Cafe Astrology .com

November 25, 2019

25novOverview of the DayNovember 25, 2019Daily Overview


Monday, NOVEMBER 25

The Sun forms a quincunx with Uranus, and we could be dealing with minor changes of plans or a restless urge for change that interferes with the flow. We can experience some fear of change that stops us in our tracks, temporarily. A Mercury-Jupiter semi-square aspect also impacts our perceptions and decision-making. Venus moves into Capricorn today, and until December 20th, we are more likely to form connections with people who support our ambitions. We value enduring relationships, reliability, and faithfulness. We take expressing our feelings seriously and could take our time warming up to others. The Moon is Balsamic today with a New Moon occurring tomorrow morning, suggesting it’s better to wind ourselves down than to start brand new ventures. It’s an appropriate time to tie up loose ends and reflect on recent events.

The void Moon occurs from 12:30 PM EST, with the Moon’s last aspect before changing signs (a sextile to Pluto), until the Moon enters Sagittarius the next day, Tuesday, November 26th, at 3:11 AM EST.


November 25, 2019 Overview of the Day EDT(GMT-04:00)

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