Cafe Astrology .com

September 4 2023

04sepOverview of the DaySeptember 4 2023Daily Overview



Retrograde Mercury forms a trine to Jupiter shortly before Jupiter stations and turns retrograde today.

Jupiter will remain retrograde until December 30th, and slowing down projects or plans may be appropriate to gain perspective. Initially, our enthusiasm and confidence might wane, and we may experience a crisis of faith or hope. “Luck” may be less overt while Jupiter is retrograde until near the end of the year, but it’s a good time to look within and reassess recent goals.

Note that Jupiter spends its retrograde entirely in the sign of Taurus.

Retrograde Mercury returns to form a trine to Jupiter this morning. This aspect first formed on August 9th and will perfect for a third and final time on September 25th.

Today, we might return to a previous idea from a new perspective. Mercury in harmony with Jupiter boosts our optimism and faith. We gain a positive outlook through conversations and a sense of hope or trust in the future. We are seeking out a little extra meaning to our projects and experiences.

The Moon spends the day in Taurus, aligning with stationing Jupiter this afternoon, and our hearts are in our projects, plans, dreams, and ideals.


September 4, 2023 Overview of the Day EDT(GMT-04:00)

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