Cafe Astrology .com

November 28, 2019

28novOverview of the DayNovember 28, 2019Daily Overview


Thursday, NOVEMBER 28

Mercury forms a trine to Neptune early today, and we’re working on hunches that tend to be more accurate than not. Venus forms a trine to Uranus, bringing us out of our shells, encouraging our bolder, more innovative natures, socially speaking. We are especially interested in all that is new, fresh, invigorating, unusual, and out-of-the-ordinary with regards to romantic involvements, entertainment or pleasures, and financial undertakings. We may be experimenting, improvising, and trying on new ways of relating to others and expressing ourselves. We might discover alternative ways to make (or spend) money. We’re freer with our feelings, although a little detached, and we find beauty in the unfamiliar or uncommon.

A Sun-Pluto semi-square later today does suggest some struggle letting go, and we might crave a sense of control over events, relationships, and circumstances, becoming frustrated at any sign that we don’t have it. The Moon continues to transit Sagittarius until 7:33 AM EST, after which the Moon is in Capricorn.

The Moon is void from 5:50 AM EST, with the Moon’s last aspect before changing signs (a conjunction to Jupiter), until the Moon enters Capricorn at 7:33 AM EST.


November 28, 2019 Overview of the Day EDT(GMT-04:00)

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