Cafe Astrology .com

October 7, 2022

07octOverview of the DayOctober 7, 2022Daily Overview


Friday, OCTOBER 7

The Sun opposes Chiron this morning, and we confront our insecurities and vulnerabilities through our relationships and interactions. Lack of faith in our own decisions is possible. The desire to learn and grow through experiences and others is strong but hampered by a lack of confidence or a fear of being different. We may not be seeing eye to eye with others.

We might also be so concerned with keeping others happy that we are afraid to assert our desires. However, this is also a time to recognize something important about ourselves through our sensitivities and reactions.

Today’s Pisces Moon is typically good energy for winding down. This Moon is compassionate and spiritual, encouraging an intuitive approach to the day.

However, the Moon forms a square to Mars tonight, firing up our feelings and stirring us into action, although possibly also prompting some missteps. Rising desires to learn, share, and connect can seem to interfere with the calm or zen we’re trying to achieve.


October 7, 2022 Overview of the Day EDT(GMT-05:00)

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