Cafe Astrology .com

October 21 2023

21octOverview of the DayOctober 21 2023Daily Overview


Saturday, OCTOBER 21

The Sun forms a square to Pluto this morning, and there continues to be mistrust or heaviness in the air. Temporarily, our relationship goals may feel at odds with our more worldly ambitions. Events occurring now tend to highlight problems with trust–it’s not easy to put our faith in others (or in life/the process). We might aim to discover our inner power that comes from a strong sense of self rather than superficial energy derived from manipulating people into doing what we want them to do. This transit can help us identify areas of over-attachment, but we may find it difficult to let go and unwind. It’s best to aim for self-control now.

Tonight, the First Quarter Moon occurs, and we can experience some tension or stress that motivates change. There is a crisis theme surrounding any quarter Moon phase, as we feel compelled to take action. Shortly after, we become aware of how our actions affect those close to us, perhaps through trial and error. Relationship and material goals tend to clash, causing some pressure or anxiety but also the will to improve.

Fortunately, we head toward a Venus-Jupiter trine that is exact early tomorrow morning, stirring friendly energy and our desire for the ideal. This transit can lift our spirits and turn our attention to joy. It helps to both soften and strengthen us. Our tolerance for rudeness or crassness decreases. We are big-hearted, and our feelings are big, begging for expression. Gestures tend to be thoughtful and practical. We’re hopeful, cheerful, and cooperative. This is a sociable, perhaps lazy and self-indulgent time. We are quick to find meaning in our social connections, and we’re opening up, trusting others more, and expecting the best. Integrity and loyalty are in the spotlight.


October 21, 2023 Overview of the Day EDT(GMT-04:00)

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