October 14 2023
14octOverview of the DayOctober 14 2023Daily Overview
Saturday, OCTOBER 14 The New Moon Solar Eclipse occurs today at 1:55 PM EDT. In the sign of Libra, the focus is on negotiating, partnering, and creating harmony and
Saturday, OCTOBER 14
The New Moon Solar Eclipse occurs today at 1:55 PM EDT. In the sign of Libra, the focus is on negotiating, partnering, and creating harmony and balance. It’s about new beginnings regarding these issues, and long-term changes are in the works!
This eclipse is the second in an Aries-Libra set with us from April 2023 to March 2025. This eclipse can highlight and challenge our issues surrounding partnerships and in/dependence. While we’ve been building our independence and working on assertiveness since the April eclipse in Aries, this October eclipse in Libra prompts us to consider healthy relating and how it affects the process. Circumstances nudge us to see where we haven’t been balanced.
Ultimately, we are better positioned to understand that changes or endings are necessary for our growth. However, with the eclipse occurring now, we remain symbolically in the dark, and it’s best to take our time with new beginnings.
Today’s Mercury-Chiron opposition colors the day with some uncertainty. We may interpret feedback as criticism and should watch for misrepresenting ourselves. As we focus on the differences and weaknesses rather than the strong points, we may give too much weight to matters that don’t deserve attention.
October 14, 2023 Overview of the Day EDT(GMT-05:00)