember 7, 2019Daily Overview


Saturday, SEPTEMBER 7

A Mercury-Neptune opposition early today suggests we may be seeing others in an unrealistic light and discrepancies can emerge that challenge our thinking. Concentrating on technical facts can be difficult. If our minds are wandering, it may be that we have neglected to feed our imaginations recently. We should watch for misrepresenting ourselves, overlooking critical practical details, and thoughts that are self-defeating. However, this can be a good time for stretching our thinking to dream up possibilities we might miss on a regular day.

This morning’s Venus-Uranus minor square can stimulate unusual attractions, whether to people, objects, or situations, that might prompt us to act on a whim. We may deal with freedom versus closeness issues in our relationships. Relationships or finances can be unpredictable. Even so, changes now can create fresh opportunities that can add to our feelings of joy and freedom. The Moon continues its transit of Sagittarius until 6:38 AM EDT, after which the Moon moves through Capricorn.

The Moon continues its void period until it enters Capricorn today at 6:38 AM EDT.



September 7, 2019 Overview of the Day EDT(GMT-04:00)

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