Cafe Astrology .com

October 8 2023

08octOverview of the DayOctober 8 2023Daily Overview


Sunday, OCTOBER 8

The Moon spends the day in lively, outgoing Leo, but a Mars-Pluto square adds an edge to the day. With this aspect, we crave a sense of control over events, relationships, or circumstances and become frustrated at any sign that we don’t have it.

However, attempts to gain control or power tend to be fruitless. This square can stir intense desires that may not easily be satisfied. There may be arguments, standstills, and power games. It would be wise to observe and learn from whatever powerful feelings arise through confrontations or conflicts. We should try to remain flexible, perhaps devising strategies for achieving our goals rather than attempting to push them through at all costs.

Venus leaves Leo after an extended stay and enters Virgo today, where it will transit until November 8th. Virgo is sensual but also reasonably practical. We might enjoy our work or wellness routines more than usual while Venus is in Virgo, and the satisfaction of a job well done cannot be underestimated during this cycle. Pleasures and pastimes that serve a useful purpose are more attractive. We express our love through practical means and gestures–running errands, doing detailed work, or just being there for our loved ones.

Still, there can be some nervousness, and we should watch for a tendency to worry or fret, especially in our relationships.


October 8, 2023 Overview of the Day EDT(GMT-04:00)

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