Cafe Astrology .com

October 24 2023

24octOverview of the DayOctober 24 2023Daily Overview


Tuesday, OCTOBER 24

With the Sun trine Saturn early today, we have a stronger sense of responsibility, loyalty, and tradition. We’re also more persevering, ready to put in the work and draw on patience to achieve a longer-term goal. We’re wiser and more moderate and balanced with this transit in play.

The Moon continues its transit of Aquarius only until 4:34 AM EDT when it heads into Pisces. The Pisces Moon is gentle and kind, although sometimes distant or withdrawn. We’re processing and digesting recent events at this time of the lunar month. This Moon transit also encourages the need to connect with our inner world.

It can feel especially good to put our faith in someone or something now, especially with a Sun-Neptune biquintile tonight. We see the spiritual dimensions or imaginative elements of our pursuits.

The Moon is void until it enters Pisces today at 4:34 AM EDT.


October 24, 2023 Overview of the Day EDT(GMT-04:00)

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