Cafe Astrology .com

October 17 2023

17octOverview of the DayOctober 17 2023Daily Overview


Tuesday, OCTOBER 17

Mercury forms a quincunx with Uranus this morning, and it can be challenging to gain others’ understanding. We should watch for poorly considered decisions, impulsive communications, and disorganization leading to misunderstandings. We might also deal with a lack of receptiveness to practical advice.

Mercury heads toward a semi-square to Venus as the day advances, potentially producing further misunderstandings, indecision, or misjudgments. It’s not easy to concentrate or connect with our hearts under this influence. There can be irritating disconnects as we either rationalize our feelings or emotionalize our observations.

The Moon continues in determined, perceptive Scorpio until 3:37 PM, when it heads into truth-seeking, optimistic Sagittarius.

The Moon is void from 11:44 AM EDT, with the Moon’s last aspect before changing signs (a sextile to Pluto), until the Moon enters Sagittarius at 3:37 PM EDT.


October 17, 2023 Overview of the Day EDT(GMT-05:00)

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