Cafe Astrology .com

September 1 2021

01sepOverview of the DaySeptember 1 2021Daily Overview


Wednesday, SEPTEMBER 1

The Moon quickly changes signs early into the day, entering Cancer at 1:26 AM EDT. With the Cancer Moon, we’re both protective of others and self-protective.

Spotlighting the possible defensiveness of this Moon transit, the Sun and Pluto form a sesquiquadrate. This transit can aggravate fears and any feelings we may have of being powerless or overlooked. Buried emotions and motives can surface now. We might crave a sense of control over events, relationships, and circumstances, becoming frustrated at any sign that we don’t have it. A tendency to want to control our lives through some form of manipulation is persistent with this aspect. However, it’s best to rise above this pressure.

The void Moon continues today until the Moon enters Cancer at 1:26 AM EDT.


September 1, 2021 Overview of the Day EDT(GMT-05:00)

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