Cafe Astrology .com

September 18, 2019

18sepOverview of the DaySeptember 18, 2019Daily Overview


Wednesday, SEPTEMBER 18

Saturn stations as it turns direct today after retrograde motion since April 29th. This shift comes as a potent reminder to take care of our responsibilities and bring our goals down to earth this week. With it, our obligations, and perhaps our limitations, are magnified. Gradually going forward, our long-term goals and plans become more explicit. The Moon is in steady Taurus all day. This Moon transit encourages us to enjoy ourselves and appreciate what we have going for us. There can be a slowing down and stabilizing of our feelings. Earthy activities and sensual pleasures appeal now more than usual, and we find a sense of peace and contentment with that which is familiar and reliable. Even so, the Moon harmonizes with Pluto and Mars as these two bodies head toward a harmonious trine, exact tomorrow morning. We can be feeling determined and ready to make long-lasting changes as the day advances.


September 18, 2019 Overview of the Day EDT(GMT-04:00)

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