Cafe Astrology .com

September 16 2022

16sepOverview of the DaySeptember 16 2022Daily Overview


Friday, SEPTEMBER 16

Venus forms a square to Mars today, and we can feel tension or dissatisfaction. This transit can awaken many urges and desires, but most may only be whims or distractions. Disagreements are possible as differences and contrasts stand out more than usual. A passive or soft approach may irritate, but an aggressive approach can be grating, too–we seem to have poor timing. We can be temperamental and sensitive. What we value and what we desire are at odds.

Ideally, discontent prompts creative improvements and changes. However, it’s best to be wary of making impulse purchases and relationship decisions under these conditions. There is an air of competitiveness under this influence, which can be challenging or refreshing, or perhaps both!

The Sun forms an opposition to Neptune, also stirring discontent. We’ve been paying more attention to service to others and our physical health, and we may need to take a step back for spiritual refreshment. With this transit, we can feel directionless and not very up to facing everyday realities. The tendency to put people on a pedestal or glamorize others can come to a head now, extending beyond people to situations and objects.

It’s a time for seeking a better balance between action and reflection. We are more sensitive and vulnerable today but also prone to misperceiving people or situations. We might watch for projecting our unrealized dreams or wishes onto others.

With willpower low and perceptions off, it’s not a good time for major financial undertakings or formal agreements.

Venus harmonizing with the Moon’s Nodes can motivate us to seek and create harmony. We might recognize that cooperation brings us closer to our goals. We could feel lucky in love or business, and we might make a fortunate connection.


September 16, 2022 Overview of the Day EDT(GMT-04:00)

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