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Mercury turns direct in Sagittarius

15dec3:56 pmMercury turns direct in SagittariusDirect Station


Mercury now turns direct at 6° Sagittarius 24′.

Mercury was retrograde from November 25th, at 22° Sagittarius 40′, until December 15th, 2024, at 6° Sagittarius 24′.

Mercury Retrograde Cycle from November 25 to December 15, 2024:

A depiction of the degrees traversed while Mercury is retrograde, shown as 22 Sagittarius to 6 degrees Sagittarius

Mercury Retrograde in Sagittarius: November 24-December 15, 2024

  • On November 7, 2024, Mercury enters the Retrograde Zone (pre-retrograde shadow) at 6° Sagittarius 24′
  • On November 25, 2024, Mercury stations and turns retrograde at 22° Sagittarius 40’Rx
  • On December 15, 2024, Mercury stations and turns direct at 6° Sagittarius 24’D
  • On January 2, 2025, Mercury leaves the Retrograde Zone (post-retrograde zone) at 22° Sagittarius 40′

The year 2024’s final retrograde Mercury cycle began on November 25th and ends now.

Mercury’s post-retrograde shadow (from December 15th, 2024, to January 2nd, 2025) is generally better for new long-term endeavors than the pre-retrogrades shadow. For new enterprises in the pre-retrograde shadow, the venture’s secondary progressed Mercury will turn direction (retrograde) in the coming years, which may not be ideal.

Also note that things are most wonky on and around the days of the stations whether Mercury is turning retrograde OR direct (the start and end dates of the retrograde cycle) as the shifts occur, after which we grow more accustomed to the energy.

Mercury is retrograde approximately three times a year for approximately three weeks each time. As such, retrograde Mercury is a fairly common occurrence (Mercury is retrograde approximately 18% of the time).

As the planet of communication, Mercury retrograde tends to breed a certain level of confusion. Mercury rules our “lower” mind–how we perceive and interpret information that we receive from our environment, and how we relay that information to others. Mercury has rulership over such things as speaking, negotiating, buying and selling, listening, formal contracts, documents, travel, the mail and shipping, and so forth. All of these areas of life are affected when Mercury is functioning in a sluggish state. Decision-making is challenged during Mercury retrograde.

Needless to say, it is not advised to sign contracts, engage in important decision-making, or launch a new business. Delays and challenges are more probable with Mercury retrograde. It’s a time when being careless with money, our personal information, or paperwork can be costly.

While Mercury was retrograde, we may have been rethinking a previous opinion or idea. Looking to the signs and houses it transits can give clues as to what we may be deciding. In Sagittarius, we were reconsidering ideas, beliefs, modes of communication and transportation, and matters of faith.

Now that Mercury is direct, slowly but surely, information unclogs, and we can move on. Ideally, while Mercury was retrograde, we had the chance to catch up, refine details, and change our minds if needed.


December 15, 2024 3:56 pm EST(GMT-04:00)

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