Cafe Astrology .com

October 5, 2019

05octOverview of the DayOctober 5, 2019Daily Overview


Saturday, OCTOBER 5

The First Quarter Moon is exact when the Sun in Libra forms a square with the Moon in Capricorn early afternoon. There is a crisis theme surrounding any quarter Moon phase, as we feel compelled to take action. Shortly after, we are made aware of how our actions affect those close to us, perhaps through trial and error. Whatever project or initiative started around the New Moon is now off the ground, and it may face its first obstacles. The Moon spends the day in resourceful, sensible, and earthy Capricorn.

Mercury is quincunx Chiron and semi-square Jupiter today, and it can be hard to read the intention behind the words used to communicate now, which can lead to minor misunderstandings. We may feel a little overwhelmed with information or, on the other side of things, overlook essential details. There’s a tendency to exaggerate or dramatize as tedious mental tasks are especially difficult to digest.


October 5, 2019 Overview of the Day EDT(GMT-04:00)

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