Cafe Astrology .com

October 8 2021

08octOverview of the DayOctober 8 2021Daily Overview


Friday, OCTOBER 8

The Moon spends the day in the sign of Scorpio. With this transit, we seek a stronger emotional connection to the world around us or a particular project or person. It’s a time of observation and strategy. The Moon in Scorpio is persistent, passionate, and perceptive. However, the Moon forms a square to Jupiter and opposes Uranus today, and there can be some resistance to our needs and desires. We can feel pulled in different directions or put off by others’ unreliability.

Compounding problems, Venus and retrograde Mercury head toward a semi-square, and our words may not reflect what’s in our hearts. As we try to get the words just right, we could fall short with sensitivity. We may be in two minds about a matter–decisions can be hard to come by. Nevertheless, we’re making an extra effort to cooperate.


October 8, 2021 Overview of the Day EDT(GMT-04:00)

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