Cafe Astrology .com

November 20 2023

20novOverview of the DayNovember 20 2023Daily Overview


Monday, NOVEMBER 20

The First Quarter Moon is exact this morning, with the Sun in Scorpio square to the Moon in Aquarius. A crisis theme surrounds any quarter Moon phase as we feel compelled to take action. There can be some trial and error or tension to manage now, although it can also help motivate us to make a move! Recent new beginnings may face their first obstacles. Tensions run high.

However, as the day advances, the Sun forms a sextile to Pluto, and Mars will do the same tomorrow. This Sun-Pluto sextile puts us in a renovating spirit–we seek more depth from our activities and connections. It subtly increases our determination, ambition, and dedication. Making improvements or working toward a personal goal can be successful now. We tend to direct our energy constructively and seek new insight into our lives.

It’s a time to discover new ways of looking at problems or life. We feel more vital and enjoy the empowered feeling that results from making changes and improvements. Research might bring rewards. With this transit, we benefit from strategy and perhaps some discretion.

A Mercury-Chiron trine is also in play today, opening our minds to learning from one another. This influence aids with communicating our feelings constructively. We’re relaying our messages in relatable, accessible ways. Good energy is with us for discussing or giving more thought to sensitive topics. We’re especially alert, observant, and willing to understand. It’s easier than usual to communicate our message now, although this is less about getting the exact wording right and more about conveying our intentions. We might discover new ways to approach problems.

The Moon is void from 5:50 AM EST, with the Moon’s last aspect before changing signs (a square to the Sun), until the Moon enters Pisces at 9:29 AM EST.


November 20, 2023 Overview of the Day EST(GMT-04:00)

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